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Arnold: I Was Going To Speak In Arizona, But I Thought I'd Be Deported

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posted on May, 11 2010 @ 08:40 AM

Originally posted by Grey Magic
reply to post by Raist

Not to mention the financial problems for California.

But with respect to arnie i doubt that is his fault, this has been going on for years.

Some funny jokes there, he does think up some funnies.

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 09:01 AM
reply to post by tigpoppa

You want my opinion?

Butt out. We don't need your opinion. It's wothless to us.

People on the east coast don't know first hand what's going down here.

The literate one's though are on the side of the 70% of US who support the bill.

The illiterate, unemployed white trash on the other hand don't understand much of anything at all. Ahnuld included.

I'm spending too much time on a troll, gotta go.


posted on May, 11 2010 @ 09:20 AM

Originally posted by tigpoppa
If they do I would be intrested to hear more about how arizona is the new mexico or so they say on the news.

"New Mexico" is already taken. They're going to have to get another name.

Arnold is funny. Lighten up, peeps. It's just words. It's possible to joke about serious situations without taking away from the seriousness. It's just a joke! Geez! Some are wound so tight!

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 10:11 AM
reply to post by Happyfeet

This from October 29, 2004. A transcription from a 60 minutes interview.

President Schwarzenegger?

The following excerpts from that interview:

Oh, absolutely," replies Schwarzenegger. "And I still say that. Selling and communicating to the people is the most important thing... You can't learn it. You have it, or you don't have it.

He has it. He's "selling" and many have been buying. Just a funny actor, nothing to see here.

Normally, even a first-term California governor with Schwarzenegger's poll numbers and star power would be talked about as a potential future presidential candidate. But being foreign-born, he can't run. There are attempts to change that.

He is ineligible to run for president. Would he like to be able to? Would he like to see an amendment to the Constitution?

"Yes. Absolutely," says Schwarzenegger. "I think, you know, because why not? Like with my way of thinking, you always shoot for the top. But it's not something that I am preoccupied with. I am not thinking one single minute about that. Because there's so many things I have to do in California, and my promise was to straighten out the mess in California."

Ho, ho, ho!!! What a laugh riot. Even funnier to think it's been in our face for years.

Arnold Exposed

The following excerpt from the above website under "NAZI LINKS":

Arnold openly supported Kurt Waldheim, Former UN chief and a former Austrian politician who participated in Nazi atrocities during World War II. Schwarzenegger's name remained on Waldheim's campaign posters, even after allegations of Waldheim's war crimes were brought to light. Waldheim was even invited to Arnold's wedding. -

And further:

His father was a member of the Austrian Nazi Party who volunteered for the infamous SA and became a ranking officer. In the early '90s, Spy Magazine printed his father's Nazi Party membership in their magazine.

After several public claims of racism were made against him that could effect his career and long-term political chances, Schwarzenegger donated substantial sums to the Simon Weisenthal Center in Los Angeles and commissioned an "audit" of his father's nazi past, essentially buying off potential criticism. He never distanced himself from Kurt Waldheim, however -- quite the opposite. He made a statement to friends , saying "My friends don't want me to mention Kurt's name, because of all the recent Nazi stuff and the U.N. controversy, but I love him and Maria does too, and so thank you, Kurt." -

Austrian Archives Reveal Nazi Military Role of Actor's Father

Excerpted from the above website, a reprint of a Los Angeles Times article from August 14, 2003:

But documents in the Austrian State Archives in Vienna, reviewed by The Times this week, show that Gustav Schwarzenegger had a deeper involvement in Hitler's regime than the Wiesenthal Center had uncovered. Hier said the documents were unavailable to the center's researchers when they investigated the matter.

One document in particular shows that Gustav Schwarzenegger was indeed a member of the Sturmabteilungen, also known as the "storm troopers" or "brownshirts." He joined the SA on May 1, 1939, according to the entry in the archive file — about six months after the storm troopers helped launch Kristallnacht, the Night of the Broken Glass, when Jewish homes, businesses and synagogues were attacked across Germany and Austria and thousands of Jews were hauled off to concentration camps.

As I said earlier, "Look at his actions, listen to his words." More often than not a duck is a duck.

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 10:23 AM
I would find it funny but hes right they may just deport him lololol
as for the new? old law well it find my self on the fence on one hand unless you are Mexican or Indian your people did immigrate . and stop spewing the oo they did it illegally man what paper work did your grandparents fill out ?
name date of birth welcome to America.
all these rules and regulations have been made in the last 40 years befor that you just needed to make it here.
on the other hand at 330 million and counting and a sever rescission.
we can suport any new people at this time.
the logical thing is a mandatorum on all imagretion untill our economy is better and i do mean all leagle or illagle.
this has been used in the past during hard times and is more kind then picking any one group . so if your from russia indie were evry starting now you can not come here to live or work untill such time the us economy picks back up .
no company's can higher forian workers to work here welln you get the photo

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 10:39 AM
reply to post by Stormwind™

hahaha "ill be back" rofl

yea it was funny. f arizona! haha
flame on this haters.

