Okay, I've brought some more drawings for your pleasure, or whatever emotion fits you!
First one isn't an alien, but the consequence of an alien weapon being fired a few hours before on a human being. The poor guy in the images just
happened to walk on the remains of the human that was fired upon.
A few seconds after the guy gets disintegrated, his friend is transported a bit less than 200 000 years in the future. You can see the moon in
With the friendly aliens, the main character, William Fist, brings his friend to the future.
A close up of the female alien; you can see the opposing thumbs. Based on a drawing I first made in 1985... Yep, that story is old... and much
A whole page of action between Fist and the female aliens.
And finally, the first page, thought in the 80's also, and remade recently...
The story is called Fist: Forever ( a trilogy ), a false spin-off of another trilogy called The Continuum. Fist: Forever was thought way before The
Continuum, but the two, very different stories, had holes that would get filled by the other. Then a real spin-off was written ( still is, actually
), called ViroVox.
There is center theme which is time travel, but in it, I thought to work on the aspect of time being associated with dimensions. In Fist: Forever,
Fist builds a Time Machine to get back to his original time frame ( seen in The Continuum ) but a component fails to work, and when the machine is
activated, instead of going "back" to the future, the machine opens a door nearly a million years in the future,
where another planet will be,
where WE are, now. Etc.
I wouldn't want to be too much off topic now. I only wanted to put the images in perspective.
[edit on 15-5-2010 by Aresh Troxit]
[edit on 15-5-2010 by Aresh Troxit]