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posted on May, 19 2010 @ 02:11 AM
It's hard now to imagine a time in History when "races" did not mix all that often. Physically separated by land mass and not progressive enough yet to fully explore new lands. The time of myth and legend. For all we knew the next land was full of giants or demons. Riches and monsters.

then There was a time in this worlds History where we (usually "white people") Would march in to some "non progressive" culture Like Africa or the natives of any certain area be it Canada or the States or anywhere beyond machete thrust or boat anchor and conquer those peoples. we would take their people or their land and enslaved them somehow. We essentially started stealing people and either transplanting them all over the world to make money for us for little or none in return, or segregating them to a small part of their own land and moving in on the bulk.

it's an evil- evil thing, but you know given the mentality and state of the world in the early stages of exploration i can at the very least understand why it happened. These "primitive"cultures that worshiped the earth and the sun must have seemed such easy prey. They had not even heard of Jesus Christ. They were animals. They didn't even cover themselves.

Lets fast forward. I dont care who you are or where you are from you can not possibly deny that right now, present day, there is not every opposite "race" from YOU doing what you or those you love do the same or better. Not only that but with kindness intelligence and pride. So what is racism? What is it? NOW what is it? What do racists hate?

I guess we were right in thinking there was a land filled with giants and demons, riches and monsters.

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 02:27 AM

Originally posted by tasteslikethunder
It's hard now to imagine a time in History when "races" did not mix all that often. Physically separated by land mass and not progressive enough yet to fully explore new lands. The time of myth and legend. For all we knew the next land was full of giants or demons. Riches and monsters.

then There was a time in this worlds History where we (usually "white people") Would march in to some "non progressive" culture Like Africa or the natives of any certain area be it Canada or the States or anywhere beyond machete thrust or boat anchor and conquer those peoples. we would take their people or their land and enslaved them somehow. We essentially started stealing people and either transplanting them all over the world to make money for us for little or none in return, or segregating them to a small part of their own land and moving in on the bulk.

it's an evil- evil thing, but you know given the mentality and state of the world in the early stages of exploration i can at the very least understand why it happened. These "primitive"cultures that worshiped the earth and the sun must have seemed such easy prey. They had not even heard of Jesus Christ. They were animals. They didn't even cover themselves.

Lets fast forward. I dont care who you are or where you are from you can not possibly deny that right now, present day, there is not every opposite "race" from YOU doing what you or those you love do the same or better. Not only that but with kindness intelligence and pride. So what is racism? What is it? NOW what is it? What do racists hate?

I guess we were right in thinking there was a land filled with giants and demons, riches and monsters.

Only problem is thats not how it happened......blacks and other races enslaved conquered and pillaged long before whites did.

You suffer from what is commonly known as 'white guilt'. Essentially its "white people did evil things blah blah blah so i must feel regretful and sorry".

Bullcrap...i dont feel sorry or regret anything my ancestors did. We have nothing to be sorry for. We just did what other races have been doing long before whites.

We just happened to be better and more methodical at it.

So sorry people of other not sorry.

Im proud of my proud of being white.

Obviously thats 'racist' everyone can be proud of there race except whites.....

Every other race can have a 'black history month' but whites....over compensating much?

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 02:46 AM
reply to post by tauempire

I couldn't have said it better myself. You took the words right out from under my fingers.

We have been lead to believe that we [white people] are somehow at fault for the actions of our ancestors, yet we have not done anything at all. Now, it is the white man, you and me, who is paying the price for something that we had nothing to do with and never profited from. We constantly learn about how evil we are and how we have been an abomination upon the Earth but we never learn about all of the great things that the Caucasian has accomplished. It was us who took us to the Moon. It is us that created all of the wonderful scientific theories. It was our ancestors who made the world a much easier place to live in, while other races still have not yet even figured out the wheel. This doesn't mean that any one race is better than any other, it just means that any one race is not worse than any other. Get it?

As the poster above me mentioned, slavery has been around far before the white man and at times, it was the white man who was enslaved. Almost every ethnicity has enslaved another ethnicity at one time or another.

One thing that many people don't even realize, is that the number of white slave owners was a very tiny percentage. Chances are that your direct ancestors had nothing to do with the slave trade, if you are white. Another thing that many people don't realize, is that blacks are the ones who sold the slaves out of Africa. It was the blacks who are equally to blame. Also, many free black, here in the States were actually slave owners. Whites are hardly the only ones to blame.

