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Main EU leaders call for United States of Europe..

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posted on May, 16 2010 @ 10:56 AM
Anyone who has come across me here in regards the financial crisis over the past year or so will have heard me pointing out continuously that the EU will come under strain and a new fiscal and economic government will be put in place in the 16 states of the EUROZONE that will evolve over the next few years to resemble a single country..

A number of conspiracy theorist economists have been pointing towards this since before the crash of 2008 and have said that the use of fear, media, economic pressure and global influences will push the EU into this direction after years of complacency by Europeans during the extremely prosperous times of the 90's and 00's..

Also, it is pretty obvious that the EU is a poster child of the Globalists, combining 25% of the global economy and 500 million people into one single governed area with means to expand is like a wet dream to those who push for Global unity..

So anyway.. here are the recent comments by some of the more powerful EU and European leaders trying to push for a Core EU that would have tight fiscal governance and miniscule sovereignty amongst member states..

This is all very fitting because the big EU meet ups are coming soon and popular support is needed in order to push for the EUROZONE Governance.. There is a big media spin starting and I think it is going to become pretty intense over the next month worldwide...

Angela Merkyl German high Chancellor and easily the most powerful woman in the world..

Merkel called on Europeans to come together, saying that deeper coordination of economic and finance policies is needed.... "We have a common currency, but no common political and economic union," she said. "And this is exactly what we must change. To achieve this -- therein lies the opportunity of the crisis."

Nicolas Sarcozy President of the French Republic.. High profile globalist..

It is not possible for the euro zone to continue without a clearly identified economic government. We cannot go on like this," Mr Sarkozy, whose country currently holds the rotating EU presidency, told MEPs gathered for a plenary session in Strasbourg.

Jean-Claude Trichet President of ECB.. Most powerful banker in the EU..

here is a need for a quantum leap in the governance of the euro area.

There are several EU meetings over the next couple of months to discuss this issue.. These will be make or break points in forming the basis of a new Core Europe out of the EUROZONE.. Many states are for this.. Many are against..

We have to wait and see how it pans out..

But a good thing to point out is that if the EURO fails.. there are no winners Globally.. That would be a huge liquidity issue as EURO reserves become worthless and a massive bubble in Gold and USD would burst creating a global wipeout that would make 2008 look like the dot com bust up..

[edit on 16/5/10 by Dermo]

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 11:46 AM
Here is a basic blueprint of the new policies that will shape this government..

As reported in the Irish times

Nevertheless, the stark realities of the current situation strengthen the commission’s hand. These are set out in the preamble, which notes that:

the current crisis has no precedent in our generation;
it has underlined the interdependence of the euro economies;
public debt was not reduced sufficiently over the past decade;
vulnerability was aggravated by persistent imbalances;

the exceptional combination in Greece of lax policy, structural imbalances and statistical misreporting led to an unprecedented debt crisis.

The objective is to prevent a repeat of the Greek situation where one member state jeopardises the entire euro area. To this end, the commission proposes: better ex-ante co-ordination, ie get countries to run broad proposed budgetary parameters past Brussels before they are finalised and go to the national parliaments; penalties for misbehaviour; legally enforced compliance with treaty obligations; much greater emphasis on debt and deficits; and a speedier process for dealing with breaches of the rules. The entire budgetary process would be shifted forward and all this should start in 2011.

This is not tax harmonisation; rather it deals with broad budgetary parameters and will obviously have to respect treaty provisions.

Such measures would be supplemented by deeper and broader economic surveillance including peer reviews. This would encompass all the usual economic indicators, with a particular emphasis on asset price booms.

Guidelines and warnings would be the order of the day, with the recommendations going so far as to address both revenue and expenditure, as the crisis has shown that the composition of government revenue is important.

The commission would issue early warnings directly to a member state. The recommendations could address labour, product and services markets as well credit growth and house prices, with euro-area ministerial votes to encourage compliance.

One certainty is that the commission will get powers to audit national statistics. It proposed this following earlier problems with Greek statistics but was turned down by the ministers.

