posted on May, 17 2010 @ 07:00 PM
reply to post by Regenstorm
wow, I can see why it caught your eye and curiosity.
( here in USA, Florida )
Today I saw something but probably jet..flying high with contrail
it then gleamed silver in the sunlight and ( banked probably )
was "gone"...not really gone of course but it caught my attention
as I simply could not see it any more when it went into a cloud
maybe..probably too high and small for me to see at that point.
Recall a story but can't find it about a large ( basketball sized maybe )
white orb object coming down in a town and authorities loaded it up
in an ambulance. There may be something man made that the
public is not yet aware of and plus saw somewhere in a magazine
about this data gathering object that is large globe shaped and I think
one person mans it..sorry if I cannot remember more. It flies really
high and the person needs special equipment. If I find it will let you
know if possible.