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L.A. Becomes Largest City To Boycott Arizona

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posted on May, 13 2010 @ 03:28 PM
reply to post by Rockpuck

I agree. Except for the PCH and the gorgeous silicone out there, I really have no use for California. I don't even llike their movies anymore. We have been promised for years that the San Andreas would rid the country of that state, but geology just takes so long!!

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 03:29 PM
reply to post by Taupin Desciple

It was created by LEGAL, law abiding, hard working people.

I had to quote you on that because that in of hilarious. You should read some slave narratives and the few words of the natives before they got wiped out.

Read both sides thou..not just one and more than one source.

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 03:38 PM

Originally posted by cenpuppie
You know, i wonder how many people with their mouths open are descendants of illegal immigration. You think all those Europeans that flooded over during WW1 and WW2 came through the proper channels?

Arizona, ignorance at it's best...and i'm saying this from the perspective that it took them forever to recognize MLK as a national holiday. Arizona passed it in 1992 AFTER a tourist boycott, so boycotting does work.

Go LA! This country wasn't created by one ethnic group of people even though their are those that swear it was.

Well I don't know how ignorant it is enforcing a Law that already exists at the federal level. but the fact is that ICE can't handle all the illegals, they don't have the resources for it period. Its gotten to the point where we need local law enforcement to enforce a LAW that already exists. but I guess that just flew right over your thick head.

I am one to speak from the experience of living in Arizona my whole life and seeing the downward crap storm it is becoming due to illegal immigration. Me being personally affected by it such as getting robbed several times, being constantly harassed in a work truck by illegals who sit at gas stations in groups from 5 - 50, just to name a few.

But hey if you ever stop by in arizona I'll give you a ride into certain places and drop you off there and see how welcoming they are to American citizens.

I don't mind mexicans who adapt to the country, basically what people did during WW1 and WW2, but they have absolutely no respect for the country and could give a rats butt about American citizens or even learning english for that matter.

You know I don't really mind helping people, but they need to help themselves and enough is enough. We cannot afford this crap anymore and it needs to stop. We need to help our own fellow law abiding LEGAL citizens and not support freeloading illegals.

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 04:01 PM
I love it.

It's always the liberal hippies sipping a latte in a Stabucks, (probably in Seattle or New York) bitching about "inhumane" Arizona is in dealing with the illegal aliens.

I almost never see ANYONE who has had to deal with the bull# on the border with that point of view.

But I guess it's easy to spout off from behind your laptop, wearing your peacoat, emo glasses and Birkenstocks. You know NOTHING of the border problem.

[edit on 13-5-2010 by Darkrunner]

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 04:09 PM
reply to post by zenjewel

Don't forget to see the Meteor Crater. That is always an educational stop for the kids.

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 04:53 PM

Originally posted by Darkrunner
I love it.

It's always the liberal hippies sipping a latte in a Stabucks, (probably in Seattle or New York) bitching about "inhumane" Arizona is in dealing with the illegal aliens.

I almost never see ANYONE who has had to deal with the bull# on the border with that point of view.

But I guess it's easy to spout off from behind your laptop, wearing your peacoat, emo glasses and Birkenstocks. You know NOTHING of the border problem.

[edit on 13-5-2010 by Darkrunner]

If I could give you an applause...I would!!

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 05:10 PM

Originally posted by Fractured.Facade
reply to post by ModernAcademia

Phase 7: Several states after reviewing the successful new immigration enforcement laws in Arizona have decided to adopt similar or identical policies in their own states.

Phase 8: ?

Phase 8: Los Angeles sinks into a pot of refried beans and is never heard from again!

Phase 9: We all live happily ever after!

I've been to LA plenty of times and have nothing positive to report about that hole in the ground. I mean, it's really a pleasant place if you like car jacking and gang bangers. It's also a great place if you like car insurance that costs more than your car payment too. And hey, who isn't up for a traffic jam at 2am in the morning?

Let LA boycot Texas once our legislation for immigration enforcement gets passed too.
Let LA boycott its way into complete isolation for all I care.

To think that states are demanding that citizens start acting like Americans (i.e. going through the legal immigration process) would be considered criminal by some... Disgusting.

[edit on 13-5-2010 by warequalsmurder]

posted on May, 15 2010 @ 08:22 AM
They should rename Los Angeles to "New New Mexico".

posted on May, 15 2010 @ 10:05 PM

Originally posted by zenjewel
reply to post by MarshMallow_Snake

We'll be hitting the Grand Canyon and Flagstaff. Not sure what we are going to do specifically yet. I've only driven through and not stayed until now.

Thanks for asking!!!

Good-bye Disney... Helloo, ello, ello, ello Grand Canyon!

I'm Happy For You and Your Family.
When you come out of Flagstaff look for highway 89A
It is the back way into Sedona, Great Scenic drive. Stop at slide rock and get wet then go to Sedona and look at the shops and restaurants.
By the way, Every one I know of in Sedona speaks English.

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