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If Israel and Iran were to go to war.

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posted on May, 8 2010 @ 05:14 PM
If Israel and Iran were to go to war what do you think would happen?
Iran in ten years will have nuclear capabilities.

Iran is china's and Russia's baby. What they are basically saying is America and all other countries stay out of it if there is a war between Iran and Israel or ww3.

I'm thinking its a play to blow up the entire middle east by all the elite. Middle east is to dangerous for their NWO plans.

If any other country jumped in it would be ww3 and it would be done with nukes. The entire planet would be unlivable. Russia has thousand of nukes...I don't know how many china has. They know this so they would stay out of it not wanting ww3.

If the middle east wants to blow its self up. OK, but stay out of it! Is what they are basically saying. If all countries stay out of it. that is exactly what is going to happen, Iran with nukes and Israel with nukes will blow the middle east out of the sky and no side will stop and help in the war as they know it would cause a ww3..No one wants ww3. So Iran and Israel, I bet are to fight each other without the assistance of any countries. With their nukes they will make the middle east unlivable.

[edit on 8-5-2010 by Theone2000]

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 05:22 PM
This war is already unavoidable. Israel will never let Iran have any nuclear capability because Iran can untie nations near Israel against Israel. Look at Iraq and Saddam Hussein. He was a Pan-Arabism which would unite the middle east and destroy Israel. Israel knows that they only have one way of defending themselves and still having support from the world. And that is cut off the head of the snake and the rest will die.

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 05:27 PM
In my opinion, World War 3, also including the U.S., Syria, Lebanon, Russia, Iraq, Afhanistan, Pakistan, Palestine, etc. There is already so much tension, that a war between two controversial countries like Iran and Isreal, would spark it. I also think that the media play on it, will further divide our people.

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 05:28 PM

Originally posted by Romantic_Rebel
This war is already unavoidable. Israel will never let Iran have any nuclear capability because Iran can untie nations near Israel against Israel. Look at Iraq and Saddam Hussein. He was a Pan-Arabism which would unite the middle east and destroy Israel. Israel knows that they only have one way of defending themselves and still having support from the world. And that is cut off the head of the snake and the rest will die.

But if Iran goes to war with Israel it would start off a chain of events that could lead up to ww3. Iran is Russia's and China's baby.

Thanks for the response. (Good coffee conversation.)

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 05:31 PM

Originally posted by Good Intentions
In my opinion, World War 3, also including the U.S., Syria, Lebanon, Russia, Iraq, Afhanistan, Pakistan, Palestine, etc. There is already so much tension, that a war between two controversial countries like Iran and Israel, would spark it. I also think that the media play on it, will further divide our people.

I think Iran is going to keep pushing forward on their nuke making proses. They have the backing of china and Russia. No one wants ww3 so they will just keep pushing...knowing nothing can be done about it. If there is a war between Iran and Israel. (Inevitable) I believe it will get all other countries around it to fight destroying the entire middle east. The nukes by Iran and Israel will make the entire middle east unlivable.

USA, Russia and China will stay out of it to avoid ww3.

What do you think?

[edit on 8-5-2010 by Theone2000]

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 05:35 PM
reply to post by Theone2000

I agree with you. Maybe this would show us that Israel is the real or at least has more of a influence in the world because of their history. I mean by the religious significance. There's more then religion in my eye and that's authority and money. Ask any person who believes in God and ask what is the country that needs to be defend my man. and they'll say Israel. Israel already knows if The U.S and Europe side with Arab nations then Israel would be wipe off the map.

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 05:39 PM

Originally posted by Romantic_Rebel
reply to post by Theone2000

I agree with you. Maybe this would show us that Israel is the real or at least has more of a influence in the world because of their history. I mean by the religious significance. There's more then religion in my eye and that's authority and money. Ask any person who believes in God and ask what is the country that needs to be defend my man. and they'll say Israel. Israel already knows if The U.S and Europe side with Arab nations then Israel would be wipe off the map.

Adam was not the first man on earth. The universe does not revolve around earth. The old testimate is bogus in my eyes. The only thing real in it was the ten commandments. And the Muslim religion is just insane. The books are just books that put each other at war with one another.

What say you? If Iran and Israel went at it?

[edit on 8-5-2010 by Theone2000]

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 05:41 PM
Both Iran and Israel nuked one another off the map.

And nothing of value was lost.

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 05:42 PM
reply to post by Theone2000

Of course. But we can keep repeating that. That would not change how many people believe in everything written in these religious books. One of the many unavoidable issues that are edging the world into war. Who knows maybe religion itself would be destroyed.

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 05:47 PM

Originally posted by Symbiote
Both Iran and Israel nuked one another off the map.

