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How do you get rid of an evil spirit?

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posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 04:11 PM
I'm not sure if you know who Brad and Sherry Hansen Steiger are, but here is a link to their website. These exercises work.. trust me I've used them.


posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 04:14 PM

Originally posted by TheBandit795
So if the ghost is actually the guy their talking about, what will for example, reciting the lord prayer be any help for? Let's say I want to get rid of a stalker, do I do that by reciting the lords prayer???

I think you may be correct there. I believe a spirit would need to be religious to fear the lords prayer.. if a person did not fear it in life why would they in death?

hmmm not sure... So how do you get rid of an unwanted spirit then?

posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 04:16 PM
I think that if this entity is indeed the spirit of your mother-in-law's Evil ex.. I believe that you're belief system would be irrellevant to any exorcism. It would matter on the belief system that the spirit had during it's life.

posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 04:22 PM
Crap.... you guys type faster than me!

posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 04:23 PM

Originally posted by angelIC
These exercises work.. trust me I've used them.

Okay here is something weird... I have never heard of these people before but the background on that webpage is the same background I have used for most of my homepages since I first started making them in the late 90's and is the current background image for not only my forums but also my ATS area behind my AV

posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 04:24 PM
you need to do a good housecleaning, i mean major house cleaning.
as you clean, open windows, light candles, spread light to all the dark corners of your home. I can tell you some things to use to clean with but i doubt whether you will find them or know of I suggest using lavender oil diluted in water to wipe all corners of your home.

i know you are not particulary religious, but whatever "god" you feel, ask him/her in whatever language or name you are comfortable using to rid your home of this presence. I also suggest that the members of the family that are feeling the presence of this spirit to sleep with a sharp object under their pillow, for the kids, pocket knifes you can hide in their pillow cases.

there's really no way to explain the method of my madness, but if you try them, and believe they will work for you, then they will.
there are many other variations and methods for cleansing your home:
remember the key to anything working is that you must believe it will.

posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 05:00 PM

This might be a sign..

hehe.. it must be.

How I know it works:

I have lived in the same house for years and have dealt with frightening unexplained phenomena until recently. I began using the Steigers "S Files" and have been amazed at the peace it has brought into my life.

Entities do not need to necessarily feel or sense your fear.. they seem to be able to draw from our energy unless we guard ourselves against it. So if you protect yourself with the Golden Light they cannot penetrate it.

It doesn't matter WHO the entity is.. or what their purpose is.. those prayers of protection will work. Just be faithful.. use them continually.


posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 05:08 PM

Originally posted by NephraTari

hmmm not sure... So how do you get rid of an unwanted spirit then?

Assuming that the entity is nothing more than a deceased person...View my last post in this thread...

posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 05:12 PM
what you need to do is find yourself a good medium/clairvoyant,who should be able to encourage your visitor to leave you missus is one (medium).and says she would be more than happy to help the spirit move on .only problem is tho,we live in scotland,which might be a bit far from you.

posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 06:08 PM
if what you have said is true then your brother attempting suicide in march and you husband doing the same in may on top of looking after a very sick possibly dying grandfather would have put you under an immense amount of stress making you very vunerable.

you described pretty much what happens during sleep paralysis and at first you thought your grandmother was trying to contact you.

when did this change to someone you never met?

when you had the goosebumps and the hairs on your arms stood out you probably felt exactly the same way as you did when you were paralysed which is why your convinced its your mother-in-laws "evil" ex.

who talked about this man you never met and dont know enough for you to be convinced hes in your house.

if you have had all these problems in the last 3 months on top of bringing up children who has convinced you that your biggest problem is a spirit thats followed your mother in law.

posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 07:32 PM

Originally posted by squintingcat
you described pretty much what happens during sleep paralysis and at first you thought your grandmother was trying to contact you.