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 10:40 AM
reply to post by Hemisphere

Eeh, his dad was a nazi and he supports a guy who was accused but never convicted of nazi activities? So this exposes exactly what about the man himself? Did I miss something

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 12:30 PM

Originally posted by PsykoOps
reply to post by Hemisphere

Eeh, his dad was a nazi and he supports a guy who was accused but never convicted of nazi activities? So this exposes exactly what about the man himself? Did I miss something

The quotes and articles expose the conspiracies behind the mainstream advertisements you are buying. Did you bother reading the articles? Why would nothing come of accusing the President of Austria and former Secretary-General of the United Nations of being a Nazi? You tell me.

From Wikipedia, well known for promoting "sanitized" content, on Kurt Waldheim:

Part of the reason for the controversy was Austria's refusal to address its national role in the Holocaust (many including Adolf Hitler were Austrians and Austria voluntarily submitted to Nazi rule). Austria refused to pay compensation to Nazi victims and from 1970 onwards refused to investigate Austrian citizens who were senior Nazis.

And so "refused to investigate Austrian citizens who were senior Nazis." Why would they do that? Hmmmmm? Quite a puzzle. I have no idea why they would refuse.

From the New York Times:

Kurt Waldheim dies at 88; ex-UN chief hid Nazi past

From that NY Times obituary on Waldheim:

Although it was never proved that Waldheim himself committed atrocities during World War II, he was a lieutenant in army intelligence, attached to brutal German military units that executed thousands of Yugoslav partisans and civilians and deported thousands of Greek Jews to death camps from 1942 to 1944. Waldheim lied about his wartime service in the Balkans, maintaining that his military career ended in 1942 after he was wounded in a battle on the Russian front.

But more than four decades later, his assertions were disputed by witnesses, photographs, medals and commendations given to Waldheim, and by his own signature on documents linked to massacres and deportations.

And further:

"Waldheim was clearly not a psychopath like Dr. Josef Mengele nor a hate-filled racist like Adolf Hitler," Herzstein wrote. "His very ordinariness, in fact, may be the most important thing about him. For if history teaches us anything, it is that the Hitlers and the Mengeles could never have accomplished their atrocious deeds by themselves. It took hundreds of thousands of ordinary men - well-meaning but ambitious men like Kurt Waldheim - to make the Third Reich possible." - Robert Edwin Herzstein, a historian and professor at the University of South Carolina

Austria, a nation of between 7 and 8 million in population in the late 1980's and Waldheim was the cream of the crop? This man was in the very best of light, a mercenary. Not that corrupt national leaders with sordid pasts are rare. I live in the US, enough said. I can't begin to imagine what the resume's of the non-elected Hitler era Austrians contained.

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 12:43 PM
reply to post by tigpoppa

Here in Arizona we were taught that states of the union should begin with capital letters. But you mafia types never got past the eighth grade anyway.

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 12:50 PM
Does this mean Obama will not visit Arizona for the remainder of his, AHEM, "Presidency"?

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 04:14 PM
reply to post by Hemisphere

Lots of accusations. Where's the actual evidence of Arnolds vast nazi ties?

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 06:44 PM

Originally posted by PsykoOps
reply to post by Hemisphere

Lots of accusations. Where's the actual evidence of Arnolds vast nazi ties?

There's nothing you will accept. It's not like I can post a direct quote of him saying "I'm a closet Socialist with NWO ties". Sometimes you have to put the pieces together. Sometimes you have to look at what a person has said, what they have done and who they have associated with to decipher their true make-up. Or you can ignore what is right in front of you like his victims in California.

This is not for you PO. You are comfortable with your thoughts and conclusions.

The Bush-Rove-Schwarzenegger Nazi Nexus and the Destabilization of California

Governor Schwarzenegger has such reverence for our constitution, he wants it amended to serve his own ambitions. The man who maintains a dual citizenship wants to be president. Imagine an American running for President of Austria. Would Austrians back that? And yet this man is poking fun at Arizona for their attempt to enforce the ignored federal statutes. That makes perfect sense. If the Governor of California has no use for the US Constitution, what do lesser statutes mean to him? They are the target of his humor.

The Founders forged Clause 5 of the first Section of Article II of the Constitution to protect America from a foreign-born President holding dual or treacherous alliances with other countries.

