posted on May, 19 2010 @ 05:45 PM
Man, that video is crazy. But it's true -- this is normal weather for our area this time of year.
I live in Oklahoma, OKC area. That hailstorm was intense -- the news station was hit by the hailstorm and the weatherman had to raise his voice to be
heard because the noise from the hail hitting their building was so loud. He kept saying "STAY INSIDE!" I was thinking, "Who in their right mind
would actually step outside in that?"
Right now, there is a bunch of severe weather popping up all over the state. Several tornadic storms, there is one or two headed my way. Oh joy.
This is the 5th "high" severe weather alert issued for Oklahoma this year. Which is unusual. OKC is included in the area that is most likely to see
a violent long-track tornado this evening.