Finally, the commission asserts that emergency assistance in the form of lending to a member state is not contrary to the Lisbon Treaty.

The first priority is to make the recently announced measures operational; it will then propose a permanent crisis resolution mechanism.

Once the above system is in place.. And to be honest, i can't see any EU leader disagreeing with it.. Then its not that high a jump for MacroEconomic changes that are the real differences between North and South EU..

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 12:03 PM
Dominique Strauss-Kahn Director of the IMF calls for EU fiscal government..

Eurozone nations should take a big step towards integration with a new system of cross-border budgetary co-ordination, according to the head of the International Monetary Fund.

Olli Rehn EU Economic Affairs Commissioner

said on Wednesday that he would push to see tougher fiscal rules introduced for the bloc, to target overall debt levels, in line with French and German calls.

José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero President of the Spanish Government

called for enhanced fiscal discipline in the eurozone and greater co-ordination in economic policies, in order to move toward a new growth model.

“Stability in the eurozone is essential for all member countries, not only Greece. Consequently, it is vital that we bolster fiscal discipline between member states and guarantee strict compliance with the Stability and Growth Pact." Yet that alone is not enough," added Zapatero, whose country is currently presiding the European Union. “Precisely in order to facilitate greater fiscal discipline, we need greater co-ordination between our economic policies and in tackling the structural reforms that will help us move toward a new economic growth model.”

It seems that all the big players in the EU are pushing for a fiscal government..

How long until we have one?

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 12:09 PM
I say do it a minute ago if you get me. Europe has been good for all countries inside it, and no matter what we are hearing from some media sources trying to make people anti eu over last 2 weeks.

You set it out well, i mean the argument for the eu as one, and i agree.

Roll the dice and see where they land eh.

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 12:27 PM
But at the same time sarkozy is threatening to withdraw from the euro....
Perhaps this will actually end the eurozone and idea of a united europe back to sovereign states with trade agreements.......

and I strongly disagree that eu has bee good for all those inside it...

the Eu has been good for all the socially and economically DEPRIVED inside it...perhaps, good for germany after reunification ,definately, but to say to "all inside it , no"

[edit on 16-5-2010 by gambon]

[edit on 16-5-2010 by gambon]

[edit on 16-5-2010 by gambon]

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 12:36 PM

Originally posted by gambon
But at the same time sarkozy is threatening to withdraw from the euro....

No he wasn't.. there's no official statement, just here say..

When you actually look up the direct quote.. He never actually said that. He had a tantrum and said a few things to convince the Germans to back his plan..

He said France would reassess its relationship with Germany if Germany didn't back the bailout he had put forward.. and if you think about it, if Germany hadn't backed it, the EURO was gone anyway..

But think about it this way post bailout..

1) Why would France want out of the EURO when it is their poster Child?
2) How can one man change an entire countries currency?
3) Why would he want out when he is trying to ensure its stability

Sarkozy is one of the EU's biggest pushers..

[edit on 16/5/10 by Dermo]

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 12:37 PM
To quote from the OP's first post:

"Merkel called on Europeans to come together, saying that deeper coordination of economic and finance policies is needed.... "We have a common currency, but no common political and economic union," she said. "And this is exactly what we must change. To achieve this -- therein lies the opportunity of the crisis."

Wasn't is Rahm Emanuel who said "Never let a good crisis go to waste?" This sounds like just more globalist manipulation to me.

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 12:45 PM
"Sarkozy went so far as to bang his fist on the table and threaten to leave the euro,” said a Spanish politician quoted in El País."

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 12:48 PM

Originally posted by gambon
"Sarkozy went so far as to bang his fist on the table and threaten to leave the euro,” said a Spanish politician quoted in El País."

An unnamed "Spanish Politician" yea?

Denied by the French, Germans and everyone else in there..

Whats your point anyway.. that he said something he couldn't back up out of rage?

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 12:54 PM
ahh it wasnt an unamed politician , if you look up the source......"Spanish Prime Minister José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero."