That was only the first occurance that happened while in bed.. the second happened while I was in the bathroom going through my morning routine

when did this change to someone you never met?

when my mother in law had the same thing happen to her with a small difference.

who talked about this man you never met and dont know enough for you to be convinced hes in your house.

if you have had all these problems in the last 3 months on top of bringing up children who has convinced you that your biggest problem is a spirit thats followed your mother in law.
My mother in law told me about her first husband once when we were talking about her life and the things she has done and lived through.
No one convinced me of anything.. we both felt a presence and had similar experiences since she moved in and felt it was due to a spirit.. but neither of us could think of anyone passed on that we knew that would be malevolent... until I recalled him.

Do you get it yet?

There is no way possible that this was sleep paralysis it happened during the day when we were wide awake.

posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 09:45 PM
Lets see. You are dealing with an evil spirit, but you don't believe in God and Jesus. I don't mean to be rude, but isn't that ironic. You will find hundreds of methods from different folks on how to remove this presence from your house. I'm sure every heathen religion will have a ceremony or something else that will clean your house. If you want to try them thats your choice, but beware of the consequences. It will only make things worse. If you are being attacked by a demonic spirit that means that you are an o.k. person. Why would the demonic attack the demonic. So you can either give in and follow the demonic, or you can ask God for help. If you are serious about defeating this, heres what to do. Pray in Jesus name that he takes control of the situation. Pray that Jesus helps you to forgive whatever wrong was done to you. Pray that Jesus will make himself known in your life and show you his path. Sorry if thats not what you wanted to hear, but that is truth. If you fight fire with fire all you will get is a bigger fire. The truth is easy, its the lies that are hard. And yes after this attack there will be more, thats because all the little demons have a job to do and part of your growth is learning to trust in God that he will protect you. Demons want you to believe that they have hurt you, but dont believe them. Arent you still here?

posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 10:24 PM

Do a google on a book entitled "Deliverance from Evil Spirits" by Francis Macnutt.

I bought it for my sister (we are Catholic) 'cause she was deeply troubled by evil spirits, they even followed her to their new home...

Most Catholic Preists are forbidden (in some Diocese) to actually do the Exorcism Rite - this is the case in my Diocese. I an good friends with a great priest and he is forbidden by the bishop.

Fear not though, for if you trust in the Lord Jesus Christ an in His Holy Spirit, you too, once you beleive will be Baptised in the Holy Spirit "For greater works than these will you do IN MY (JC) NAME".

His name alone is powerful enough to drive out demons, you must have faith and believe.

I will pray for you - if you wish.

posted on Jun, 8 2004 @ 03:55 AM
sleep paralysis happens when you appear to awake,you can also have several bouts of it seconds apart.

if the only reason you think the spirit is your mother in laws dead "evil" ex -husband is because she had a similar experience after you told her about your experience then she is playing with your mind.

if these things happened as you say they have then it comes down to priorities and for me if i was in that position the well being of my husband,brother grandfather and children come first and if as you say you and your mother in law are convinced these things started after she moved in then she should move out.

oh and yes i get it and ive given it all the attention im going too.

posted on Jun, 8 2004 @ 08:04 AM
Okay firstly... I am not going to argue the sleep paralysis theory any longer as I KNOW that has no application here. I have experienced it many times before and I know what it is and when I am having it. I also know when I am wide awake and have been awake for hours... I am not reality challenged.
To those who continually suggest that I am a heathen and need to pray to a god I don't believe in to save myself, I can only say that I am sorry that you do not understand, but to me... asking a favor of a being I do not believe exist would not only be silly but hypocritical. One does not need to believe in god and satan to understand or believe that people are more than their physical bodies and their consciousness does not die with the body and that there are good and bad spirits about. None of those things requires religion. I believe there MAY be a force that connects all life in the universe... but I do not believe that it demands that I worship and glorify it.. quite honestly if the christians paid attention they would see how contradictory that concept is.
They say that god says that we should not be filled up with pride and yet the same god requires ego boosting by making them glorify and praise him.
The force may be there.. and I may call upon it.... but it does not require that I boost it up and worship it to be helpfull if a force is truly benevolent it does not put a condition on love or help.

