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What right do terrorists have to attack us? and why do we not just eliminate em all cant be to hard

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posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 08:31 AM
What right do terrorists have to attack us? and why do we not just eliminate em all cant be to hard for all our goverments of world to do.

posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 08:38 AM
The Muslim terrorists belive that we are all infidels and must be cleansed from the earth. They belive in thier sick twisted minds that by killing innocent Americans and others, they will go to heaven.

I wish it could be that easy to stomp them out just like that, but they are cowards who hide in caves, and plant boms on unsuspecting passerbys.

Of course there are those who do think that this whole terrorist fiasco is some sort of CIA plot to run the world, or God knows what. Its a differnt theory every day.

posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 08:38 AM
I figure that some governments don't like others so they sorta encourage the terrorists under the table to go and blow up another country. Some countries are too poor, and look at how long the Americans searched for Osama Bin Laden. If it takes so long to find one guy, then it would niot be worth it to get a few hundred of them. Also you would need evidence of their crimes to take them in. You could only get people who were proven to be terrorists.

posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 08:48 AM
So, if it rides a donkey and delivers a suicide bomb, it is a terrorist.
Proper soldiers use artillery. Hiding in caves is cowardly; they should just fly away in helicopters......

posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 08:49 AM
You can't end terrorism by "wiping out the terrorists". Terrorism is an idea, an emotion, a fanatical concept that can't be wiped out. The thing about terrorism is that no matter how many terrorists you destroy, the act of terrorism will never go away. For every terrorist you kill, five more join the ranks (well not really, but for example). This is why Bush's "War on Terror" is a flawed concept. You can never eliminate terrorism. You can do all you want to destroy terror groups and cells, but that won't end the emotions and ideas that promote and develop terrorism.

posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 08:57 AM
Actually, blobby. The answer lies in the way you chose to ask the question.

posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 08:59 AM
well drop a nuke on a country that harbours terrorists an imsure that would shake things up abit, teach em a lesson and other countries caught doing same would get same treatment, also if you know a large group of terrorists are in one place mini nuke em no troops or anything few mini nukes boom, an if they bomb us, attack us, we should attack back in kind but 10X more than what they did just to teach em who's who in thepower stakes.....

Also asfor their holy war on us, we should put sanctions on em all..... let em starve, or we could just notlet em into our country block out certain ethnic origins say middlt eastern ppl, send rest back to their country of origin too...

[edit on 7-6-2004 by blobby]

posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 09:06 AM
nice avatar btw. it really fits.

posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 09:27 AM

Originally posted by blobby
well drop a nuke on a country that harbours terrorists an imsure that would shake things up abit, teach em a lesson and other countries caught doing same would get same treatment, also if you know a large group of terrorists are in one place mini nuke em no troops or anything few mini nukes boom, an if they bomb us, attack us, we should attack back in kind but 10X more than what they did just to teach em who's who in thepower stakes.....

Also asfor their holy war on us, we should put sanctions on em all..... let em starve, or we could just notlet em into our country block out certain ethnic origins say middlt eastern ppl, send rest back to their country of origin too...

How are you supposed to decide who's a terrorist and who isnt? Levelling a country would do two things. 1. Create more terrorists out of anyone who realized we murdered countless innocent people for no reason. 2. Make every middle eastern country hate us. What does that accomplish?

We can't put sanctions on every middle eastern country, because we dont know exactly who the terrorists are. We can't ban Islam or murder random Muslims in Muslim countries because not all Muslims are terrorists. Islamic fanatics give their religion a bad name, and put a bad light on their entire people.

You'll never stop terrorism. You can try to control it, and do your best to prevent it. But the idea of terrorism will always be there. Until Islamic fundamentalists change their entire way of thinking and decide that their religion does not call them to murder infidels, the terrorism will never stop.

posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 01:04 PM
mouhahaha you get 2 building bombed and you want to take out the whole middle east for that? I wonder who's the terrorist here. nukem! nukem! Can't you guys come up with better idea than blowing up the planet?

Maybe the terrorist are thinking the same way as you do. They are just doing their revenge pact.

posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 01:30 PM
Yes, it's impossible to determine who the terrorists are. Remember, United States and other countries don't make any distinctions in their laws who terrorists are.

