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Science vs Conspiracy Theories

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posted on May, 13 2010 @ 02:58 AM
Hey. Sorry if it has been posted before, but i found a cool video and i decided to share it with you guys. I did not make this video so all credit is due to the guy who made this video. Here it is:

Hes a scientist. He's showing a lot of hard science and irrefutable evidence to prove his point.

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 06:57 AM
reply to post by demonseed

Didn't watch the whole thing, kind of turned it off after the "expert" started talking about 200 degree F fires.

Yes, that's right - a "fire" cooler than boiling water.

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 12:18 PM

Originally posted by demonseed
Hey. Sorry if it has been posted before, but i found a cool video and i decided to share it with you guys. I did not make this video so all credit is due to the guy who made this video. Here it is:

Hes a scientist. He's showing a lot of hard science and irrefutable evidence to prove his point.

1. You have to think very very long and very very hard before you cite youtube as a source.

2. Scientist have been showing a lot of hard science and "irrefutable evidence" which then proceeds to be either refuted or circumvented.

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 12:37 PM
reply to post by demonseed


Based on his voice, he sounded awfully familiar, both in tonal quality and cadence.

If I were you, I'd research a bit more. The YouTube poster's username on the video you linked is either a 'sock' for someone else (the one I'm thinking of whom the voice resembles) OR, that YT poster just stole the video from the other guy, and posted it as his own....

Check out a YouTube user called "AlienScientist". Listen to some of AlienScientist's videos. Look for the ones where he shows himself (I think he puts himself in some of them, but I could be wrong).

I am just suggesting that the provenance of YouTube videos should be chacked out, and they should be thoroughly vetted (it is the OP's responsibilty, yes?) before attempting to use them as a basis for a thread....

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 06:31 PM

Originally posted by hooper
reply to post by demonseed

Didn't watch the whole thing, kind of turned it off after the "expert" started talking about 200 degree F fires.

Yes, that's right - a "fire" cooler than boiling water.

you know what... i cant believe i missed that. Thats pretty bad.

Ill have to double check his other points now thanks for the catch.

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 08:25 PM
You know, if you think in terms of "Science vs Conspiracy Theories", you know that they are fundamentally opposite.

Science wins hands-down.

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