posted on May, 8 2010 @ 07:24 PM
Well, if you are talking a war in with nuclear weapons, it’s anybody’s guess.
Right now, as things stand, Iran is in a difficult situation. Let’s take this scenario into examination; let’s say that Israel decides to go on a
midnight bombing run to take out Iran’s nuclear facilities before they can build a nuka-bomb. What’s Iran to do?
Look at a map of the Middle East; Turkey, Iraq and Saudi Arabia all lie between Israel and Iran. There is no common ground border. That means
retaliatory air strikes. That also means Iran would have to get fly over permission from at least one of the buffer states, and most likely Syria as
well. There doesn’t seem much chance that Turkey or Iraq would allow massive fleets of Iranian planes to invade their airspace. Without that
permission, there is no way Iran can get their fighters and bombers to Israel. Checkmate. The Iranians just have to suck on it and stew about it.
But let’s take it further and play the ‘what-if’ game further. So let’s pretend both Iraq and Syria allow Iranian flyovers. What then?
Well, you’ve got a situation in which the Iranian air force is completely inadequate for the job. The numbers estimated for the Iranian air force
vary, but at best they can muster a few hundred fighters and few – if any – strategic bombers. Of those few hundred, a significant portion are
archaic Soviet and Chinese models.
That means a few hundred subpar airplanes, manned by pilots with subpar training, would be forced to fly at the very limits of endurance for both man
and machine. They would be watched and waited for by one of the most highly trained and professional air forces in the world – well rested and armed
to the teeth. The few Iranians that might make it through the initial barrage of SAMs and flak would be then faced with a force that is both
technologically superior and staffed with better pilots. It would be a turkey shoot. The Jews would lose more planes to accidents and malfunctions
than enemy action.
At this point, Iran would be forced to plead to the U.N. for sanctions and b.s. resolutions. Again, checkmate in favor of Israel.