Originally posted by tasteslikethunder
This was for racists, or people who understand racism as it is now. I'm not sure why you feel so threatened by that? I'm not asking anyone to feel
guilty. interesting...
Well put. Then they dig up the stinking corpse of reparation, which to my mind was only a concept as I could never see how it was ever going to be
implemented. The sheer logistics of ascertaining which families to receive reparations makes the entire thing idiotic.
Yet they get bent out of all reason.
Then the slavery thing comes up and “my ancestors did not have slaves”. Fine whatever.
Then comes the latest boogy man for oppressed white people. White Guilt!!! Here are all of these people just walking around trying to make white
people feel bad about themselves…….
So people do not hold any collective responsibility??? Even when You are the dominant skin colour in a society that seems to discriminate or has done
so in the rcent past?
I must be a nutcase then.
I have explained to many people that no war is prescribed in my “Name”.
Whenever I walk home late at night and find myself walking behind a woman I think it sensible to cross the street so as to make her feel less uneasy.
Do I have man guilt?? Nope. Never raped or assaulted any woman neither. All I am doing is making a stand on humanity.
I realise that not all whites know anything about black people. I am at pains to explain the stupidity of Sharpton (plenty of material there) and
distance myself from that I have commented on the idiocies of black people and the race relations industry like the “New Black panther” thread
and the dreaded “Coca Cola dance fiasco. Do I have white guilt? Nope.
Do I have Black guilt? Nope
BTW I believe that many on ATS are actually incapable of discussing race but obviously wish to. They are incapable of discussing race because it is
always the tired old clichés “Blacks must work harder” "Whites are oppressed", Yada yada yada. Then they start on the straw man arguments
which are often truly irrelevant such as “No to Reparations”! Where no anti racist or black person ever mentioned it in the thread previously.
And the whole thread gets derailed on the same old loop.
Or “Well my family came over from Europe 30 years ago….”
There is a 500lb gorilla in the room that is breaking furniture and pooping on the carpet. It is called racism AD 2000. Few wish to discuss it. And
there is a whole load of denial going on.
Then on the black side the mirror image idiots come out to play sometimes. These idiots are called “Well Black was cool in Egypt and in southern
Europe in the Middle Ages”. Well I like being cool in 2010. Or worse than that there is the melanin Cult (well it aint science).
But the point is what about now? Where the F**K are we going given that we need to sort out the Elites asap?? We also need to sort out this planet
(which is very cool).
It is all too crazy for words.
All I want black people and white people to do is to do their bit and not support racism actively or tacitly. This does not mean reparations or guilt
or whatever straw men are lurking in their cupboards.
Here endeth my rant!
[edit on 20-5-2010 by Tiger5]