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Where's a 9/11 Mythbusters when you need one?

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posted on May, 15 2010 @ 11:35 AM
reply to post by Six Sigma

Are you serious sigma?

How does you post a a video of mythbusters making thermite, debunk the use at the WTC complex?

What does that video have to do with the WTC at all? They cut a car up!

So in other words it proves that thermite could have been used, not the later!

posted on May, 15 2010 @ 11:39 AM
reply to post by Pilgrum

There was also a better related test of thermite more recently (National Geo?) where they piled thermite around a steel column to see if it could possibly sever the column which, of course, it didn't. People are too entrenched in their conspiracy ideas by now to ever change their minds regardless of the quality of testing procedures.

Its funny, how people believe the tv if it were GOD!

IT was on TV: it was National GEO it has to be right!
IT was on TV: it was National GEO it has to be right!
IT was on TV: it was National GEO it has to be right!

See this is the kind of stuff bugs me, don't beleive anything on the tv.

Seriously. The TV lies all the time!

Try thinking for yourself. If you haven't tested the Thermite yourself, don't let the TV decide for you, what is right or wrong. Or your have given up youer free will!

[edit on 15-5-2010 by theability]

posted on May, 15 2010 @ 12:26 PM

Originally posted by theability
Try thinking for yourself. If you haven't tested the Thermite yourself, don't let the TV decide for you, what is right or wrong. Or your have given up youer free will!

...and yet, if you haven't tested the thermite yourself, let college kids making internet videos in their down room and religious nuts pretending to be explosives experts decide for you on what is right or wrong, is supposed to make perfect sense. Mindlessly drinking someone's kool-aid is still mindlessly drinking someone's kool-aid, regardless of who it is that's serving it to you. Do you agree or disagree?

The mythbusters experimented with genuine thermite and it showed it couldn't do what the conspiracy people who never even touched the stuff tried to claim it could do. Unless you can in turn show how thermite ever can replicate these claims of demilitions, then in my mind this examination thoroughly spanks these conspiracy stories and sends them to their room without their supper.

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 02:17 AM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

if you haven't tested the thermite yourself

I have personally made thermite. It is not difficult to do. You can also buy the stuff: Source 1 Source 2.

I've never tried using it to cut a steel beam, but I think it's generally plausible to suggest that it could be done. Though, I'll grant you that being possible does not mean that it happened that way.

The mythbusters experimented with genuine thermite and it showed
it couldn't do what the conspiracy people who never even touched
the stuff tried to claim it could do.

No, they demonstrated an inefficient delivery system.

Thermite burns clean through an engine block
Thermite cutter charge blasts through vertical steel beam

it couldn't do what
claim it could do.

What's the claim you're claiming it couldn't do? Are you claiming that thremite can't cut steel? Watch the above videos. Do your own google searches. Buy or make the stuff yourself and try it in your backyard. Thermite most definitely can cut steel.

Or are you suggesting that while yes it can cut steel, it's impractical to deliver it in a practical way? If you realize that there's an entire industry built around controlled building demolition? I can point you to companies that do this's how they make their money. I can point you to books on how to demolish buildings. I can show direct you to videos of it being done I don't see how you can suggest that it's not possible to demolish a building, when it happens fairly regularly as a normal part of construction.

Or are you saying that yes thermite can cut steel, and yes buildings can be demolished, but you just happen to believe that these particular buildings were demolished by something other than thermite? Ok...but so what? Does it really matter if thermite or explosive charges were used?

So what are you trying to say? If you simply believe that the towers weren't demolished, then say so. But saying that it's not possible that they could have been demolished...if you really believe that...I don't know what to tell you.

[edit on 16-5-2010 by LordBucket]

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 06:55 AM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

The mythbusters experimented with genuine thermite and it showed it couldn't do what the conspiracy people who never even touched the stuff tried to claim it could do. Unless you can in turn show how thermite ever can replicate these claims of demilitions, then in my mind this examination thoroughly spanks these conspiracy stories and sends them to their room without their supper.

Again you know the experiment was genuine because it was on the tv?

Just because something is on TV doesn't make it a fact GoodOldave.

Sorry you can believe the TV all you want.

For you to suggest that the TV is all knowing about 9/11 is the most ignorant post I have read in years.

Seriously, the Mythbusters is a paid by viewers money making machine it has nothing to do with proving anything regarding 911.