but that is just the way I see it.
I do not fault anyone for the way they believe but I ask only that they do not tell me that I am wrong because it does not go along with what they believe.
The info I got from the link was helpful because it worked for you no matter what you believed. It did not judge or make conditions.

posted on Jun, 8 2004 @ 09:15 AM

Originally posted by squintingcat
if what you have said is true then your brother attempting suicide in march and you husband doing the same in may on top of looking after a very sick possibly dying grandfather would have put you under an immense amount of stress making you very vunerable.

Yep, I think these things could definitely attract negs to you & your environment whatever the source. This creates a low frequency/vibrational environment thats for certain. There are both high tech & low tech remedies that can be considered. The high tech involves using mechanical devices that deliberately change such an environment to a high frequency/vibrational environment, kind of like changing the geomancy of an environment. The low tech could involve infusing certain herbal scents and/or lighting special candles that also change the vibrational environment. Doing a search on the net could narrow down the specifics of what you may need. Sorry if some of this may not make sense but I tried.

posted on Jun, 8 2004 @ 09:31 AM
If you are serious about wanting freedom from a demonic spirit.

Anything else is just so much hocus pocus. Fairy tale stuff that is worthless in the real world.

Seriously, get on your knees if you are physically able to and just tell God what is troubling you and that you need freedom from whatever spirit is bugging you.

The problem is that if there is a person with a spirit on them they have to want to be free from it in order for God to intervene for them.

If it is bugging you though prayer is the only thing that is going to work.

Just talk to God like you were talking to a person or friend, and be persistant if at first it seems silly.

posted on Jun, 8 2004 @ 11:22 AM
well maybe if the person is a deceased person who has chose to remain in on earth and our realm as a spirit and trouble people, i don't think the lord's prayer would do anything but give him a good laugh.

but if you ask Jesus Christ to interceed, in my experience, he handles up on business really quickly. i do not believe that what i was dealing with was a deceased person, but i feel that Jesus could put a lingering deceased menaceing person in check just as easily. perhaps it is even a demon masquerading as a past physical tormentor.

posted on Jun, 8 2004 @ 05:26 PM
Sleep paralysis is a symptom of narcolepsy. You may also experience some loss of muscle control if you laugh hard, sneeze, or have any other form of high emotional drama. The paralysis is caused by the mechinism in your brain that shuts down your motor functions so that you cant physically act out your dreams, re:running, hitting, etc.... If you stick with western science you will be told that you are having hallucinations, caused by the fact that your brain enters REM sleep much too quickly for your mind to let go. Its not that I think you are heathen by any means, but my previous posts are my opinions. This is a #ty thing to deal with and to be honest western science wont be much help, but they will give you drugs. You just have to decide how you want to deal with it.

posted on Jun, 8 2004 @ 05:50 PM
the paralysis mechanism that supposedly does not allow you to act out your dreams is quite an enormous load of fecal matter. i have kicked, jumped, and thrown blows in my dreams brother. some people even get up while they are asleep, go to the frig and try making a bowl of cereal out of frozed meat balls and milk. i guess there kill motion mechanism was taking the night of 'ey? western science is also quite a gigantic and smelly mess. all they want to do is make money by selling you drugs, so correct diagnosis and truthful explanations to our problems are the least of there Fgooggoockin worries. so get real and use your god given obdoolaoblongata (sp?).

Halucinatory sleep paralysis is even a bigger crock; they have real reasons for trying to cover the up the truth. our government is only religious whenever it is necessary to call someone they want to kill evil.

i know yall super intellictual einstienitas that accept Hsp and sleep paralysis as fact never been running while dreaming fell and the jumped or kicked or awoken due to your body taking out the actions in the dream.

[edit on 6/8/2004 by panchovilla]

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