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Why most believe 9/11 is a false flag attack.

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posted on May, 13 2010 @ 09:27 AM
To put it into perspective there were 9 bombings of residential buildings before this event took place, afterward the events stopped completely.

Fsb Russians version of homeland security planted bombs in buildings, they got caught. After the fact they said it was a secret exercise and training event.They said the bags of explosives were sugar,after police confirmed it was an explosive.
They even blew up the fake explosive sugar to prove it is not sugar.
They then promote the bombers and Putin gets to step up attacks against his enemies.Wile the folks are so scared they accept a police state.

You don't have to make up anything these criminals give you more than enough to destroy themselves.

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 09:49 AM
The only thing this "proves" is if they'll be caught planting bombs in residential buildings, then they're going to be sure and shootin' going to be caught planting controlled demolitions in an occupied skyscraper, despite the level of control of the media.

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 12:17 PM
Its like you put on a uniform and a fancy title, and you can cut peoples throats in public, tell them it was a drill and people will believe it.

Maybe the NWO is right, most of them are sheep and deserve to be herded.

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 12:24 PM

Originally posted by TaxpayersUnleashed
Its like you put on a uniform and a fancy title, and you can cut peoples throats in public, tell them it was a drill and people will believe it.

anyone with a cell phone can put a police brutality video on youtube and it's all over the news the next day and the cop is getting busted.

people will "murder" if someone in a lab coat tells them to continue.

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 12:28 PM

Originally posted by TaxpayersUnleashed
Its like you put on a uniform and a fancy title, and you can cut peoples throats in public, tell them it was a drill and people will believe it.

Maybe the NWO is right, most of them are sheep and deserve to be herded.

After years of pleading and trying to wake people up I am starting to think this is true.

I wont be a party to it but I wont fight them unless they come to my door, The public loves the NWO so why should I continue to get involved?

They side with their killers and abusers, I dont really care about the general public anymore.

My advice is to worry about ourselves.

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 12:52 PM

Originally posted by TaxpayersUnleashed
Its like you put on a uniform and a fancy title, and you can cut peoples throats in public, tell them it was a drill and people will believe it.

Maybe the NWO is right, most of them are sheep and deserve to be herded.

Thus, the rationale of the conspiracy theorists- everyone (everyone that is, except for themselves) is as thoroughly as stupid as a bag of hammers, and can be ordered to plant concealed controlled demolitions in an occupied building, listen to a count down to a collapse over walkie talkies, and be told the cruise missile they saw hitting the Pentagon was really a passenger jet, without even a double take. Do they really think all those hordes of steel workers, ground crews, fire fighters, etc etc etc at ground zero are a bunch of complete idiots for not noticing that famous beam that had been "suspiciously" cut at an angle?

Did it ever occur to you that the problem isn't with us, but rather, the problem is with you?

[edit on 13-5-2010 by GoodOlDave]

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 03:44 PM

Originally posted by samhouston1886

Originally posted by TaxpayersUnleashed
Its like you put on a uniform and a fancy title, and you can cut peoples throats in public, tell them it was a drill and people will believe it.

Maybe the NWO is right, most of them are sheep and deserve to be herded.

After years of pleading and trying to wake people up I am starting to think this is true.

This is addressed in:

What I Learned from 9-11 Conspiracy Theories

"I can't be wrong because thousands of people believe my theories. But you can be wrong even though hundreds of millions believe you, because we all know there are millions of stupid people in the world. "

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 03:03 PM
The problem is you people just believe anything based on information, you're conditioned to it since the Computer Age, if it's not on paper it's not real and true. That's your problem.

If a real enemy wanted to attack this country, they would do it with 'No Cameras' and you wouldn't know until after the fact. Watch your war stories on History Channel. The fact that only a few have actually been on invasion excursions know what I'm talking about. I come from a 'family' of Military people. We laughed at the whole thing. Because number one, Bush is in Florida, two, a Camera is seated talking the whole thing. Which points to 'staged'. Why were there only a few thousand people at work in a building that houses close to 100,000 people?

Usually when an invasion occurs you have no broadcasting power, because that's the first thing they take out. Learn your war strategy gents. Thus, the building if hit by a paperweight twig of a plane would be demolished upon impact and then explode from the jet fuel. The building was not weak by any stretch of the imagination.

If a C130 or Hercules class plane had hit the towers, the area that was struck would be taken out. The plane is a mamoth and it is 'military' class where as the Boing is a commercial paperweight class plane. Any true military strategist knows that if any enemy were to truly invade, they would not be blowing up the world trade towers, they would be blowing up your hometowns and cities with raw bombs. Thus, you believe anything your government tells you.

