posted on May, 16 2010 @ 06:48 PM
I look forward to the day (coming in maybe decades) when a court trial is (at your choice) all about answering questions under an MRI truth scanner.
Private companies are already offering accused persons, the chance to pay for an MRI scan, so that it helps add to the weight of their plea for
If (one day, soon) it can be proven that this technology is e.g. 99% more accurate, than the current justice system, then can you imagine a future
where finally almost all innocent convicts are free? Wow! will that be a major leap forward in humanity! It will make the process of Justice a lot
less corrupt.
The best "experiment" I'd imagine is to commission actors, to face a real trial by Jury. That way direct comparisons could be made between MRI and
the statuesque (i.e. the types of crime trial where the guilty is acquitted, convicted, or the innocent is convicted, or found innocent).
These experiments would probably want independent funding from e.g. Westminster-Congress. But they could save a lot of innocent men, and cut down on a
lot of costly fea's.
Opposition To New Technology...
Right now, its use has already being opposed by most Western courts
Of course this may partly be due to a genuine desire, to see that Justice is done.
But the legal profession also has every incentive to be sceptical towards any new, technology, that could well be a "career-ender" for many. I'd
hope most people still envisaged Judges, Solicitors and Prosecutors ect in the Trials of the future. However anymore improvements to this technology
could make the daily workings of these peoples jobs radically different. I imagine Trials will be cheaper, faster, and more accurate for one.