Originally posted by Fromabove
From the Bible (KJV)
Rev 8:12
Isa 2:19
Isa 13:13
Isa 24:20
All children under the age of accountability shall be taken to be with the Lord before the end as will true Christians. They (the angels) will take
care of them and gather them together before the end comes. The Earth will move from it's orbit, spin around like a drunken sailor, shake terribly as
will the heavens (sky and space). It shall come to an end and be finished.
I don't think 3 year olds read the bible, but they do dream, and the dream was for us. Why, to get right with God before the end so you don't have
to be one those that will die when the Earth shakes terribly and spins out of control and strays from it's orbit.
Want to live. Accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior by asking Him to forgive you of your sin and save you. But you must believe with your
heart that Jesus is Lord and desire for Him to save you, which is faith. Do you have faith ? It's very simple and all you need to do is to believe
and accept. If you do accept, tell someone.
I disagree with your propagandist religious spout.
God gave humans free will, religion is trying to take it away. Follow the golden rule, and take steps to survive when and if the waters come. I
don't think ALL Christians (and only Christians) will be saved. What about all the hypocrites that attend the church, just to "play it safe" and
then go back to their self-absorbed-centered lifestyle?
I'm not hating on just Christians, in fact I am not hating on many one. However, your narrow minded religious view has caused much suffering in the
world. I am not religious, I am spiritual, and am just trying to help as many humans as I can find their true paths and life missions.
The bible was written from a historical account from humans at the time that did not have our current world view. Simply, the bible is flawed, and
re-written to control the masses. Weed through the constrictive religious dogma and get to the facts in Rev: Something big showed up in the sky.
Fire and Brimstone rained down. The stars moved. The earth moaned. The ground shook. Waters came. The sun moved where it rose and set.
I mean, come on people. It is a pole shift. It happened multiple times in the past. It is going to happen again, how many warnings are you going to
get before you wake up.
People having dreams about gravity becoming odd, waters coming to drown most of us. Is it not obvious yet?
I will make things easy for you. Here is the timeline to look out for...
When double shines the single sun (when 2 suns shine in the sky)
7 weeks until it's done
when 3 days of darkness you see (either an eclipse or a push back on the tilt of the earth)
15-12 days until pole shift asymmetry
6 days of sunrise west (yes, the sun will rise in the west)
keep moving above 300 ft to stay abreast (if you are not at this point above sea level, you may drown)
5.9 days of rotation stop (yes, the earth will stop turning)
stay close; rush to cover, from firestorms up top (fire and brimstone, anyone?)
1 hour of quakes, rain, and flood (this is the hour pole shift)
most water turns to blood (really it is Iron Oxide)
2 years of polar melt (now that the poles are along the equator)
700 ft is the new ocean belt (675 really, but 700 is safer)
3,657 years it comes, no one believes
Very few believe
All will believe, when the time comes (for those who believe, no proof is necessary; for those who don't, no proof is enough)