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Gordon Brown Says He Will Resign As Leader

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posted on May, 10 2010 @ 11:24 AM

Gordon Brown Says He Will Resign As Leader

Gordon Brown has said he will step down as leader as Nick Clegg asks for talks between Labour and the Liberal Democrats.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on May, 10 2010 @ 11:24 AM
This is good news. At least the English now no that regardless of what sort of Coalition government comes to power, we wont have Mr Brown at the helm. It was always a farce that he was never elected into power! Democracy in the UK!

I hope for one that the UK will soon have some sort of stability as opposed to a corrupt government
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on May, 10 2010 @ 11:29 AM
This is great news. I've never understood how anyone could get behind the guy. He seems truly slime-y.

posted on May, 10 2010 @ 11:33 AM

Originally posted by justinsweatt
This is great news. I've never understood how anyone could get behind the guy. He seems truly slime-y.

And the rest of them don't? Clegg and Cameron just come across a slimy and on top of that both seem to be minus backbone. Who would want either of those 2 running a neighbourhood watch program nevermind run a country and keep it safe.

posted on May, 10 2010 @ 11:35 AM
reply to post by justinsweatt

no one really got behind him
he took power when blair buggered off

posted on May, 10 2010 @ 01:07 PM
reply to post by RMFX1

Um, no. I'm sorry that if you thought that I implied that I am actually behind the other choices the brits have. Not at all. If anything, I fully support you guys leaving the EU, throwing the bums out and actually writing your own constitution.

Brown just seemed much more of a slime ball comparatively, which I know isn't say much.

posted on May, 10 2010 @ 01:23 PM
This could be the worst of all outcomes, Brown resigns, Clegg agrees to a coalition, and Lord Voldemort, sorry Lord Mandleson, continues to pull the strings from behind the throne. God help us all if this happens.

New Labour are the very antithesis of a free and democratic society. The intrusion into all aspects of UK life, CCTV, Common Purpose, signing away our sovereignty to the EU without a referendum, and more have more to do with the former GDR and the Frankfurt School.

As a UK citizen my rights have been removed one by one. I've worked hard all my working life, then was made redundant recently and have been cast aside by the state, they tell me I am entitled to nothing and have to feed my family on £0.00 a week, yet if I had smuggled myself into the country with my family would be entitled to a house, car, all the luxury goods I desired, mobile phones, food, etc. Yet even suggesting this makes me a criminal in the eyes of the State, this is a hate crime, I am possibly even a threat to the public safety, bordering on being a terrorist. Yet the truth couldn't be further from the truth, I am a quiet family man, tolerant, and so on.

I used to be so proud to be British, but now my government tells me I must be ashamed, that I must toe the line and never ever question my betters. New Labour knows better, New Labour are better placed to tell me how to live my life, what I must and mustn't do. Which is odd, because the leaders of the New Labour movement lead the kind of lives the rest of us mustn't even consider.

Should the opportunity arise I would leave this country, but there is nowhere to go, I'd have more freedom in Iraq, although a lot more danger. Countries like Libya and Iran treat their citizens more decently, yet we're held up as moral arbiters as to what is freedom and what is oppression.

99.9% of the UK population are lead in a somnambulant state by the nose, shown wonderful images of a Britain that doesn't exist, and given false hope and promise.

It must be old age, but the older I get the more I think that there is no solution. Revolution replaces the current oppressors with new oppressors with a different coloured flag. Socialism would be ok, but the upper and middle classes can't abide the tax required to make society fair. The status quo is so morally bankrupt as to be embarrassing, we live in a society where cheats, liars, thieves, and worse are held up as our betters and as ideals.

Has the Western philosophy of capitalism finally collapsed as a facade and the real world of feudalism never ended, we're all serfs, we're all bonded servants, bound to our miserable existences. TPTB keep us in the dark, keep us scared, frightened, and penniless, fed lies, and fed unattainable dreams to keep us in line.

posted on May, 10 2010 @ 01:41 PM
reply to post by daveyp1986

Good.... i'm glad!!

This Country has become too soft on PC'ness... certain groups are getting away with things other's can't...

Too many Immigrants from ME over here too and they still want to allow more in...

I hope Cameron and Clegg can sort something out.... or i see many troubles ahead...

posted on May, 10 2010 @ 01:42 PM
reply to post by Rob37n
Look on the bright side, no more Brown!

posted on May, 10 2010 @ 02:01 PM
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