ok - some randome real world reasons why this system is impractical
1 - gee force - although it sounds " simple " the geeforce would be astronomical - and the solution of lowering gee force / acceleration by
legthening the lauch tube creates other problems usch as
2 friction
3 - " sonic boom " to acieve your claimed 30km altitude BEFORE rocket ignition - the velocity
this will also negate the perception of another ATS member that the launch could be conducted at night in secret
the only real world example of anything that lauched objects to that altitude was the WWI paris gun - and other such ` super artillery `
and the larger or more correctly heavier the payload - the greater the muzzle velocity needs to be
3 - " dead weight " - the ` maglev ` component of the system become dead weight as soon as it leaves the launch tunnel - the ` obvious ` answe is to
use a " break away " lauch sled - that falls away like the sabot of a APFSDS [ armoutr peiercing fin stabilised discarding sabot round ] used in
but this requires a masive down range ` saftey zone ` for the sled to be recovered in and its hardly stealthy - another strike for the covert attempt
4 friction par deux - accelerating a maglev object down a 15km track generates a lot of friction - even with NO physical contact - just the boundry
layer air interaction
real life developers of high speed magbev train / transit systems are already having to address these issues - at speeds a fraction of what would be
required for this system
also - hot magnets are inneficient magnets
5 payload diameter - the tunnel should IDEALLY be as small bore as possible - but that limits payload diameter
incleasing tunnel diameter increases laucher mass - which needs more energy - just to get the laucher out the tube
also the cross section plays a part in the aerodynamic drag of the launch vehicle - bigger cross section - more energy to accelarate it - and ggreater
air friction - that in turn has other implications
6 - flight ` stability ` - - an unpowered object lauched from a tunnel is not
the most stable is a sphere - and as its diameter to legth ratio increases - the more unstable in flight it becomes
and unless weight distribution is PERFECT it will tumble anyway
basically - it will tumble - thats why firearms and artillery projectiles are spin stabilised
why not ppin stabilise it you ask ? - why dont you answer that by telling me the rate of spin rquired - and the assciated radial gee force generated -
and wether human payloads could survive similtaneous linear [ accelareation ] AND radial loads
its really not that good an idea - sorry
[edit on 10-5-2010 by ignorant_ape]