Going to 'take out' an entire country that harbours terrorists is not feasible, as that would destroy innocent lives. Yes, the extremist people do terrorism, but these terrorists don't represent other people.

Just like G. W. Bush, just because he goes to war killing innocent people, he doesn't represent those people in the United States who are against war.


posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 01:36 PM
I wonder how old Blobby is?

posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 01:38 PM

Just like G. W. Bush, just because he goes to war killing innocent people, he doesn't represent those people in the United States who are against war.

That's not true though. As the President of the USA, he does represent the americans. Sad, but true.

posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 01:45 PM
Yes, Bush represents us. He is our commander in chief and is doing what it takes to defend us against those who have declared war upon us.

You people are pretty twisted with your belly full of sentimentality and back of rubber. It is clear that this is not the generation that faced the Nazi threat, and it is a good thing, elsewise we'd all be speaking German right now.

Civilians die in war, always have, always will. Any clue how many civilians died in WWII, in Europe alone? And this was when we were fighting an enemy that didn't hide among the civilians, wearing street clothes instead of uniforms.

Yes, by the way, terrorists use bombs on donkeys or cars and soldiers use weapons. Soldiers also target legitimate military targets, not civilians. So much hate for the U.S. that you guys will defend the undefendable.

posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 01:47 PM
I don't hate the United States. I just hate the fact that sometimes innocent people have to die.

posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 01:54 PM
Did anyone say they hate the US or the americans? I guess it's the ol' "either you're with us or you're against us"-deal, huh?

posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 02:01 PM
Isn't it funny how America is leading the search for Weapons of mass destruction yet it remains the only Country ever to use them on human population.

Here in the UK under new law the Real IRA are not classed as terrorists. How crazy is that? they blew people up then ran for the shadows, is that not the same as whats happening now?

Then again these people are always made from a given situation that come back to haunt the innocents of the problem causing country. whatever your view its always the innocents that had nothing to do with the problem or cause that suffer....

The trick is to make you think its US vs THEM. Infact they are seperate hands of the same body playing us for their ends. But that is another thread.

posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 02:14 PM

Isn't it funny how America is leading the search for Weapons of mass destruction yet it remains the only Country ever to use them on human population.

Yea we did nuke Japan and we had to. It saved countless Americans from being slaughtered if we were to invade the mainland of Japan. Your argument for us using nukes is stupid. I love Great Britain as an ally and a friend and we fought together in WW2 to end a dictatorship. Check you history because if we didn't use every weapon in our arsenal we would all be speaking German and Japanese right now.


posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 02:18 PM
Blobby, I really hope the rest of the world is not as ignorant as you are. Just drop a nuke on them? Mini-Nuke? Ban all middle-eastern people? You have a lot to learn..

First off, do you know the long term effects of a Nuclear bomb being dropped? Look up information on Chernobyl and you'll get an idea..

Also, how do you think that banning middle-eastern people will stop terrorism? I was born in Beirut, Lebanon, but I came here when I was 4. My family is nowhere near terrorists. How would banning us all have fixed the terrorism problem? Hate to burst your bubble amigo, but not all terrorists are middle eastern. Look up Oklahoma City bombing for that one..

I really hope that you are just trolling and not serious in your views. You can't stop terrorism. It's like what Faisca said; it's not just a group, it's a belief.

The term terrorist is just a label we give to people that don't like our country. In their country, WE are the terrorists. What makes our country more right than their country?

Do some research and find out why these terrorist groups hate us, and you might learn something rather than saying to just nuke them.

And before you people go saying I'm defending terrorism, I'm not. I'm just defending their way of life. War solves nothing. Just because we kill the lot of them does not mean that we have succeeded.

Thomas Crowne; please don't even try to compare this to the Nazi threat. If anyone is being Nazi's here it's the United States. I don't see Al Queda, Iraq, or Afghanistan monopolising the Middle East.

And the arguement about who uses what weapons is completely NULL. If Al Queda and those terrorist groups had the money and resources we do, I guarantee you they'd be using the same exact weapons as us. But seeing as how they don't, they need to resort to the only means possible.

posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 02:31 PM
My guess is the point of this thread is to get some heated arguments over this thing... I can't believe this blobby fellow is this ignorant. If he/she is, well then I hope he's/she's too young to vote come next election.

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