To the OP, you have done nothing wrong (on the slave or Native American issue), regardless of what your told. It is not your fault and you are no better off today because of it. You should learn to brush off the white guilt that they hammer into you day after day.


Edited to add: Because the elites had enslaved a people, all others of that same race have to carry the burden. Is this not racism? To judge an entire race, by the actions of a few, from a long time ago? I can't help that the elites of that time happened to share the same skin tone as me.

[edit on 19-5-2010 by airspoon]

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 03:07 AM
A question to the members. It was taught in my history class in high school that the Egyptians were black. Makes sense with Africa and whatnot. It was also taught that whites enslaved blacks. Yep, a dirty time in our history. Is it right for one race to be ashamed of themselves for enslaving another race (blacks slaves to whites) while that other race can have pride for the giant structures they built with slaves? (about every race were once slaves to blacks).

Is this not a double standard? You can feel guilty all you want and blacks can want reparations all they want, but in the end, what good does it do? I had nothing more to do with my ancestors having slaves (actually someone else's, mine were too poor) than I had to do with Egyptians using slaves to build pyramids.

To answer the OP's question. Racists hate simply to hate. That is all that they know. If we all turned into grey goo tomorrow and the only defining mark on us was some kind of mole, they would hate those with that. I dare not try to understand them but they are what they are.

[edit on 19-5-2010 by ventian]

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 03:09 AM
I think those posting after the OP are treading dangerous ground. While I agree that you are not DIRECTLY responsible for the actions of your ancestors and forebears, one REALLY out to be be mindful of their actions lest they're doomed to repeat them.

Guilt is unnecessary, but an awareness of Caucasian societies invading other countries, destroying native cultures, languages, mythologies and populations would go a long way to understanding the world as it is. AND AVOIDING THE SAME MISTAKE.

What we know of history has been greatly retarded by this kind of historic behaviour. Period. If you recognise your chronological distance from this practice, and do your utmost to respect foreign rites and practices, then you're on the right track.
But shrugging off everything and saying "I'm white, all right!" is pure doggerel, and displays a disconcerting lack of intelligence and understaning of the past. All cultures have enslaved one another, sure, but putting yourself on a pedestal (as occidentalised folk love to do) and ignoring history is pure, unadulterated ignorance.

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 03:49 AM

Originally posted by Milleresque

Guilt is unnecessary, but an awareness of Caucasian societies invading other countries, destroying native cultures, languages, mythologies and populations would go a long way to understanding the world as it is. AND AVOIDING THE SAME MISTAKE.

Take out the words Caucasian societies and replace it wth humans.
Otherwise one is just as guilty of shrugging off everything and the doggerel of one's point of view as you mentioned.
All people, regardless of creed, should remember the history that their fellow humans have participated in.
To do otherwise is to disregard the history that one thinks others must remember in order to avoid the mistakes that ALL of humanity has made.
There is no "race" that is not as equally culpable of "the sins of their forefathers" as another.
Atrocities have been committed by all.

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 03:53 AM
This was for racists, or people who understand racism as it is now. I'm not sure why you feel so threatened by that? I'm not asking anyone to feel guilty. interesting...

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 04:41 AM

Originally posted by tauempire

Only problem is thats not how it happened......blacks and other races enslaved conquered and pillaged long before whites did.

You suffer from what is commonly known as 'white guilt'. Essentially its "white people did evil things blah blah blah so i must feel regretful and sorry".

Bullcrap...i dont feel sorry or regret anything my ancestors did. We have nothing to be sorry for. We just did what other races have been doing long before whites.

We just happened to be better and more methodical at it.

So sorry people of other not sorry.

Im proud of my proud of being white.

Obviously thats 'racist' everyone can be proud of there race except whites.....

Every other race can have a 'black history month' but whites....over compensating much?

I agree completely. It seems every race but whites can be proud. If I said I had White Pride, I'd be called a racist, but no one would blink an eye at Black Pride, or days devoted to black pride. I'm proud of my Ancestors and what they did to build the country that I love.

It's made worse by economical and social factors, especially the UK where I'm from. The mass influx of immigrants while under Labour rapidly changed our social structure mixed in with the Political Correctness that angers people towards racial dislikes, for example, the World Cup next month, quite alot of English councils have decided to BAN the St Georges (England) flags during the World Cup, in the streets, pubs, fire stations and so on, saying that they may cause "OFFENSE" to minorities. Which is ridiculous right? I dont know what would happen if the american government tried to ban the flying of the American flag incase it offended minorities, I'd suspect you'd all get your store-bought rifles and anti-tank weapons out. If the flag which I'm proud to fly and wear offends you, and the same flag that has been marched into wars for atleast the past 800 years, then I'll drive you to Dover and give you a kick up the arse across the English channel for free.

