What I'd like to do here is post some of the weblinks to places that are monitoring the Venus transit.
Here's the SOHO site... we may be able to get some decent pictures here as it happens (and hopefully folks will capture some of the event images.)
Anybody else? I'd like to get a collection of resources here for the event.
i'll be watching the transit from the Eastern Michigan University observatory. for now though here's an article i compiled on the transit:
(thanks, everyone, for the good work... I'd like to keep this thread kinda bumped up for others to view today, so please link news stories and so
forth here. Appreciate the help!)
Thanks for the link to www.transit.csiro.au... Duke -- for those of you curious about the time, this Aussie site gives a countdown (11 hours to
go, as I type this.) The SOHO site shows the planet creeping toward the sun's disk, but there's no estimate of time.
SPACE STATION TRANSIT: Transits of Venus are rare, but this is unprecedented: The International Space Station (ISS) will cross the Sun four times
during the 6-hour transit of Venus on June 8th. The double transit, Venus + the ISS, can only be seen from inside a narrow corridor about one mile
wide. Four of these corridors criss-cross Europe, Africa and Asia.
Well I been up all night, not unlike any other night, but here I am and I am going to go ahead and burn my eyeballs out I reckon. No clouds yay! Here
come the Sun.
I'll be in meetings all day, but I'd ask folks who read this thread to post some links to pictures and clips that have been archived of this. I
stayed awake until about 1 am and then went to bed (had to be at work early today.)
i didn't get any pictures of it... i only caught about the last 20 minutes of the transit, so i just wanted to enjoy it and not have to fiddle faddle
with my cameras. it was amazing though, truely beautiful.