This has been giving me the irrits for a long time now.
We have the media, though especially Channel 7's Today Tonight changing their mind about what is good and bad from week to week.
They do it most consistently with housing.
This is an example of when they do the story about how good it is that house prices are going up and how happy we all should be that people in my age
bracket will be forever be locked out of owning a house.
Economist with Australian Property Monitors Matthew Bell is optimistic.
"A lot of factors are pointing to continued house price growth across most capitals," he said.
"You can expect to see house prices heading south by around about September," he added.
However, Matthew Bell argues, "I think we're going to see continued recovery."
He believes population growth in Australia and under-supply of housing will see strong demand for property this year, particularly in capital cities
like Sydney.
"I think overall, we're probably going to see a growth rate of I think the high single digits for Sydney."
In Melbourne Matthew is predicting growth of 10%.
In Adelaide, Matthew thinks the market will also rise but not as much as other cities.
"It hasn't got the same population growth prospects as Melbourne and Sydney and even Brisbane and Perth but I think Adelaide will get close to the
five or even six per cent," he said
"I expect Perth to be one of the stronger performing cities in the country, simply based on a re-emerging resource sector, so I'd be surprised if
Perth was under 10 per cent for the year."
Matthew suggests strong growth in both the territories with seven per cent in Darwin and up to 10 per cent in Canberra.
And in Brisbane again Matthew is forecasting growth.
"I think we'll get close to the eight or nine percent."
Optimistic that I will never own a house. Good news for landlords, bad news for me.
Here is the same show different week talking about how bad a situation the housing problem is in this country.
Owning your own home has long been the great Aussie dream but our national housing crisis for many it's become a nightmare.
"if the public transport is there and follows the spread and the infrastructure is there as well you can go as far as people are willing to travel
and still get on public transport and come back. If that's not available then you have a problem." Greg said. "A lot of countries around the world
the US, the UK, Ireland, Spain built too much housing during their bubble, we didn't, we haven't built enough housing."Financial advisor Michael
Pascoe it can only get worse if governments don't act. "The Reserve Bank has taken an extraordinary step and it's very bluntly warned government
federal, state and local that they have to introduce policies to improve the amount of housing being built to get more housing built otherwise we'll
have the bubble and the reserve bank will have to move and that means they'll belt us all over the head with that very blunt stick, high interest
rates." Michael says.
Cramming more people into apartment blocks closer to the city centres is the traditional government response. It does nothing to lower the cost of
real estate..."A unit in the inner city in a high-rise with two bedrooms will set you back close to 500-thousand dollars.
I realise that I have picked on one media provider here, but they are the one's I notice backflipping the most. I could have used any of the News
Ltd. papers as well.
It just really get's to me when they go from being on my side of the issue to the other in a matter of days. Has anyone else noticed this.
BTW it is full of crap they don't pay for stories. A few months back they wanted me to appear on the program. I would only do it for cash. I got my