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6000 Veterans Commited Suicide Last Year!

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posted on May, 11 2010 @ 05:10 PM
WAR is NOT about Flesh against Flesh...

But it is the Flesh at WAR against LIFE...

There are NO Winners....

Except LIFE.

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 06:31 PM
This doesn't surprise me at all when I got home from the marines I had a very hard time adjusting to normal life. There were not many people around who understood what you went through "except for our WWII and Vietnam vets" and you were always met with the same question from everyone "how many people did you kill?" Honestly I'm surprised that number isn't higher and it took me about a year and come counseling *not provided by VA* before I could blend in and feel normal but you never really lose that feeling completely.

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 06:37 PM
reply to post by ventian

i dont know about it being anti-soldier. maybe that is just from not being around them though, so maybe in that aspect your right. But they ARE intimidated by those forms. Yes it sounds dumb to you, but to some guy who is used to just chuckin grenades at groups of people he doesnt like its very different. Part of it comes from conditioning for a soldier. Soldiers are told what to do, often upon taking up a civilian life and their families having moved on to better more stable households, the soldiers lose their way. They have noone to tell them what to to, and they dont know where to go for help. Then they start stockpiling and have a psychotic break with reality, the guy at texas A&M and lee harvey oswald were all all in the military, so was Robert lee Yates a serial killer. These people need help and were ignoring them.

If we can put them in camps i see nothing wrong with that, why do people hate that idea? Are they really that heartless? When they join their put in boot camp for the military, when they leave they should be put ina camp to help them adjust back to civilian life. They could be released upon finding a job or getting accepted to a recognized university in a real major, not psychology, or basket weaving. its time we give them the freedom to be real americans and live the american dream like we all do.

[edit on 11-5-2010 by tigpoppa]

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 08:06 PM

Originally posted by tigpoppa
reply to post by ventian

i dont know about it being anti-soldier. maybe that is just from not being around them though, so maybe in that aspect your right. But they ARE intimidated by those forms. Yes it sounds dumb to you, but to some guy who is used to just chuckin grenades at groups of people he doesnt like its very different. Part of it comes from conditioning for a soldier. Soldiers are told what to do, often upon taking up a civilian life and their families having moved on to better more stable households, the soldiers lose their way. They have noone to tell them what to to, and they dont know where to go for help. Then they start stockpiling and have a psychotic break with reality, the guy at texas A&M and lee harvey oswald were all all in the military, so was Robert lee Yates a serial killer. These people need help and were ignoring them.

If we can put them in camps i see nothing wrong with that, why do people hate that idea? Are they really that heartless? When they join their put in boot camp for the military, when they leave they should be put ina camp to help them adjust back to civilian life. They could be released upon finding a job or getting accepted to a recognized university in a real major, not psychology, or basket weaving. its time we give them the freedom to be real americans and live the american dream like we all do.

[edit on 11-5-2010 by tigpoppa]

Honestly...there are so many horrible things wrong with your post, that I wouldn't even know where to begin. Heartless is one...out of touch with reality is another.

posted on May, 12 2010 @ 06:08 AM
This is the first Draft free war are nation has ever had. and i think that is what the problem is. and was all along. you must have a mixture of mindset to survive most all situations. when all you have is a bunch of scared kid's following mostly bang bang kill em all lifers. you get a paranoid scitzo, if there would have been a draft we would have a little bit more of a balance in the mindset. that is just my opinion.

[edit on 12-5-2010 by ibegood2]

posted on May, 12 2010 @ 07:06 AM
Unfortunately I speak from experience. I tried to commit suicide during my last deployment. Obviously I failed. The plan was for this "Gangster" to shoot me for me shooting at him. I know that I will automatically sound like a P.O.S. For taking a shot at a fellow soldier but it honestly wasn't like that. This guy was a real P.O.S. In a leadership position and he was spreading his little gang crap on other soldiers in iraq. He would pick on lower enlisted soldiers and to top it off this dude called a soldier's spouse to start a rumor saying that the soldier was messing around. Anyway, enough about the A-Hole. My suicide plan was for the "Gangster" to kill me but he turned out to be a real Pu..y and ran for the MPs.