Nothing Scientific about Mythbusters at all.

Why because they have lied about results also!

[edit on 16-5-2010 by theability]

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 06:58 AM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

then in my mind this examination thoroughly spanks these conspiracy stories and sends them to their room without their supper.

Ignorance is bliss eh?

Obvioulsy all you need is aTV show to tell you things and you believe them all!

Wow, so much for free will,

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 07:42 AM
reply to post by Pilgrum

911 dust samples contain thermate. There is no debate over the scientific results. Take any dust sample and the results are the same. Thermate was in the dust.

Now how does oxygen starved fire burn hotter than kerosene underground for months even after millions of gallons of water has been sprayed on the area?

It's so obvious 911 was an inside job the only serious question remains is when are these psychopaths going to begin to kill members of your family?

No one is safe with these criminals still running around in public.

[edit on 16-5-2010 by beijingyank]

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 09:06 AM

Originally posted by theability
reply to post by Pilgrum

Try thinking for yourself. If you haven't tested the Thermite yourself, don't let the TV decide for you, what is right or wrong. Or your have given up youer free will!

But I have 'played' with thermite and it's nasty stuff once it gets going. One thing to look out for with it is don't be anywhere near it if the molten iron it produces comes in contact with moist earth. Even the would-be hero Dr Jones is moving away from it as the sole cause of building failure because it really isn't a very effective demolition material and the only aspect of the 9/11 collapses it fits is the lack of loud building smashing explosions. Of course there's then the possibility to consider that there was no controlled demolition material used at all.

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 09:11 AM
reply to post by Pilgrum

First off I wasn't the one to bring up thermite use at the WTC.

Second the OP is about mythbusters doing a 911 part to their show.

Third, TV shows are not reality.

Wouldn't you agree?

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 09:21 AM

Originally posted by LordBucket
So what are you trying to say? If you simply believe that the towers weren't demolished, then say so. But saying that it's not possible that they could have been demolished...if you really believe that...I don't know what to tell you.

You almost answered your own question, here. I agree that cutting structural steel is possible, and I agree that the Mythbusters peopel used a poor delivery system, but noentheless it shows that thermite just isn't the super demolitions component these conspiracy people are making it out to be,

Remember, the WTC towers were *occupied* buildings, so these supposed thermite charged needed to be concealed. You saw for yourself in the video they had to make a half ton of the stuff to do what they managed to do. Simply painting thermite onto the columns (the excuse the conspiracy theorists are concocting) would have done really nothing against that battleship armor they made the columns out of, while to actually destroy them, it would have needed bags and bags of the stuff, and it'd be ridiculous to claim such an amount wouldn't have been seen. Plus, it doesn't even explode- it burns really, really hot, but loses its heat really, really quickly, so it doesn't explain all the "witnesses heard explosions" nor the "molten steel found months later" they're attempting to use to back their claims up.

My position has always been known- if these conspiracy people don't agree with the 9/11 commission report, then it's their responsibility to provide us with a scenario which better fits the facts, and so far, all they're doing is giving us ridiculous sounding claims which are even less probable. The Mythbusters video proves that the conspiracy people are specifically relying on the ignorance of their audience to convince people of these claims.

To paraphrase Winston Churchill, the "fires brought down the WTC" scenario is the worst explanation in the world...except for all the others.

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 09:28 AM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

The Mythbusters video proves that the conspiracy people are specifically relying on the ignorance of their audience to convince people of these claims.

The mythbusters video of thermite doesn't prove anything goodoldave.

Again the cook book response that you have, TV proves everything, how is that so?

I believe the ignorance in embedded in those who rely on saying the TV is telling the truth!

[edit on 16-5-2010 by theability]

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 09:51 AM

Originally posted by theability
Ignorance is bliss eh?

Obvioulsy all you need is aTV show to tell you things and you believe them all!

Wow, so much for free will,

Sorry, but your glib answer does nothing to refute my original statement- this video shows the genuine characteristics of thermite, and it completely contradicts what the conspiracy people are telling us. Rather than trying to examine the truth, it's clear the conspriacy people are attempting to take advantage of our ignorance to get us all paranoid over shadows.

If you have some proof to offer that shows anything I said is incorrect, then by all means show it, otherwise you'll forgive me if when say your simply saying, "it's a pack of lies" before running away giggling is unconvincing.

