posted on May, 15 2010 @ 12:43 AM
Space cadet I'm in north atl, and I hate this planet Venus (because it's so IN YOUR FACE)... every night when I go to the local store, wherever it
doesn't matter, it sticks it's head out and makes me think big giant UFO, Nibiru, whatever... man this thing is a bell ringer for sure.
I go to like Kroger, QT (insert name of favorite really dark parking lot) or wherever and that idiot planet is sticking out like a sore thumb.
Anytime I see it and question it, I go look at stellarium's coordinates and sure enough it's this PITA UFO faker Venus.
What's worse, I drag out my telescope, (old meade etx90 piece of junk), look at it and it's a half-ass ball of nothing. Ugly to say the least, no
features, no rings, nothing what you would call... "COOL!". It's so close to the sun that even the best earth based astronomers only get a fuzzy
mars like view. This planet drives me crazy... Oh well, back to reality, The sight is awesome though.
Don't let it get to you, it's there and always has been. * to you for bringing it up.
It's real and it has a pretty nasty reputation/resolution from the earth, unless you're looking at a hubble version of the same.
Have a good day and enjoy the sight.
[edit on 15-5-2010 by tectonic]