And nothing of value was lost.

It would not just be Israel and Iran that would have to face the consequences of a all out nuclear war in the middle east. It would destroy the entire middle east for 1000's of years.

Maybe this is the elites plan because the region is so unstable. The middle east does not fit in to their NWO plans. So they are just sitting back and letting it happen. Russia is in on it. (They dislike Jews.) So is China. (They hate religion.)

[edit on 8-5-2010 by Theone2000]

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 05:48 PM
reply to post by Theone2000

I think that Isreal and the U.S. are way to close to have U.S. stay out. The lobbying power the Isrealis have here is also tremendous. Russia and China, I'm not too sure about, but I mean their pretty much screwed anyway if a nuclear war goes down in that region lol.

In my opinion though, it is unfair that a war will start just because Iran may have one nuclear weapon. Isreal has many more, and so does the U.S., and many other nations. Last week, the U.S. annouced about 5,000 nukes that they had, plus about a thousand more "waiting to be defused". Waiting to be defused, means they are still part of their arsenal, so we have about 6,000, and thats OFFICIAL release, so who knows if theirs more. World War 3 is gonna happen why? Because Iran made just one? Now, Isreal won't release their info, but it is well known they have more than ONE.

Now it can be argued that Iran may use that one nuclear weapon, but it can also be argued that the U.S. can use many of it's 6,000 nuclear weapons, or Isreal can use theirs (most likey scenario in my opinion.) I mean, who is anyone to determine which countries can have all the weapons they want, or which countries can't have nuclear technology at all. Certaintly the U.S. is the least credible out of everyone, because we are the only ones that have used it. Not to say that means we will again.

Sorry for the rant.

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 05:59 PM

Originally posted by Good Intentions
reply to post by Theone2000

I think that Isreal and the U.S. are way to close to have U.S. stay out. The lobbying power the Isrealis have here is also tremendous. Russia and China, I'm not too sure about, but I mean their pretty much screwed anyway if a nuclear war goes down in that region lol.

In my opinion though, it is unfair that a war will start just because Iran may have one nuclear weapon. Isreal has many more, and so does the U.S., and many other nations. Last week, the U.S. annouced about 5,000 nukes that they had, plus about a thousand more "waiting to be defused". Waiting to be defused, means they are still part of their arsenal, so we have about 6,000, and thats OFFICIAL release, so who knows if theirs more. World War 3 is gonna happen why? Because Iran made just one? Now, Isreal won't release their info, but it is well known they have more than ONE.

Now it can be argued that Iran may use that one nuclear weapon, but it can also be argued that the U.S. can use many of it's 6,000 nuclear weapons, or Isreal can use theirs (most likey scenario in my opinion.) I mean, who is anyone to determine which countries can have all the weapons they want, or which countries can't have nuclear technology at all. Certaintly the U.S. is the least credible out of everyone, because we are the only ones that have used it. Not to say that means we will again.

Sorry for the rant.
I agree we have plenty of JEWS in high places in the U.S., but I don't think the American public would go for ww3. Which seems to be the situation as Russia and China will not just sit back and let their oil reserve be taken over by the U.S.A.
So the U.S.A. can put a embargo on Iran. This will do nothing as China and Russia can pull Iran through. So all in all we are looking at a future with Iran having nuclear weapons. Iran and Israel hate each other to the point of war. We will just have to wait and see what happens. But I do believe all countries will stay out of the fight. Knowing it would be the beginning of ww3 if one of the bigger countries jumped in. So I think the elite are going to sit back and let what happens, happen.
All we can do is hope for the best and hope for peace.

What is your opinion

[edit on 8-5-2010 by Theone2000]

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 06:09 PM
I think basicaly Russia will do what it usualy does with Israel when it intervenes in the middle east and explain to them they are not going to exist as a nation for much longer if they decide to bomb soviet power stations filld with russian scientists, and nuclear scientists arent just any scientists, they are an extremely valuable commodity for a nation. Start offing a countrys nuke scientists and BADNESS will happen.

Israel would also likely loose any allies it has in Europe if it ever decided to launch any nukes into Iran, the resulting fallout would irradiate the Caucus, Medditeranian and Eastern Europe. Really, you sort of got to ask would America truly risk a global war with Russia, Europe and the majority of Asia including China because of a bunch whack job religious fanatics in Israel?, hmmmmm. Not sure about that. Israel gets away with what it does because it doesnt really interfere with the interests of any other major powers, as soon it did though there luck isnt going to last too long.

Iran in ten years will have nuclear capabilities

Can i just make a mild enquiry whats the source for this?

