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If Jesus has a bloodline will the descendant have supernatural powers?

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posted on May, 18 2010 @ 08:30 PM
If Jesus has a bloodline will the descendant have supernatural powers? I'm sure if Jesus is the son of God and married someone I'm sure his offspring have supernatural powers. And if since the descendant of Jesus have supernatural powers will he cause trouble to the TPTB?

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 08:42 PM
Jesus had no descendants or spouses. He came for a particular reason and it didn't include raising a family. He did however have a brother sired from a natural man that had no divine or miraculous powers.

Edit add: because I'm not posting on this thread again.....Ignorance must be bliss

[edit on 18-5-2010 by Loken68]

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 10:15 PM
The power of the miracles that Jesus Christ performed, came not from Jesus himself, but through the belief of those who witnessed these miracles. The miracles performed where not supernatural.

I would not rule out that Jesus may have had descendants. He was after all born of man, but the Spirit presided inside him.

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 10:30 PM
meeeh... my take about Jesus is that he was a regular but really cool guy who was completely aware and proud of what he was: a son of God. As all people.
And as the regular cool guy he obviously had a spouse and why not? children. I don't know when the myth that he hadn't them started, really, but a jew man in the old times should had a family. That doen't make him less or not cool and awesome as I think he was.
People that's aware of what he/she is can do some "miracles", imagine if he was FULLY aware. Then the story makes sense. And aboput his descendants (back to topic) maybe he passed his knowledge to them if they were older enough, if not... well, those "paranormal abilities" did pass through generations too as it seems (at least for me and a few others I know, had a relative who also haves hidden abilities or did weird tings out of the normal)

Anyway, that's my personal take and I'm not trying to convert anyone into my beliefs. I think Jesus was an extremely cool person (yeah, person).

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 10:42 PM
reply to post by starwarsisreal

You can reach the level that Jesus did, if you truly wanted to. But most "modern" people just want to get laid nowadays.

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 10:45 PM
They called Jesus Rabi, which in the vernacular of the time meant that he was a husband and father.

If you believe various Freemasonry and secret society lore he DOES have a bloodline and they do have a specific ability/propensity for higher understandings.

Indigo Jesus!!

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 10:46 PM
The answer is plainly no. Jesus did not have "supernatural" powers himself, just the spirit of god, and everyone on earth has the potential for these "powers", its called faith

, “Because of your little faith. For truly, I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.”— Matthew 17:20

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 10:51 PM
reply to post by starwarsisreal

According to scriptures Jesus fathered no children. However, if you view the people of the world as his children you can certainly do that, but he was not the physical father of anyone. Scientifically speaking if Jesus had children we have a problem that arises: Dilution of the holy bloodline which means less supernatural powers to no supernatural powers at all. Rationally speaking if Jesus HAD children, which he problem did not, according to scripture then we have a very DILUTED bloodline which is so diluted that any "supernatural" powers would have been lost long ago.

Its easy people: Jesus fathers a child from a NON-DIVINE woman. That woman has a half and half child. And as the biology goes on and on that half becomes a quarter and then a fourth until it is so minuscule that no hope for divination is possible.

But in true reality if Jesus existed (which I believe he did), and if he had children (Which I doubt he did) and if he was divine (Which I believe), but nothing is set in stone and there is much evidence against all of it and evidence for it. His offspring or descendants would be just like you and I, regular people.

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 11:06 PM

Originally posted by starwarsisreal
If Jesus has a bloodline will the descendant have supernatural powers? I'm sure if Jesus is the son of God and married someone I'm sure his offspring have supernatural powers. And if since the descendant of Jesus have supernatural powers will he cause trouble to the TPTB?

If Jesus became corrupted, he would have lost God's power. Yes, even Jesus.

tptb are in enough trouble as it is. It's time for them to pack up their gold, and leave.

tptb are aware of who is pulling the stings, and they cannot believe it.

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 11:30 PM

I have no proof just visions of "TROOTH", that DNA has memory. If Jesus had a descendant alive today who would believe him? What would society do with him? If this descendant was aware of who he was what actions would he take to deliver his message or to remain concealed? Supernatural? Divine intervention? Coincidence? My life is full of them. My message is for man to construct a planetary public address system in all words. The population must be led in collective thought focus. Once this is done we evolve into a universal society.

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 02:52 PM
reply to post by starwarsisreal

If Jesus did have a bloodline (I believe he did), they would have had the right of ascendancy to being the leaders of the Church. This claim would not sit well with the people who were holding the power, so they would want to wipe out any lineage.