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 10:15 AM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

Sorry, but your glib answer does nothing to refute my original statement- this video shows the genuine characteristics of thermite, and it completely contradicts what the conspiracy people are telling us. Rather than trying to examine the truth, it's clear the conspriacy people are attempting to take advantage of our ignorance to get us all paranoid over shadows.

If you have some proof to offer that shows anything I said is incorrect, then by all means show it, otherwise you'll forgive me if when say your simply saying, "it's a pack of lies" before running away giggling is unconvincing.

Ohh I read you loud and clear, all it takes for you to be convienced is a TV show and that is all the proof you need to be swayed!

Lets be like good ol dave:

the TV!

It is all knowing, it tells proves all theories that aren't in alignment with Goodoldaves completely wrong, to be a farce!

the TV Goodoldave says its GOD!

Wow, now I rest my case, Ignorance has a new leader.

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 10:53 AM
"Ohh I read you loud and clear, all it takes for you to be convienced is a TV show and that is all the proof you need to be swayed!"

Are you really surprised that people who believe the official 9/11 fairy tale also believe the garbage they see on some stupid television show? You are wasting your time with people whose mental capacity is unable to extend beyond a television program.

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 10:55 AM
I am trying to deny ignorance here...

the state or fact of being ignorant; lack of knowledge, learning, information, etc.

Here is the most reasching post in history...

this video shows the genuine characteristics of thermite

How can you over video know that this is in FACT Thermite in the chemical formula sense without testing it? You can tell the chemicals used over video files, to indeed prove the formula is actually thermite? So this video that you can see through and tell with your Xray Chemical Analysis all knowing glasses, on a video of all places, you have indeed confirmed that it is THERMITE?

Ohh I see just because....Since that would fit what you need it too right?

The next part of the Lets forget denying Ignorance:

...and it completely contradicts what the conspiracy people are telling us.

Contradicts what now? Where does this video prove anything about alternative views to yours are false? Contradicts what? You have brough that up, obviously since that is your goal to make sure you can prove what you want with whatever material you deem fits.

You seriously think that this makes one bit a sense that a MOVIE clip proves what you say?

Further move about forgetting what the definition of ignorance is:

Rather than trying to examine the truth, it's clear the conspriacy people are attempting to take advantage of our ignorance to get us all paranoid over shadows.

Rather than trying to examine the truth, your BLINDLY ACCEPTING A TV SHOW CLIP AS BEING PROOF! WTH? They your trying to act like others will blindly accpet your notions as fact, sorry you can jump off the bridge with that one!

Here is the definite all time forget what ignorance

If you have some proof to offer that shows anything I said is incorrect, then by all means show it, otherwise you'll forgive me if when say your simply saying, "it's a pack of lies" before running away giggling is unconvincing.

Some sort of proof? you can't prove a single thing you stated one bit? Unless you have some great ability to test chemicals over a video clip on the internet. To have some great superhuman ability to believe that anything you just said is reality.

No body said it was a pack of lies, I said the Mythbusters video clip of thermite proves nothing about 911.

Man talk about reaching, if you keep reaching like that, we won't need mission to the stars, you'll already be there!

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 11:00 AM

Originally posted by theability
Ohh I read you loud and clear, all it takes for you to be convienced is a TV show and that is all the proof you need to be swayed!

Lets be like good ol dave:

the TV!

It is all knowing, it tells proves all theories that aren't in alignment with Goodoldaves completely wrong, to be a farce!

the TV Goodoldave says its GOD!

Wow, now I rest my case, Ignorance has a new leader.

You really don't understand how uninformed and ignorant you're making yourself look here, do you? This video shows right away the true characteristics of thermite and it's completely different from what you conspiracy people are saying it can do, and I'm asking you to show how it's false. Here is your golden chance to post something that proves 'we're all mindlessly swallowing anything we see on television" and all you're doign is giving these cute sounding answers that mean nothing. How about actually answering the question?

What makes this all more incredible is that this entire thermite bit is coming from the horse [censored] that Steven Jones character is putting out, and he has absolutely zero training in explosives- he's a physicist. There isn't a single authority on explosives who certifies his report and yet you're championing that guy's worthless report over this video you're seeing with your own eyes for literally the exact same reason you're attributing to me- he's telling you what you want to hear.

Please, explain this hypocrasy to me. Without the cute sounding answers that means nothing, please.