[edit on 8-5-2010 by Johnze]

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 06:10 PM
reply to post by Theone2000

Oh, I KNOW most people would not go for World War 3. But for some reason, I have lost faith that our politicians will actually listen to the people. However, on something as big as World Word 3, we will see some unprecented (as of recently) uproar of average Americans, so that may finally be enough to get out "majority vote".

On the other side, I feel that just be being allies with Isreal, we will be dragged into the war either way. We can choose too stay out of it as long as possible, but if things get so bad that we are being bombed daily by Isreal's enemy's, what other choice do we really have?

Another thing that makes me think that it will be hard for us to stay out, is that unless we stop sending aid to Isreal, we will be partially funding their war. Therefore, we would kind of be involved from the start if you get what I mean. Although we are not directly involved, we would still supporting them, sending them aid and arms, which is more then we'd be doing for it's enemies.

Also, if we did decide to stop aiding Isreal to prevent that scenario, now were are also at risk of Isreal attacking us. I don't want to sound arrogant, but Isreal's leader's act immaturely sometimes (Zionists), and may view America's not wanting to be involved, as "anti-semitic". On the bright side to that, we'd at least gain many allies lol.

Edit to add: Off topic, but the whole funding their war thing, is one of the main reasons we are being attacked by terrorists, and is the motive behind 9/11. If we recieved that because of how we help Isreal in the Palestine conflinct, then I can't imagine what would happen to us if we funded them in a World War 3 conflict.

[edit on 8-5-2010 by Good Intentions]

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 06:12 PM
reply to post by Theone2000

if you think that the middle east will be blown out because it doesnt fit in the NWO then you are very wrong.

whos agenda is it to create a NWO? zionists

what do zionists want? greater israel

where is greater israel? middle east

why would they blow up their home?

the NWO is based in the middle east and you cant see that now, but it will emerge after the next big war.

the zionist believe that thier messiah will only come after a brutal global war that starts with the persians, if that war doesnt happen then thier messiah wil not arrive, they want him to come and rule the world from jerusalem.

on the other hand the next war will cause the fall of the US, this is part of the plan. a new world will emerge where israel will somehow be a super power and there will be peace.

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 06:18 PM

Iran in ten years will have nuclear capabilities

Can i just make a mild enquiry whats the source for this?

[edit on 8-5-2010 by Johnze]

Its a educated guess. I could imagine them having them in 5 years.

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 06:24 PM

Originally posted by RizeorDie
reply to post by Theone2000

if you think that the middle east will be blown out because it doesnt fit in the NWO then you are very wrong.

whos agenda is it to create a NWO? zionists

what do zionists want? greater israel

where is greater israel? middle east

why would they blow up their home?

the NWO is based in the middle east and you cant see that now, but it will emerge after the next big war.

the zionist believe that thier messiah will only come after a brutal global war that starts with the persians, if that war doesnt happen then thier messiah wil not arrive, they want him to come and rule the world from jerusalem.

on the other hand the next war will cause the fall of the US, this is part of the plan. a new world will emerge where israel will somehow be a super power and there will be peace.

You could be right about the NWO being Zionistic. As they own all the news companies in America. But I will tell you this...If you think they are the only ones trying to make a NWO for their own sake, Your just crazy. There are people up high (Illuminati) fighting to be the leaders of the NWO. These are the ones that will just sit back and let Iran and Israel fight and eradicate the middle east. Its to unstable for a NWO. (This is just a educated guess. lol)

What do you guys think?

[edit on 8-5-2010 by Theone2000]

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 06:29 PM
For the Love of God, do you guys not realise the implications of Nuclear War? The fallout? No country in their right mind would do so, NO Matter the differences!

That kind of fallout would spread across the world, meaning MAJOR backlash!! Ultimately death to us all!! Wake up and smell the Roses! What is wrong with You people? This isn't a game? It's our lives! We need to cherish this planet!

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 06:31 PM

Originally posted by TortoiseKweek
For the Love of God, do you guys not realise the implications of Nuclear War? The fallout? No country in their right mind would do so, NO Matter the differences!

That kind of fallout would spread across the world, meaning MAJOR backlash!! Ultimately death to us all!! Wake up and smell the Roses! What is wrong with You people? This isn't a game? It's our lives! We need to cherish this planet!

Agreed. I just wish the elite of all countries felt the same way we do!

Put some Iranians on a secluded beach with some Israelites. I'm betting trouble.

I wish the world were peaceful. Here let me be the Zionists messiah. There now we can all live in peace. lol

[edit on 8-5-2010 by Theone2000]

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 06:33 PM
why does everyone think its always going to be a nuke war. cant it just be a regular war? why do nukes always come up?

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