Ok, here is my opinion on why soldiers commit suicide. It was my second deployment. My first deploymment was hell. It was OIF II. WHEN # WAS REALLY CRAZY. WE WOULD GET MORTARED ON A DAILY BASIS. Every time we rolled out we would have to stop for hours at a time to wait on EOD to get rid of IEDs. We would get attacked almost every time we rolled out.

NOw that was my first experience of War. At that time I believed that I was there for a reason.

Now comes my second deployment 15 months later (Actually got a nice break compared to a lot of soldiers out there)

It was a totally different experience. Everything turned to politics and looks. My unit had no mission, my wife gave birth to my beautiful daughter a month after I leftand deppression kicked in very hard.

it may sound stupid but we had to qualify with our waepons one day and all the shooting started giving me flashbacks from my first deployment. I remembered when a buddy of mine got blown up by an IED and I remember thinking that I could have avoided that. This guy had a baby girl too and now she didn't have a father. Maybe because of me. Well two days later I tried to commit suicide and I couldn't pull the trrigger. The my dumb ass came up with bull# idea of killing two birds with one stone. Get this A-Hole to kill me and get him out of the military so that he couldn't abuse his power anymore.

My civilian doctor calls it PTSD. My Army doctors call it Deppression, anxiety otherwise unspecified, clinical depresion. All types of diagnosis' but PTSD.

when we go to the clinics they don't really listen to us. All they do is give us opills out the ass. The Army Phsycs are afraid to diagnose PTSD b/c of the pay out that comes afterwards from the VA. I'm still in the military after almost 14 wasted years because I can't continue. I've been reaching for help for the past three years and all I get is different pills. It's a struggle not just for me but for my family as well. Some times I think about ending it just so that my family doesn't have to put up with my # anymore.

Sorry for this long ass posting but I just wanted to give some insight on why 6000 soldierd killed themselves last year.

posted on May, 12 2010 @ 07:11 AM
It's funny to see people on TV talking about soldier issuse when they themselves haven't experienced a god damned thing. They don't show body parts and worthless deaths on CNN. All they show is numbers. I guess that hits the general public softer than actually seeing ous soldiers in pieces or burning inside a military vehicle.

After coming back from that it takes long to adjust and it makes it harder that most americans hhave no idea on how we're coming back broken. If I decide to end it at least I know that I posted this on here and hopefuly help the general public understand how we are feeling.

posted on May, 12 2010 @ 08:03 AM
As a disabled vet diagnosed with PTSD I offer my own personal insight to this matter...

I see a lot of speculation here on "what it's like" over there from many people who have never been. There is no conspiracy going on here... it's a matter of adjustment to a completely different life. The most difficult thing I've ever had to do was leave the military. I joined back in the late 90's knowing full well why I was joining. It wasn't for college money, it wasn't for glory, and it wasn't because I had no other options. I joined because I wanted to serve the country I love. I wanted to make a difference in peoples lives... no matter how insignificant that difference might have been.

In Iraq... I had to do horrible things to keep myself, my buddies, and civilians safe. The things I did are not easy to live with. It was a "me or them" situation, but it's still hard to live with. I go over these events in my head every night in my dreams... and every day trying to find a way to not blame myself for what happened. What if i did this... or what would the outcome have been if i did that instead? It's what I have to learn to deal with... and it's hard to do. Luckily I had a good friend to help me through it all. (May he RIP... he was killed in Iraq not long after I got out.)

Unfortunately many vets don't have friends and family to help them through it all, and it's difficult to ask for help from the VA. It's available... but getting the courage to go down there and talk to people about it is difficult to do. It's a mental drain which in turn becomes a physical drain. It can get to the point where it's easier to just end it than to go through the mental torture of trying to get better. I know because I have been there.

After getting out, I wasn't offered much help for the transition to a normal life. One day I'm a soldier and the next day I'm a civilian living back in my home town without a clue of what to do with my life. For a while I worked jobs here and there that offered me the least amount of interaction with people. Warehouse work, overnight security, etc... Finally I decided to go into business for myself as a web designer because I can do it all on my own in the comfort and safety of my own home. Years later I'm still not fully adjusted to a regular life... and probably never will be.

Anyways... to all those saying its a conspiracy... that's ridiculous. It's a lack of help that is the problem.

