posted on May, 16 2010 @ 11:02 AM
reply to post by Carseller4
That's a problem a lot of members (including staff) experience. When looking at my 'myATS' page, some of my subscriptions will show errors. I'm
not sure what causes it. But it is not forum-specific and appears to be different. I found out sometimes it helps to unsubscribe from my favorite
forums and then resubscribe.
So what I'm trying to find out is if it will at least register for you at all (even if it doesn't show up on your myATS page).
When we customize our forum preference to 'myATS,' (from the link I posted above), that means only forums we subscribe to will show up on the recent
post page). So if you can check that out, let me know if you see Pol-Mad threads in the recent post list.
That will at least reveal if it's registering as a favorite for you in general.