posted on May, 16 2010 @ 03:08 PM
When you put Marc Emery aside, this is all about national sovereignty.
What Marc Emery did was perfectly legal in Canada. He paid taxes even.
There's a disclaimer (although apparently worthless) on sites that sell these kinds of things that the buyer is responsible for knowing their own
Canada could have refused to extradite him.
They did not.
Canada is not a sovereign nation.
Anyone that knows anything about this situation (and that's not zaiger) knows that Marc Emery went down because he was to flamboyant and noticeable.
He was the dog that wouldn't stop barking. No matter what you say about him personally, he's got the balls to stand up for what is an ultimate
truth in this world and that is that cannabis isn't harmful and the laws are unjust.
Some people talk smack on internet forums, some people do things in the real world.
And for having the cajones to put himself into the public spotlight like he did (the reason he went down) and bringing attention to unjust cannabis
laws, I am eternally thankful.
It really is a travesty... the DEA issued a license to a US Fugitive to grow cannabis in Holland "for research." Now this man is selling seeds
online also but I've yet to hear about his extradition... (by the by, that's because they aren't even pursuing him... they are supporting him...
they being the DEA)
Anything and everything about this entire cannabis debacle from early 1900s till now is rank with corruption and lies.
Spread that truth fellahs.