When a building is blow up it does not drop down, it gets blown up. Debris every where, not straight down. You people have never truly seen a building being blown up. A paperweight plane cannot take down a building of that magnitude. Study physics.

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 03:11 PM
Most people are going with the official story. So the title of this thread is wrong. The ties between the supposed mastermind and the Bush family are documented. This lead me to believe 9/11 might have been a false flag operation. I am not sold on the truther's story, sorry but the evidence is lacking.

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 03:13 PM
I don't know.

I would say everyday we are attacked in the form of brainwashing in the media 24/7.

This has been going on for how many years..?

How many people religiously (literally) watch FX News?

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 03:33 PM

Originally posted by Jahosaphat

A paperweight plane cannot take down a building of that magnitude. Study physics.

A paper weight plane? Not sure when the last time you may have been up close to a 767 (heck even the 757) but that is one gigantic paper weight plane.

Had a 767 fly over my house a few nights ago on it's way to land at Rickenbacher, landing gear down flying low under the cloud deck. Not much smaller than the military fuel tankers that come in landing everyday.

The 767 is a huge plane, and the 757 isn't much smaller. Start moving either of those monsters at max cruising speed and I don't care what building you impact your going to do serious damage. Of course only IMHO.

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 03:34 PM

Originally posted by Jahosaphat
The problem is you people just believe anything based on information, you're conditioned to it since the Computer Age, if it's not on paper it's not real and true. That's your problem.

If a real enemy wanted to attack this country, they would do it with 'No Cameras' and you wouldn't know until after the fact. Watch your war stories on History Channel. The fact that only a few have actually been on invasion excursions know what I'm talking about. I come from a 'family' of Military people. We laughed at the whole thing. Because number one, Bush is in Florida, two, a Camera is seated talking the whole thing. Which points to 'staged'. Why were there only a few thousand people at work in a building that houses close to 100,000 people?

Usually when an invasion occurs you have no broadcasting power, because that's the first thing they take out. Learn your war strategy gents. Thus, the building if hit by a paperweight twig of a plane would be demolished upon impact and then explode from the jet fuel. The building was not weak by any stretch of the imagination.

If a C130 or Hercules class plane had hit the towers, the area that was struck would be taken out. The plane is a mamoth and it is 'military' class where as the Boing is a commercial paperweight class plane. Any true military strategist knows that if any enemy were to truly invade, they would not be blowing up the world trade towers, they would be blowing up your hometowns and cities with raw bombs. Thus, you believe anything your government tells you.

When a building is blow up it does not drop down, it gets blown up. Debris every where, not straight down. You people have never truly seen a building being blown up. A paperweight plane cannot take down a building of that magnitude. Study physics.

110 to 150 tons is one giant paperweight. You got me. I may not be a physics professor I may not know about engineering and stuff. I do know a few people who are:

John E. Fernandez
Assistant professor of archiecture building tech program MIT

Eduardo Kausel
Professor of civil & environmental engineering MIT

Tomasz Wierzbicki
professor of applied mechanics MIT

Liang Xue
Ph.D. Candidate of Ocean Engineering MIT

Meg Hendry-Brogan
Undergraduate stuid of ocean engineering MIT

Ahmed Ghoniem
professor of mechanical engineering MIT

Oral Buyukozturk
Professor of civil & environmental engineering MIT

franz-josef ulm, esther and harold edgerton
associate professor of civil & environmental engineering MIT

Yossi sheffi
Professor of civil & environmental engineering MIT



Christoph Hoffmann, a professor of computer science and director of Purdue's Rosen Center for Advanced Computing
Mete Sozen, Purdue's Kettlehut Distinguished Professor of Structural Engineering
civil engineering assistant professor Ayhan Irfanoglu
civil engineering assistant professor Santiago Puiol
civil engineering doctoral student Oscar Ardila
civil engineering doctoral student Ingo Brachmann


Gene corley Vice president construction technology laboratories
ronald strum senior petrographer
charles thornton engineer
paul mlakar concrete tech division US corps of engineers


Clearly when you say "A paperweight plane cannot take down a building of that magnitude. Study physics." the teams of people who devoted their entire lives to studying physics and engineering at perdu, MIT, and Northwestern need to study physics.

Do you have an expert source who said "A paperweight plane cannot take down a building of that magnitude. Study physics." or was that your 100% un-expert opinion?

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