posted on May, 9 2010 @ 10:40 PM
Originally posted by Agent_USA_Supporter
Sorry that Cant Be venus its not even on Stereo.
I don't understand why it can't be Venus -- and what "STEREO" has to do with it.
Venus is definitely visible in the western sky just after sunset right now, and it has been extremely bright. It has been visible in the west at
sunset for a few weeks now, and before that it spent the past several months high in the night sky (and setting in the western sky during the early
morning hours). But it is visible right after sunset now, so there is no doubt about the fact that it
could be Venus.
Are you trying to day that because Venus isn't appearing in the pictures from STEREO that we should not be able to see it from Earth? The STEREO
spacecraft are at the Lagrange points, quite far from Earth. So what they see is not necessarily what we can see from Earth...
...No, Venus is most certainly still visible as an "Evening Star" right before and right after sunset, although in a few month's time it will
become hard (or impossible) to see because it will be in the sky close to the Sun during the daylight hours-- until a few months after that when it
becomes a "Morning Star" again.
However, for now it is quite visible.
[edit on 5/9/2010 by Soylent Green Is People]