posted on May, 12 2010 @ 05:24 AM
I have been outspoken on the issue of illegal immigration & the Arizona law. And my position has not changed. But when it comes to teachers talking
politics in the classroom and taking those views out on their students (who are a "captive audience"), that is just wrong on so many levels.
There have been no protests in San Antonio that I know of. Even though tension exists regarding this issue, it hasn't been in the news- also that I
know since I don't watch tv.
It is my opinion that what this teacher did was even worse than what happened in both California situations because there was no possible
justification for it- even reaching. It was hurtful, cruel and she was exploiting her position as an authority figure.
There is a video accompanying this story. And the comments, at least the first few pages, are pretty good.
"SAN ANTONIO – Augustine Ortiz says his English class at Jefferson High School took an ugly twist when his teacher insisted on discussing the
immigration bill last week.
"The teacher was giving her opinion on what's happening in Arizona, and she made some racist remarks towards the Mexicans," said Ortiz, a twelfth
grader at Jefferson High.
Ortiz, 18, says he just happened to be wearing a Guadalajara Chivas soccer jersey when the teacher told him to sit in front of her class.
“She said that Mexicans were ruining this country, and before you know it, it was going to be the United States of Mexico,” Ortiz recalled."
If the states and the federal government don't enforce the laws in this country, it is going to tear this country apart. You can't legislate
sentiment. Amnesty has been tried and only made matters much worse.