Do they have any special powers? I, too, believe Jesus was born of Mary and Joseph and was a normal mortal man. And that would make the answer no special powers other than the claim to the throne of Israel as they would also be a direct descendant of David.

posted on May, 21 2010 @ 04:40 AM
Bless all who read this.
Yes I do in a manner of speaking. For I am David "The second coming of Jesus" I have metaphysical abilities I can sense spirits and hear them as well. I can also channel spirits. Including the voice of God manifested.
I have these abilities simply because I am so close to the truth. I am Awake and Aware and because I came so close to the truth without really doing anything about it. God came to me. And found the Devil at my door step.

Basically because of the amount of information I hold and my perceptions of the truth are not distorted. So it invoked the "Christ Consciousness" "aka God Channel"
Take Care

[edit on 21-5-2010 by AsTaR]

posted on May, 21 2010 @ 04:56 AM
No, the bloodline of the man named Jesus has no supernatural powers as Jesus had no supernatural powers.

He was a man. Charismatic, philanthropic, kind and with a message of peace and love. But just a man, nonetheless.

The incredible feats attributed to him, I suspect, are merely myth and fiction. They were created in the scriptures to add gravitas to who he was and what he was about. What better way for a corrupt power-based organisation to control the masses than to attribute superhuman powers to Jesus as a time when people knew nothing of science and teh world around them?

Im not saying Jesus didn't exist - I'm sure someone by his name did. And I'm not saying he wasn't a good person as I believe he was and had an incredibly simple yet powerful message of peace and love.

But walking on water? Water to wine, coming back from the dead? No. Just exaggeration and fantasy.

posted on May, 21 2010 @ 05:34 AM
G'day all,

Jesus didn't have supernatural powers, he just had knowleage of things the uneducated did not know.

When Jesus was educated by the Druids he was shown how to do the Pagan ceremonies and was taught how to heal using medicine of the day.

When the uneducated saw these things they perceived it all as being a miracle.

Deny Ignorance!!!!!

posted on May, 21 2010 @ 05:51 AM
reply to post by starwarsisreal

God/christ/etc.. consciousness permeates through all living beings. However, the powers that consciousness is able to will is dependent on the physical limits of those beings.

As for the "super" natural, any powers that a being is able to exhibit are inherently natural. How could anything exist outside of nature?

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 03:17 PM
If you don't believe jesus had kids then there is no hope for you. No man can last a long time without having some form of sex. Just look at the catholic priests. I believe him and mary Magdalene had a thing going. There was a lot of jealousy between Peter and Mary. In some texts I read Jesus told Mary to start his new church, but Peter betrayed him and her. Why do you think Peter was crucified upside down? Just a way to punish him for betraying them.

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 03:19 PM

Originally posted by Kernoonos
G'day all,

Jesus didn't have supernatural powers, he just had knowleage of things the uneducated did not know.

When Jesus was educated by the Druids he was shown how to do the Pagan ceremonies and was taught how to heal using medicine of the day.

When the uneducated saw these things they perceived it all as being a miracle.

Deny Ignorance!!!!!

bless you! There are some stories that state he even visited Merlin.

posted on May, 25 2010 @ 02:03 AM
I rescind all my statements it was all a hoax.

posted on May, 25 2010 @ 02:26 PM
reply to post by starwarsisreal

If there were decendants from the incarnation of Jesus, they would be normal humans

Jesus embodied his higher/future self during his time on earth. He did this to bring in, or implant, the beginnings of the Christ consciousness to the collective consciousness of humanity. (so we'd be able to complete this shift, 2012, to the 5th dimension, with the earth)

Soon you'll see people who are able to do the same things that he did (actually some do already). This is because we are vibrating so high that our future selves are able to come in. Those with soul contracts to aide in this shift, will be performing 'miracles'. And there are many, many of them.

[edit on 25-5-2010 by blujay]

posted on May, 25 2010 @ 02:42 PM
reply to post by TheMythLives

how is there a dilution of the holy bloodline if he had had children wouldnt the blood liine be the same if he had married and had children with as holy as bloodline like if jesus were to mate with another offspring of the line of david would it dilute i think not. plus genetics is wrong some one does not siply lose 1/2 of there genes of a certain race like persay german, if you were 1/2 german and 1/2 english and mated with somebody that was 1/2 german and 1/2 english you could have a variable of being any percent german to any percent english it would depend upon the genetics chosen for the baby. because being half german and half english you could not simply be 1/4 german and 1/4 english because that would leave you half of nothing well which isnt possible you have to be full something. so if jesus had a bloodline and the supernatural portion ran through the blood then it would totally depend on who was mated with and if the traits were chosen for the baby to be supernatural by god, so better questions might be if this supernatural ability runs through the blood is it possible to genetically change your genetics to also have such supernatural powers, which i doubt because its also about belief, and if it doesnt run through the blood what would such divinity run through, perhaps the soul.

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