reply to post by AshleyD
I agree with you, and more frightening is the fact that some attempts have been made to label US citizens as terrorist because they have a gun and a
Bible and believe in the Constitution, and fly the Don't Tread on Me flag.
I have said it before and shall say it again.
Individually, each one of these offences may not seem like "mucH' to some people, but taking each piece of the puzzle and putting it together and
seeing the overwhelming bigger picture is harder to do.
Most people tend to live in dribs and drabs, according to what they can tolerate or have the time or inclination to pay any attention to. It does take
a concerted effort to look for a bigger picture because there is such a flood of information coming out daily, weekly, and sometimes even hourly. It
can be distressing and difficult to keep up.
When Obama spoke about the internet and other media items, he spoke a far deeper truth than some people saw, it is a distraction. The flood of
information can be daunting, and literally, there is too much to keep up with. He banks on that, which is why he depends on the Friday Media dumps.
People are too eager for their weekend to begin, the last thing they do is read the news.
I also think people find it far easier to stick to certain topics that interest them and not even pay attention to the other things. Especially if it
opposes their world view. It is very easy to cop out and put their heads in the sand than it is to attempt to keep up anymore.
Obvisouly, the deeper meaning that Obama had was the information distracted from *his* point of view, which he wants people to remain "focused"
Opposing opinions don't count in his book.
Even with a huge public outcry, we are going to be told how it is for our own good, and we can't possibly be educated enough to know anything about
it, so we should just hush and be good little citizens and pay our taxes.
Lest you be the next one on their terrorism watch list.