Ironically, the Founding Fathers did this because, at the time of the ratification of the Constitution in 1789, a scandal was enveloping Europe concerning an Austrian government operation where Austrian agents would move to another European country as young men, become popular, and move into powerful elected positions, all the while serving their Austrian homeland. -

The website: Arnold Exposed

There's a snapshot that should make everyone comfortable. I know Arnie's just a goofball actor er...... Governator. Nothing of note going on when the third wealthiest man in the world and Baron Rothschild pose with the savior of Kali-faw-nia.

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 06:48 PM
reply to post by Hemisphere

The nazis were not socialists; they killed socialists. Nice try though.

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 06:51 PM
reply to post by Hemisphere

He's selling something, people are buying it, and you are surprised? Where were you when Reagan was in office?

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 07:11 PM

Originally posted by Hemisphere

There's nothing you will accept. It's not like I can post a direct quote of him saying "I'm a closet Socialist with NWO ties". Sometimes you have to put the pieces together. Sometimes you have to look at what a person has said, what they have done and who they have associated with to decipher their true make-up. Or you can ignore what is right in front of you like his victims in California.

This is not for you PO. You are comfortable with your thoughts and conclusions.

So there's no actual direct evidence of anything worthy of mentioning? Even those pieces you've shown don't paint a picture of a nazi.
Also I have no conclusions of this matter, that's why I'm asking.

Governor Schwarzenegger has such reverence for our constitution, he wants it amended to serve his own ambitions. The man who maintains a dual citizenship wants to be president. Imagine an American running for President of Austria. Would Austrians back that? And yet this man is poking fun at Arizona for their attempt to enforce the ignored federal statutes. That makes perfect sense. If the Governor of California has no use for the US Constitution, what do lesser statutes mean to him? They are the target of his humor.

I didn't know it was his idea to amend the constitution. Do you have a source for that? I'm not surprised at all if he wants to be a president. Every politician probably does. I do now know the mentality of Austrians very well to say anything about that. Also the humor part, yeah so he pokes fun at AZ. He has a background in entertainment and even without that I don't think it means anything except that he wanted to entertain the crowd. You might pray and bow to some law or rule but still poke fun at it in speeches.

There's a snapshot that should make everyone comfortable. I know Arnie's just a goofball actor er...... Governator. Nothing of note going on when the third wealthiest man in the world and Baron Rothschild pose with the savior of Kali-faw-nia.

Considering who he is and what office he holds I don't see what's so strange about this picture?
As far as I can tell you've got plenty of innuendo and speculation but nothing half-way solid. Imagine if this was a trial about his character. There's nothing that would make him a nazi or a socialist.

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 09:51 PM

Originally posted by InvisibleAlbatross
reply to post by Hemisphere

The nazis were not socialists; they killed socialists. Nice try though.

Better than nice. Accurate.

Nazism (Nationalsozialismus, National Socialism) was the ideology and practice of the Nazi Party and of Nazi Germany.


Nazi Party - political party of the mass movement known as National Socialism. Under the leadership of Adolf Hitler, the party came to power in Germany in 1933 and governed by totalitarian methods until 1945.


The German Workers' Party name was changed by Hitler to include the term National Socialist. Thus the full name was the National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei or NSDAP) called for short, Nazi.


They were socialists, they killed weak rivals.

"Girlie men" is a pejorative term, notably used by California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger to characterize opponents in the state legislature of California over the state budget.


My relationship to power and authority is that I'm all for it. People need somebody to watch over them. Ninety-five percent of the people in the world need to be told what to do and how to behave. - Arnold Schwarzenegger

All propaganda has to be popular and has to accommodate itself to the comprehension of the least intelligent of those whom it seeks to reach. - Adolf Hitler

You have been reached InvisibleAlbatross.

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 10:35 PM

Originally posted by InvisibleAlbatross
reply to post by Hemisphere

He's selling something, people are buying it, and you are surprised? Where were you when Reagan was in office?

Not so surprised. More incredulous that there are still those that don't judge him by his actions and his words. Reagan was Governor of California from 1967 - 1975. Reagan was POTUS from 1981 - 1989. He was President of the Screen Actor's Guild years before I was born. ATS went online in what, September of 2006? I was not on ATS and neither were you and so what's the point of your question? Do you need schooling on another puppet politician? Is Reagan still a problem for you? If he is, congratulations. That's a good step toward enlightenment.

posted on May, 12 2010 @ 12:09 AM

Originally posted by PsykoOps

I didn't know it was his idea to amend the constitution. Do you have a source for that?

In town through Tuesday for a meeting of the National Governors Association, the Austrian-born former action movie star insisted he had not considered running for president.

But, he said he ``absolutely'' favored legislation making it possible.

Currently, U.S. law forbids anyone not born in the United States from seeking the nation's highest office.

Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, has proposed a constitutional amendment allowing anyone who has been a U.S. citizen more than 20 years to be eligible to run for president. Schwarzenegger has been a citizen 21 years.


From April 30, 2010:

Schwarzenegger wants to run for president

From August 8, 2003:

Taranto seeks constitutional amendment to allow big strong Arnold to be president

From November 15, 2004:

Ads to Back Schwarzenegger Presidential Bid

From this article:

Morgenthaler-Jones is a San Francisco Bay area mutual fund manager and major Schwarzenegger campaign donor who is helping pay for the ads and created a companion Web site.

Much more convincing if you are seemingly not the one pushing the agenda.

From December 3, 2004:

Should the Constitution be amended for Arnold?

From this article:

With a bit of encouragement from the Terminator himself, some of Schwarzenegger's supporters are pushing for a constitutional amendment that would allow the Austrian-born governor to run for the White House as soon as 2008. Schwarzenegger is blocked by Article 2, Section 1, Clause 5 of the Constitution. It reads, "No person except a natural born citizen ... shall be eligible to the office of president." The 12th Amendment says the vice president cannot be foreign-born.

Could America's infatuation with Schwarzenegger lead to passage of a constitutional amendment that would drop those bans — an idea that has died in Congress more than two dozen times since the 1870s? Probably not, but Schwarzenegger's rise in politics has led members of Congress and a few of the governor's wealthy California donors to launch a long-shot campaign that they have cast as an effort to guarantee equal rights for millions of foreign-born Americans.

The CBS, 60 Minutes interview from October 29, 2004:

President Schwarzenegger?

From that interview:

Normally, even a first-term California governor with Schwarzenegger's poll numbers and star power would be talked about as a potential future presidential candidate. But being foreign-born, he can't run. There are attempts to change that.

He is ineligible to run for president. Would he like to be able to? Would he like to see an amendment to the Constitution?

"Yes. Absolutely," says Schwarzenegger. "I think, you know, because why not? Like with my way of thinking, you always shoot for the top. But it's not something that I am preoccupied with. I am not thinking one single minute about that. Because there's so many things I have to do in California, and my promise was to straighten out the mess in California."

From August 13, 2003:

Foreign Born President? Congress Eyes Amendment

From this report:

Austrian born Arnold Schwarzenegger is still a long way from being elected California's Governor, but proposed Constitutional amendments that would allow foreign born citizens such as the action movie star to become President will be debated in Congress this autumm.

One of the proposals, by Schwarzenegger political friend, Senator Orin Hatch, Republican Utah, would allow anyone who has been a US citizen for 20 years, and has resided in the country for 14 years, to be elected President. Schwarzenegger was naturalized in 1983.

Amnesty for over 20 million illegals is in the offing for the United States. It would be wonderful if I'm wrong about that. Time will tell but surely history and the original "Actor In Chief" are against me.

Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986

Ronnie set the stage for what is happening now. Keep in mind that Bush Sr was his VP and watchdog. Bush Sr, the point man for the NWO.

Google Video Link

How do you undermine the US en-route to the NWO? Amnesty for a voting block bought with entitlements. What state is bankrupt due to entitlements? Who is the governor? Who is using his entertaining "humor" to suck up to that voting block and it's liberal enablers? Who also stands to gain from a constitutional amendment, that he halfheartedly backs out of false modesty, for the sake of future foreign borns running for POTUS?

From the Houston Chronicle, Nov. 30, 2004:

Former President George H.W. Bush presented California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger an award for public service Tuesday and suggested the foreign-born, former action movie star could someday be elected president. "In regard to him ever being president of the United States, my advice to you Aggies and to any of those doubters, don't bet against Arnold Schwarzenegger," Bush told about 2,500 people attending the award ceremony at Texas A&M University.

The former president didn't endorse Schwarzenegger for the nation's highest office. But he obliquely referred to recent discussions about amending the U.S. Constitution to allow a foreign-born citizen to be president.


Why would such discussions have been going on? Unless of course the NWO had someone in mind. And so the man that gave the US and the world the word on the NWO hints that Arnold "could someday be elected president". Another proclamation that will be looked back on as prescient but was in the works prior to 2004. Just my opinion.

No, you got me. I got nothing to show you. It's all hearsay. Just like the NWO.

posted on May, 12 2010 @ 02:28 AM
So it wasn't his idea. People just like him so much that they wan't to change the constitution. Where's the problem in that?

posted on May, 12 2010 @ 03:15 AM
reply to post by Happyfeet

Arnold: I Was Going To Speak In Arizona, But I Thought I'd Be Deported

This is right below "Ill be back" as 1 of Arnolds greatest quotes IMO.

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