Personally, I don't think Mulit-Culturalism has or ever will REALLY work, hence why as the OP says, we didn't mix when the human race was quite young in age, it was rare for types of people to ever mix, and I find it funny that people would refuse to accept that there are I suppose... "built in" differences in the way each race may think etc. Even though people would call me a racist for saying that too, that we are infact different (not unequal, different). If I were to say the same about a certain species of animal, that each kind of 'race' had subtle differences, it'd be perfectly acceptable.

And FYI, there has been skeletal proof of "Giants" (even tribes of giants from such stories like David and Goliath), aswell as smaller "dwarf" tribes. I assume natural selection did it's job in the end.

I think a level of "racism" (in todays extremely BROAD meaning of the word) is completely natural, and while taking this into consideration, should also know that we are intelligent and well educated (most of us) enough not to blindly believe or act on these natural feelings. I guess it can be demonstrated quite easily, imagine you're sister brought home her fiancee and he was of white (if you're black) or black (if you're white), most people would agree that while they may not have 'racist' feelings about the person, if there was a way they could flick a switch and the guy would be the same colour as you and your family then most people would do it.

[edit on 19-5-2010 by Motive]

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 05:33 AM
" I'm proud to be 'X'... BUT... 'Y' says I'm a racist.."
So what? If you're truly proud of it, then be proud of it. There's no "BUTS" in pride.
To me, to let another person's sense of political correctness mandate one's perceived ability to be proud, isn't true pride.
You're either proud of it or your not, despite what another may think.

I'm proud of my lawn. I take great care and expend energy and resources all season long to maintain it in what I perceive to be a pleasant, weed free state.
My neighbor thinks I am a fool and it's wrong of me be wasting so much time and money on my pursuit of having a lawn I feel proud of and should engage in other pursuits.

At the end of the day, I don't care what he thinks and sit on my porch and look upon my green expanse with pride.
If there were a "Let your lawn grow wild and turn it into a Butterfly Haven" month, it wouldn't take away from my pride in my lawn.
If it did, I'd feel pretty silly.
Yeah, it's a stupid analogy, and in no way meant to take away or belittle from any specified time set to celebrate other views or culture.

If you're going to be proud, then be proud. And screw the Butterfly Haven Hippies. Let them push there views on those that they can guilt into throwing away their lawnmowers.

[edit on 19-5-2010 by reticlevision]

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 05:38 AM
reply to post by reticlevision

Then why contribute to this thread?

Because you care about other peoples opinions and perceptions.

I'm proud. It doesn't mean that a lot of people basically having a racist view against white people as they believe we don't have the right to be just as proud of our heritage, doesn't piss me off.

[edit on 19-5-2010 by Motive]

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 05:45 AM
just as it pisses me off to hear people lament about why it's not "ok" to be proud in other's view

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 05:52 AM
Maybe you should read the OP and move on then.

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 06:06 AM

Originally posted by tasteslikethunder
Lets fast forward. I dont care who you are or where you are from you can not possibly deny that right now, present day, there is not every opposite "race" from YOU doing what you or those you love do the same or better. Not only that but with kindness intelligence and pride. So what is racism? What is it? NOW what is it? What do racists hate?

Being as you started the Thread with a brief history of human exploration of the planet, I would say that 'racism' ie, the xenophobic behaviour displayed when one tribe confronts another in the competition for resources, including the place at the top of the tree, is as it always was.

If it is true that in evolutionary terms, we all stem from a single rogue zygot that transformed the primate 'Lucy' from an ape into a hominid, and that as numbers grew, humans naturally sought to explore the world, to pioneer new land to accommodate increasing populations, then this urge to migrate is a natural human trait.

In the West, we are forcibly made aware that the greatest crime is to have an opinion that challenges liberal apologists' patronising assertion that whites, or as I believe, the Celtic Races, must take responsibility for all the economic and social ills of the world.

I wonder how many of these apologists understand that they dance to the puppet-masters tune?

Racism is a false dichotomy that the elites manipulate for their own good.