To those that say we are brainwashed... sorry but you are wrong. We aren't brainwashed... we were trained to do a job that not everyone is capable of doing. I think better phychiatric screening is needed prior to enlistment.

and to tigpoppa... go troll somewhere else. You should be ashamed of yourself. Maybe when you grow up and are out of middle school you'll have a better chance at being a decent human being.

posted on May, 12 2010 @ 08:12 AM

Originally posted by Tnewguy
My civilian doctor calls it PTSD. My Army doctors call it Deppression, anxiety otherwise unspecified, clinical depresion. All types of diagnosis' but PTSD.

when we go to the clinics they don't really listen to us. All they do is give us opills out the ass. The Army Phsycs are afraid to diagnose PTSD b/c of the pay out that comes afterwards from the VA. I'm still in the military after almost 14 wasted years because I can't continue. I've been reaching for help for the past three years and all I get is different pills. It's a struggle not just for me but for my family as well. Some times I think about ending it just so that my family doesn't have to put up with my # anymore.

It didn't take long for the VA to diagnose my PTSD. I was diagnosed after my first session.

I understand where you are coming from when you talk about the pills. I have many bottles of them laying around because I stopped taking them. I don't like what the pills do to me. I'd rather feel depressed than feel nothing at all.

If I may suggest... try joining a local branch of the VFW or something similar. Talking to fellow vets might help... and many of them might know other options for getting the help you need rather than relying on the VA. Help is out there, please don't be afraid to get it. I know it's hard but you can make it through... I did.

posted on May, 12 2010 @ 08:41 AM
reply to post by Stupe

If I may suggest... try joining a local branch of the VFW or something similar. Talking to fellow vets might help... and many of them might know other options for getting the help you need rather than relying on the VA. Help is out there, please don't be afraid to get it. I know it's hard but you can make it through... I did.

Probably the smartest thing posted on the entire thread. You might be surprised how cathartic it can be to talk to other vets. No matter how screwed up the situations I have ever found myself in overseas and thought nobody has done THIS before, there was always a few vets that had been in similar situations or worse. Talking to them, can sometimes do more good than some pointy headed shrink whose idea of combat is paintball

Stupe, bless you brother....never forget your not alone.

[edit on 12-5-2010 by vipertech0596]

posted on May, 12 2010 @ 08:59 AM

Originally posted by vipertech0596

Probably the smartest thing posted on the entire thread. You might be surprised how cathartic it can be to talk to other vets. No matter how screwed up the situations I have ever found myself in overseas and thought nobody has done THIS before, there was always a few vets that had been in similar situations or worse. Talking to them, can sometimes do more good than some pointy headed shrink whose idea of combat is paintball

Stupe, bless you brother....never forget your not alone.

[edit on 12-5-2010 by vipertech0596]

Thank you. It took me a long time to realize that I wasn't alone... and I only hope that more come to that realization as well.

posted on May, 12 2010 @ 11:58 AM
thanks for sharing your stories vets.

my heart goes out to you all. as the poster before me said, your not alone.

best wishes guys. don't let life get you down.

posted on May, 12 2010 @ 12:55 PM
We as human beings are NOT meant to kill one another... it's that simple! Animals kill one another, because either they're protecting or feeding themselves. Even compared to animals we're no better, we kill in name of "religion, politics" not the necessity of survival! While these old fat constipated bastards siting on the crown, they're using all the young lost souls to achieve power. Why don't you ever see THEM joining the war!

My heart goes to all you Vets out there, and I read all your stories, even shed some tears over them, but I hate to express the tough love here, you CHOOSE to go to war, you CHOOSE to potentially killing another being, most likely as beautiful as you are, with families and loved ones that waited hopelessly for them at home. They were lied to just like you were lied to... some did it because they had NO choice.

In middle east (born in Iran) at age 18 you HAVE to join military and are not allowed to leave the country untill your 26 and served 2 years in war mandotoray. So they may have little choice to join war, but YOU do and should do it by example and NOT join the military. There is NOTHING to be gained from war, NOTHING other then the illusion of personal glory... the richer get richer and poorer get poorer (as been seen over and over in our history)! Once you back in somewhat reality (the civilians life) this illusion will shatter and you will break down, as the reality of your past actions will reflect and it will never part from you. As I said earlier we're not meant to kill each other, it's as if ones body's' red blood cells start destroying all other cells, it's cancer! War is cancer on earth!

