posted on May, 10 2010 @ 10:06 PM
The idea is a reflection of our own distinctions of existence. For instance this tree exist here this itself is an ideal because it paints on the
human consciousness a perception which he cannot change. It reflects man's own potentiality that he is given upon recognizing and perceiving upon the
idea of tree. This is all apart of the human mind ability to rationalize the things we perceive there is though a clear distinction of how we
consciously know a idea and what an idea is. Now the ideal of this tree cannot be consciously understood as a human wood without the substance of
woodness being itself a part of tree what makes it tree. Essentially which gives tree the potential to be perceived and hold itself as a concept and
idea. Without this where would leaves come from and other things that grow distinctly from the tree. In our consciousness we falsely perceive woodness
and tree as seperate when essentially there is no difference and they are both because of the woodness of the tree inseperable from each other.
It is our mind which creates its own ideas of consciousness based on the fact the thing we perceive is essentially what allows us to fully engage in
our own potentiality to be human which is in sharing the actual ideal which upon the tree exist as an idea. The actuality of being is seperated by our
thought to reflect the material being of treeness not as merely as a thing that can only exist because there is a woodness to it in order to maintain
the idea of tree when it apparently does not cross the human conscious that in order to know this there must first be no distinction or knowledge upon
our conscious to know this but rather a general ideal or blank slate built into our mental constructions to unconsciously unravel to us that the idea
of tree is built into the idea we exist as humans. It is natural to think well then there is no humanity or treeness if the idea is the same but
essentially it is not upon the quintessential material thingness of the object to be able to identify itself as it is. Rather it takes the natural
being of woodness and treeness to elimnate each other in a long dialetic of unraveled knowledge of the ideal of the wood and tree to exist as a this
to an I. An I that is reflective upon the existence of woodness and treeness inseperable from the unconscious though expressed in the perception of
the thingness of the object of the tree.
To put this hegelian principle into action it takes a definitively unknown act or thought seperate from the identities of idea and thought, object
and subject to make a thing exist as both a part of its woodness the subject and the objective nature which is the tree that we can consciously
conclude is dependent upon the existence of woodness to be an ideal and thus likewise unifies the concept of tree with its structure forming a body of
clauses. Woodness can be without existing as an ideal of tree this we perceive through the ideal of tree and without the idea of tree woodness would
not exist because the tree would be the conscious observation of itself as a creation of itself a false illusion. If this is the case woodness can be
in itself varied in its ideas because it reflects itself the very essence of though and human idea with itself no longer seperate though not able to
be seperate through our consciousness except because consciousness cease to exist as an apart of itself. What makes a human likewise is not the fact
of reason and body these are ideas upon which we identify ourselves and are able to perceive as existing with our mind. It is essentially not this or
I which we are consciously aware with ourselves which form our projection of self through body and mind but rather it is the concept which ceases to
be conscious of these ideas as existing because they exist in our conscious perception of itself. And it is upon this being of beings which the full
potential to be everything it represents within the negation of all object upon the idea that the subject ceases to exist as a perception and merely
as a being upon which the objectivity to know we exist no longer exist as anything more than the being possesses in subject.