[edit on 19/5/2010 by teapot]

[edit on 19/5/2010 by teapot]

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 06:08 AM
You're funny.
Thanks for the laughs.

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 06:46 AM
You know, this does give a person much to think about. The old what if`s. Like, what if there would have never been slavery, of any kind all around the world? Or, what if, there had never been any wars? Would the races have moved around and mixed together? How big would the population be right now, if the wars hadn`t thinned them?

Are you getting my drift? If not, I will explain. First of all, who, of any of us, has the right to judge any race? Who, of any of us, is of pure race? If there IS a pure race, they are very very few in numbers. For someone to make a statement such as, "well, I don`t think those ______(fill in the color), should be here in this country", is totally foolish and ignorant. What you WILL find, it`s not a race issue with most of these people that spew the hate, but more of an uneducated and self centered problem with themselves. Are they themselves of pure race? Maybe anyone who spews such garbage, should take a DNA test, just to see if they should just keep their mouth shut, before they stick their foot in it.

The original races of this planet, have intermixed for so many centuries, the pure races no longer exist, and has no bearing on civilization, or the world. Anymore, the color of ones skin has no ties to any one specific race. And if you don`t believe it, anyone white, have a DNA test run, you may just find a number of races mixed together in you. The skin color does not make you any less of a human being.

Now, this is for anyone who likes to spew garbage just because they are of a specific color, and for those who love to play the race card. The only race we have folks, is the human race, and by some of the actions I see around the world, the way they play the so called races against each other, it makes me really wonder, are they human beings, or just self centered beings?

[edit on 19-5-2010 by FiatLux]

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 06:47 AM
reply to post by teapot

Hardly, racism is a naturally-occuring factor. Not everything is a tool for the supposed "NWO".

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 07:00 AM

Originally posted by Motive
reply to post by teapot

Hardly, racism is a naturally-occuring factor. Not everything is a tool for the supposed "NWO".

This one is. The rise of anti-any-ism, is a natural response to increasing or perceived increasing, scarcity that the power-mongers are manipulating.

All is class war and if the common people of all origins could only learn that no matter what their personal aspirations, they will remain the common people, then there may be some form of unity in consensus that will, finally, eat the uber-rich.

[edit on 19/5/2010 by teapot]

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 07:42 AM

Originally posted by teapot

Originally posted by Motive
reply to post by teapot

Hardly, racism is a naturally-occuring factor. Not everything is a tool for the supposed "NWO".

This one is. The rise of anti-any-ism, is a natural response to increasing or perceived increasing, scarcity that the power-mongers are manipulating.

[edit on 19/5/2010 by teapot]

What other examples or proof do you have that this is a "natural response" ?

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 11:38 AM

Originally posted by Motive

Originally posted by teapot

Originally posted by Motive
reply to post by teapot

Hardly, racism is a naturally-occuring factor. Not everything is a tool for the supposed "NWO".

This one is. The rise of anti-any-ism, is a natural response to increasing or perceived increasing, scarcity that the power-mongers are manipulating.

[edit on 19/5/2010 by teapot]

What other examples or proof do you have that this is a "natural response" ?

It is my view. But one current example I can think of is what is currently happening around the globe, reflected in views expressed, on this site, other non msm current event open news sources, ie message boards, social networking sites etc. as well as, increasingly, the usual suspects in the global media machine, that indicate that the ongoing financial uncertainty is causing widespread and apparent growing public concern that 'incomers' will take jobs, welfare etc.

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 12:05 PM

Originally posted by Motive

Originally posted by tauempire

I think a level of "racism" (in todays extremely BROAD meaning of the word) is completely natural, and while taking this into consideration, should also know that we are intelligent and well educated (most of us) enough not to blindly believe or act on these natural feelings. I guess it can be demonstrated quite easily, imagine you're sister brought home her fiancee and he was of white (if you're black) or black (if you're white), most people would agree that while they may not have 'racist' feelings about the person, if there was a way they could flick a switch and the guy would be the same colour as you and your family then most people would do it.

[edit on 19-5-2010 by Motive]

Completely disagree. I am with someone of another race, so is my brother. Who cares? Our parents are simply happy we both found great partners. Why would the color of their skin have any bearing on what kind of people they are?

I will never understand anyone having pride in their race; it is completeyl foolish. It is great to be proud of your ancestors; I am very proud of my grandfather's role in the war. But it had nothing to do with the color of his skin. It is silly to be proud of something that cannot be changed or influenced in any way.

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