posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 08:21 PM
This Frequency Fence is a bio-neurological, electromagnetic induced form of mind control which will block your higher sensory abilities.
This is almost what I have been experiencing and what I was talking about. However no aliens involved..just regular people without souls and who are
very evil working for the gov't. They started to attack me more, letting me know that they can kill me if they wanted to all remotely since I
started to write here. I have seen them control other's behaviors for the past two years and almost daily basis. For instance inorder to
psychologically harass me they let other people copy odd gestures of my facial expression. Funny thing is that people don't realize how silly their
face looks..that their facial muscles and nerves are being manipulated.also People will break out into songs, say odd behaviors like I
do, because they somehow are able to manipulate bio-neurologics in human body. Some conscious people stop and say "I don't know why i keep singing
this" or some mindless people would sing for a long time without realizing that outside force is making them like that. I have seen people's face,
arms, and legs manipulated to copy my person style to inorder to psychologically abuse me.
Singing, and odd jestures are harmless,,, they can turn harmless stuffed nose into a horrifying stifling experience. They have turned my exercise into
murder weapon. They recorded my fast heart -rate and can emulate this in other they let me know last night...this is like
mind-controll---things happening to you body, muscles and nerves without the proper physiological order.
I have no evidence other than I am making them very angry by posting here. I am risking so much by posting here. I hope somebody gets it.