A different source who was at the meeting with Zapatero told El País that "France, Italy and Spain formed a common front against Germany, and Sarkozy threatened Merkel with a break in the traditional Franco-German axis."

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 01:13 PM
reply to post by Dermo

The two positions are not directly opposed to one another. It is a timing issue.

Sarkozy is pro EU for the simple fact that the French banks hold over $60bn in Greek debt and to the extent that the EU fails, that debt will default, hammering if not destroying French banks.

He is anti-EU because he's smart. He knows that the EU has become and will continue to be a welfare state with predominately the French and Germans proping up the southern EU members. He knows that a country like Greece will never give up its sovergnity and as long as the French banks hold that Greek debt they will call the bluff of the EU central bankers.

All Sarkozy is looking to do is stablize Greece so that the French banks can unload the Greek debt at some value. Then its anybody's guess.

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 01:28 PM
I thought france got out more than it put in esp in agriculture subsidies?

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 01:31 PM
Put simply, EU will never happen because:-

1. Too much historical baggage, different religions and traditions to find a common identity. Diversity is not strength. It is to be diverse, and not unify. More recriminations than agreements.

2. Common aspirations of mankind - peace, love, equality and prosperity will not be the common ground as (1) agendas will only diversify such aspirations with different expectations and levels.

3. Difference in productivity and talent ratios will cause imbalances and unhappiness. The prosperous will blame the laggards and the laggards will hate the selfish prosperous.

4. No agreeable common lingo or history for children to identify. More discriminations than commonalities.

5. Loss of soveriegnity and pride. Pride is all that keeps a man committed to his country. Historical baggages will see the loss of pride and thus committment when another state's leader becomes top dog in the parliament, and recriminations of favoritism and cronyism will be rife.

6. Printing of money. - how confident are the people in EU that the euro is financially well backed up?

This financial crisis is the best opportunity and in theory, for unification of European States. But the reality is different from the ground, as mumblings are already heard and seen over the PIIGS issue. How more so when economies recover and some surge far far ahead? There will be no equality on terms for union.

I can go on and on, but you will get the picture. Union is easy, but ultimately, over differences, in a matter of time, secession will come and it will be painful and may even lead to war.

Better each grow at their own pace, develope their own human and mineral resources at their own rate of growth, live and prosper within their means, form trade and military alliances based on common aspirations of mankind.

Save everyone the heartaches and pain later from delusions of piped dreams. There is nothing common to form even a common market, let alone an Union.

Just my 2 cts contribution, to be disregarded at will.

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 01:34 PM
reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

The eu is here already, it just takes time to wear down all the publics to what it means.

The nwo is already here, but we just do not see it on surface yet, but i would say its here already.

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 03:16 PM
reply to post by andy1033

I do agree with you.

NWO had long been around and EU had been their longest dream. It's all about control of humanity. One way or another, EU WILL be united as one. And the price is human lives.

The financial crisis is indeed an opportunity for unity. Humanitarians do not believe it possible due to the factors outlined in my previous post. But the NWO are not made up of humanitarians, or even human perhaps.

PIIGS nations will ultimately default on loans. With China on the horizon, its political masters up to their neck fighting for survival in the face of potential riots from 1.3 billion humans should they starve, will do anything and everything to push its economy to greater heights, and they will.

Therein lies the manufacturing output sinkhole of PIIGS, whom are highly unlikely to match China, and will default.

That's when the richer nations from EU and US will step in, walk all over them, and own national assets. When a spaniard of a proud ancient lineage have to bow to their new overlords,eg the French, is the day when rebellion will happen.

European states are not homogenous people, but made up of different warrior tribes of ancient past. That heritage is ingrained deeply in them, unlike the more subservient Asian people.

These tribes will rise up and revolt against the new masters. When that happens, the rich EU states will win, due to tech from US through NATO. I am not talking about the piddling time and resource wasting M4 rifles or drones, but high tech arsenal under wraps for mass elimination devices utilizing electromagnetic fields.