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 11:03 AM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

the TV!

You really don't understand how uninformed and ignorant you're making yourself look here, do you?

I could careless what you have to say about me!

I do not agree with how you have come to your conclusions.

So be it!

BTW what is there to discuss with you, you already stated that my side has been proven wrong.

Goodoldave enjoy your new home of Ignorance is Bliss!

[edit on 16-5-2010 by theability]

[edit on 16-5-2010 by theability]

[edit on 16-5-2010 by theability]

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 11:26 AM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

Simply painting thermite onto the columns (the excuse the conspiracy theorists are concocting) would have done really nothing

Wow. "Painted thermite onto the colums?" Can you say strawman argument?

Personally, when I've read about the thermite theory, it's been proposed that shaped cutter charges were used. The standard picture they like to show is this one. Which does appear to show a column with a highly angled cut and re-solidified metal drippings at the bottom.

You saw for yourself in the video they had to make a half
ton of the stuff to do what they managed to do.

Again, poor delivery system. Mythbusters likes big, shiny explosions and things. Their motivation was to put on an impressive show, not acheive a result as efficiently as possible. If you had bothered to watch either of the videos I linked, you'd see that much smaller quantities can be used to get much more efficient results.

it'd be ridiculous to claim such an amount
wouldn't have been seen.

It'd be ridiculous to suggest that they'd need to be sneaky about it when they could simply have acquired a security pass by pretending to be repair crews.

it doesn't explain all the "witnesses heard explosions"
nor the "molten steel found months later"

...wait a second...are you suggesting that conventional explosives were used to demolish the towers, or are you simply throwing random stuff out there to try to create a smokescreen?

For example, the thermite theory also doesn't really explain the multi-ton support beams being hurled hundreds of feet and embedding themselves in nearby buildings.

But the official story doesn't explain any of these things either.

So shall we dismiss the official story because of that? Shall we dismiss the official story because of the reports of explosions, or because of the molten steel?

[edit on 16-5-2010 by LordBucket]

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 11:35 AM

Originally posted by theability
How can you over video know that this is in FACT Thermite in the chemical formula sense without testing it? You can tell the chemicals used over video files, to indeed prove the formula is actually thermite? So this video that you can see through and tell with your Xray Chemical Analysis all knowing glasses, on a video of all places, you have indeed confirmed that it is THERMITE?

Becuase it confirms all the other information from I know about thermite, including what was shown in the video Jesse Ventura used in his own "Conspiracy Theory" television series. Are you telling me now that Ventura is in on some great big disinformation campain to lie to us about how Thermite works, or are you simply picking and choosing what is credible solely upon whether it happens to agree with what you want to believe

Rather than trying to examine the truth, your BLINDLY ACCEPTING A TV SHOW CLIP AS BEING PROOF! WTH? They your trying to act like others will blindly accpet your notions as fact, sorry you can jump off the bridge with that one!

Rubbish. I've asked you multiple times now that if this video isn't showing the genuine characteristics of thermite, go ahead and prove it and you're uniformly refusing to do it. Between their presentation and your "it's all a pack of lies" before running aweay giggling, you shouldn't be flabberghasted at why I'm accepting their explanation over yours.

Some sort of proof? you can't prove a single thing you stated one bit? Unless you have some great ability to test chemicals over a video clip on the internet. To have some great superhuman ability to believe that anything you just said is reality.

A bad attempt at misdirection to steer you away from your responsibilities. The conspiracy people are attempting to claim that Thermite could have destroyed the massive support columns without being detected or leaving no trace, AND explain the explosions witneses heard as well as the molten steel found months afterwards, and the video shows thermiet simply does not do this. It doesn't blow up, it doesn't burn for very long, and you need sandbags of the stuff to do anythign tengible with it. I'm makign the accusation the conspiracy people are taking advantage of our inexperience with thermite to dishonestly give their conspiracy claims false credibility, and despite all your moaning and groaning you have yet to show why the claim is incorrect.

I don't have to tell you that your manner of feedback is NOT what I would expect from someone claiming to be "devoted to finding the truth behind 9/11" do I?

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 11:36 AM
reply to post by LordBucket

Again, poor delivery system. Mythbusters likes big, shiny explosions and things. Their motivation was to put on an impressive show, not acheive a result as efficiently as possible.

Well Said!

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