I rather die then to take someone else life, and that's what I CHOOSE, and so can you! I'm just gonna ask you to think about one question....

Do you think we would still have wars on Earth, if we had no armies to join?

posted on May, 12 2010 @ 01:07 PM
The USA should be the suposed victor in this war....and still so many suicides. What about the Iraqi soldiers.......? Same figure or no problems wih their veterans? Can it be some sick CIA program that is killing off these war heroes?

[edit on 12-5-2010 by zatara]

posted on May, 12 2010 @ 11:48 PM
reply to post by freighttrain

Do you think we would still have wars on Earth, if we had no armies to join?

Yes. Regardless of what you think, human nature is what drives conflict. There always has been, and always will be someone who covets what his neighbors has, and is willing to fight to get it.

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 01:49 AM
reply to post by tigpoppa

I got to say what you wrote is definitively some of the stupidest shint I heard in a while. To those that joined if you dident know what war's are abouth now you know, consider yourselves a little more inlightened. I can only see two options for you aither stick with this military industrial complex machine, but only if you get something out of it, ride the beast dont let the beast ride you. Or go the harder path and try to live a civilian life. I wish you all luck. In this great land of american aint nothing all that great, more like allwright. But if a unwise person like tigpoppa can make it, you'all sure as hell can as well.

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 02:24 AM
reply to post by galadofwarthethird

I think tigpoppa is just making stuff up really, he does not sound like a Doctor at all.

He sounds more like a disgruntled soldier one that got trained on the US tax dollar and then joined XE and is now on the lets get the Trance to hate the civilian population payroll.

The government learns from it's mistakes even if people do not realise this....

The US government knew that there would be plenty of Veterans coming back from Iraq and Afghan who would be against all the crap they were put through for no reason. So the first thing the do is Come up with a disorder and make everyone believe they have PTSD when in reality they have IJGSBMGFNFR (I Just got Screwed By My Government For No Freakin Reason).

Next they put them on pills that even on TV tell you increase the suicidal urges.

So instead of having a unified army of angry Veterans on US soil marching on the White house lawn you have a bunch of guys who have been through hell, told they were crazy and given pills that make them want to die. And many are.

Now all that needs to be done for the X military to join Privatised law enforcement or mercenary groups is turn them slowly against the American civilian population.

I say to the Veterans of the USA, you guys need to unify and have your voices heard! You fought for America and America screwed you. Your time is not up you job is not done, you are still a warrior and you need to let your government know that what happened is not right!

The civilian population can't do that with out being called un American or anti military or against our troops. We can't defend you guys against the war with out being slandered. But The Veterans of America CAN!

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 03:00 PM
reply to post by Izarith

Ya you got the jest of it government cutting it's loses and using the media and propaganda so they dont have to pay anything, you know loop holes in the contracts. As for tigpoppa hes aither a bot or one of those human bots.

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 03:04 PM
My mother was shipped to Iraq twice. My grandfather fought in Korea and Vietnam as a Green Beret. All I have to say is that PTSD is real, and not enough is being done about it. These guys are coming back to nothing. It's like Vietnam all over again. You think you're doing something good, you get over there and see the truth/ carnage/ destruction, come back to America to only have people bitch at you like it's YOUR fault the war is going on. I got a tattoo on my arm when my mom left the second time: it's a rucksack with a heart inside and worn boots in front of it. The main aspect though is it says OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM - SUPPORT OUR TROOPS. Regardless of my views on the war, the soldiers will always be in my heart.

posted on May, 13 2010 @ 04:16 PM

Originally posted by vipertech0596
reply to post by freighttrain

Do you think we would still have wars on Earth, if we had no armies to join?

Yes. Regardless of what you think, human nature is what drives conflict. There always has been, and always will be someone who covets what his neighbors has, and is willing to fight to get it.

I disagree my friend, I do think Human Nature is "capable" of loving and being at peace with one another... the problem is "culture" (religion, education institute, financial system, etc...) ... it dictates HOW we should live! Human nature drives conflict only when it's not at peace with itself! I've seen people living at peace with one another... when and only there is no outside influence. Basically they used their internal guiding system to keep their bonds intact, once you SNIP with it, it falls apart!

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