posted on May, 20 2010 @ 09:45 PM
Thanks for the video. (S&F)
The news black out of this catastrophe is appalling.
Here is something to consider.
It only takes 1 quart of crude oil to contaminate
250,000 gallons of water to a point that it kills animals.
So when you take the number of gallons multiply that
by 4 (quarts in a gallon) and then multiply that by 250,000 to
get the number of gallons of poisoned water.
It is huge. Tens of Trillions.
The Gulf is large but this will have a devastating impact with what has happened so far.
If this takes months, I shudder at the thought.
This is developing into the world’s largest manmade disaster,
and it was stupidity and greed that fueled their folly.