posted on May, 9 2010 @ 06:08 PM
reply to post by Chris McGee
the US Treasury (i.e. the Fed Gov't) already has a willing and deep-pockets buyer for the Gov't Debt ---
The Federal Reserve
they are presently buying up to 70% of the USA debt right now,
probably because they get a ~3% return on the bonds/notes themselves
AND they get another 5% on lending the Gov't their own money printed from thin air the form of those same Bonds and Notes...
these guys are in perpetual hog heaven in my book !!
the only way a rate in borrowing might increase is because the EU ihas to offer more return interest on their Bonds/Notes than the USAs rate...
which would inevitably open the gates to higher return rates on gov't debt all over the global financial realm...
in a ploy by the Treasury (to essentially deflect the appearance of Sham/Scam) the USA Treasury would increase debt interest rates to conform to the
status-quo 'norm' (even though the Treas. is quite satisified with the present combined +8% interest the FED-RESERVE
is presently bilking the nation for)
~ but hey sheeple 'your free' ~
[edit on 9-5-2010 by St Udio]