The troublesome european rebels from PIIGS and sympathizers from the rich EU/US states will be brutually dealt with, and what's left will be the docile and meek slaves. These slaves will surrender their children to an entirely new cirriculum of education that would incalcate identification to the new EU.

And thus, EU would be born, its mother - the bastardly inhuman NWO. The road to culling has already began.

May I be wrong in my analysis, and hope to be wrong, because if I am right, only more innocent blood will be shed on purpose.....

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 03:18 PM

Originally posted by SeekerofTruth101
May I be wrong in my analysis, and hope to be wrong, because if I am right, only more innocent blood will be shed on purpose.....

I take it you don't see the unification of our species as a major milestone of our civilized development then?

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 03:28 PM
reply to post by Dermo

Not true. I would like nothing better than to see mankind united sharing a common goal and aim.

But I am realistic enough to realized that we are only flawed mortals, and not ready for such evolution yet. Not by a long shot. For centuries, mankind dreamt similar longings like mine, but were dashed and awaken to the horror of power corrupting flawed man, and corrupting absolutely when power was either given or taken absolutely. Culling was the way to weed out non conformists.

We must not make this mistake again, of ever allowing us deluded that our very much diverse cultures, traditions and religions can come together in this present age with a common aim. The only way is through the murder of those who cannot conform to the model that the leaders want and expect in the shortest time.

Let us instead, work on the national level first, get our basics right before contemplating unification. Once achieved, our dreams will be become a reality. Just not today, not yet.

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 03:53 PM
reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

Worst case scenario's.. Nationalism causes hatred and war.. Globalization causes extremism and exploitation..

Eventually we will find a happy medium but the main point in my mind is that we keep pushing for it.. Backwards momentum will only ruin us.

Most people on this site think of a world government as an authoritarian dictatorship whereas that is the least likely outcome.. What is more likely is that it would be a strong world court and parliament.. With only the power to chastise states that break the law..

[edit on 16/5/10 by Dermo]

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 03:30 AM

Originally posted by Dermo
reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

Worst case scenario's.. Nationalism causes hatred and war.. Globalization causes extremism and exploitation..

Eventually we will find a happy medium but the main point in my mind is that we keep pushing for it.. Backwards momentum will only ruin us.

Most people on this site think of a world government as an authoritarian dictatorship whereas that is the least likely outcome.. What is more likely is that it would be a strong world court and parliament.. With only the power to chastise states that break the law..

[edit on 16/5/10 by Dermo]

'Worst case scenario's.. Nationalism causes hatred and war.. Globalization causes extremism and exploitation..'

wrong..sorry..the worst case scenario of a world government is total war against the people by this right to life...nothing...

'Eventually we will find a happy medium'

why are you so optimistic?..governments have alwayss been corrupt..why should the most powerful government that ever existed all of a suddden be decent?

'Backwards momentum will only ruin us.'

whats backwards about being suspicious about too few people having way too much power?

its common sense..all this power in the hands of such few people is dangerous...

all governments are corrupt to a certain extent...the EU is totally corrupt...a world government would be hell....even it started out a nice and friendly organization..

it it wasnt founded in corruption...eventually it will be corrupted...and then its just way too powerful to stop...

we need sovereign states as an escape from corrupt states...

[edit on 17-5-2010 by alienesque]

[edit on 17-5-2010 by alienesque]

posted on May, 17 2010 @ 04:07 AM

Originally posted by alienesque

wrong..sorry..the worst case scenario of a world government is total war against the people by this right to life...nothing...

'Eventually we will find a happy medium'

why are you so optimistic?..governments have alwayss been corrupt..why should the most powerful government that ever existed all of a suddden be decent?

Why am I so optimistic?

You do realize that you have just implied that we can never be a unified species without out government trying to wipe us out..

Never? Don't make me laugh.. You can't see past your own paranoia..

That is the most pessimistic thing I have ever heard.. So our destiny as a species is to be wiped out when we reach the next milestone of our civilization?

Absolute rubbish.. Its your opinion, stop pushing it as if it is fact..

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