posted on May, 14 2010 @ 10:31 PM
reply to post by zaiger
Any of the various incarnations of Horus, as a being, exist as far back as 3000-3300 BCE. This places Horus, in some form, in the Archaic period, just
after Nile culture developed.
earliest evidence of possible sun worship in Egypt is 3000 BCE, just after Menes united upper and lower Egypt. Horus therefore has a high
probability of having Ra outdated.
Mythology states Ra is one of the Creator deities in Egyptian religion. But so is Atum, and Thoth, and a whole manner of others. So I suppose it still
depends on where exactly your allegiances stand.
Are you with Budge and his belief that Egypt was monotheistic? That the henotheism of cult worship was actually just random personifications of Ra?
Or do you believe that the animism, paganism and shamanism from Babylon and Africa influenced Egyptian religion, thus allowing thousands of local
deities to be worshiped and assimilated after cities were conquered?
Whatever though. I suppose we'll just end up going back and forth with this, since we both seem pretty set in our beliefs about a system of belief
which hasn't been fully realized and translated yet.
Agree to disagree?
Water spot on the lens... alright, let's ask the OP if there was water on the lens when she took the picture. That should determine if a water spot
could cause a ring and an orb in conjunction on a photo.
OP, do you know if there was water on the lens when you took the picture?