posted on May, 11 2010 @ 12:17 AM
I wanna share with everyone a photo I took.
My sister lives in a trailer. She lives with her fiance. Her fiance has two kids. One of them, her name is Jessica, comes out alot and we are really
good friends.
Well before I start on the photo, just want to say that I use to live in thies trailer when I was younger and it was never haunted.
When my sister and her fiance moved in, they started telling me they would hear stuff, little girl humming, big boots walking across the kitchen,
thumps and stuff like that.
One night Jessica and I were playin around and I was sitting on the couch. She as on the floor leaning against the couch. I decided to flip open my
cell phone and take a pic of her and I caught this
First pic
Same pic but I lightened it up
It is blurry. That is because I moved my phone a little while taking the pic. Jessica is sticking out her tongue. But look at these pics. I mean you
can see right behind her a mans face. His nose, eyes, mouth, ears, hair. And it creeps me out
Any thoughts on it?
Here is the "entity" circled by request
edit to circle
[edit on 11-5-2010 by capgirl]