reply to post by TheWalkingFox
Don't get me wrong, i'm not saying don't dissent. Proclaim your beliefs loud and proud. Just be respectful others. "Do unto others as you would
have them do unto you" is something that all people regardless of belief or faith can get behind.
Do you want science classes in schools to be subject to censorship by unelected religious bodies? I don't. Do you want it to spread from
there? Texas is already trying to "Christianize" its history textbooks, complete with slavery apologetics.
But this is the problem. Religious people have not been 100% successful in doing the things you claim. Please explain to me why in a 76% christian
nation (a nation that is only 15% atheistic) There is:
No federal ban on the teaching of evolution or other sciences deemed controversial.
No state mandated religion
No laws that punish non-christians
No state ran church
All laws that were in favor of christianity or anyother religion have been DEFEATED in a nation with a CHRISTIAN MAJORITY. And defeat of these laws
have been supported by christians.
The fact of the matter is that religion is the cause of societies problems as much as atheism if for immorality and marijuana is for heroin usage.
This is the problem i ultimately see. Both sides are refusing to accept the weak points of their stances.
It's just that neither side can support their claims unless you can somehow prove a negative or if atheists will start accepting the COPIUS ammounts
of anecdotal evidence as potential proof, or can offer a true scientific basis for their claims then they have no business in telling people that they
are idiots. Until Theists and other believers can offer replicable evidence outside of isolated incidents (regardless of how many people claim to have
witnessed said incidents). Both sides bash eachother for not having an open mind yet neither can definitively prove the other wrong. To make it worse
you have what i would consider to be honest and good people on both sides going largely unheard because of the rampant cognitive biases that are being
created and indoctrinated into the groups.
When i go to church i have to hear about how people without god are killing and murdering and doing other horrible things. When i hop on ATS or other
websites i have to hear about how people who follow religions or believe in god are murdering and doing horrible things.
Where does this madness come from? Why hasn't any prominent leader in either side been able to say " hey howabout instead of villifying eachother we
work for a common goal that we can all get behind.
Stand up against tyranny, stand up against hatred, but don't stand up against it just because religious or irreligious doctrine is being used to
justify it.
This endless and futile game of " holier than thou" is what is going to destroy us. And it genuinely saddens me that there are people who look down
on me because i think there might be a god, or that there might not be a god, and regardless of how well i argue my stance, regardless of any mutal
agreement, they still insist that i am wrong, they are right and that i am a fool for not agreeing with them 100%
What is a thinking man to do when it is thinking that is being discouraged by both groups?