posted on May, 11 2010 @ 11:37 AM
Hello ATS. I hope this thread makes you wonder just a little bit more.
While i was watching the new video of the oil spill currently posted on the home page something hit me in the gut, i realized this is what everyone
was talking about..
If you are a frequent of ATS then this should be a Ohhhh moment:
Web bot-
I love the web bot. I enjoy listening to the c2c interviews. The whole idea of web bot makes alot of sense to me, unlike the many othere crazy ways
people predict events.
If you look down in Ops first post you will notice a grouping:
Fishes Seeking to Escape from the Net
Attempt to Flee
Induce a Panic
Destructive Forces
Vomiting Losses
Beyond the Realization of the Difficulty
So Large / Unique
Without Previous Experience
Cannot Be Grasped
In this thread you will notice, though the date is off, a very fitting event.
2009 - Spring or Summer - A "global coastal event" 2009 - Spring or Summer - A "global coastal event"
or process (possibly a tidal change) will involve a
rise in sea levels that will knock out oil refineries and
severely hamper sea ports.
Now i know for a fact that Cliff has said the words "Global costal event" but every youtube video i find has been removed.... so if someone could
find it thats would be great**
So in my opinion CLiff was kind of rite...