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For those who don't know, The Bush-Bin Laden Family business Connection

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posted on Jun, 6 2004 @ 09:07 PM
Well I am not sure if this has been posted before but here goes....

President Bush and the bin Laden family have been connected through dubious business deals since 1977, when Salem, the head of the bin Laden family business, one of the biggest construction companies in the world, invested in Bush's start-up oil company, Arbusto Energy, Inc.

There are apparantly many many ties with the bush family and dirty oil crooks as many of you know. The Bush-Bin Laden business connection lies in the fact that Salem Bin Laden (Osama's brother) invested heavily and had dealings with Bush's former energy company he founded Arbusto. This is the company he later merged with Spectrum 7 energy company then Harken that Bush ended up doing a Martha Stewart on except on a larger scale. Oh course he didn't get in trouble cuz of big daddy.

Much more ties to oil crooks and fanatics heres a couple of websites to explore and to prove my point that bush is nothing but an oil crook getting rich off oil and making his oil crook buddies rich.

[edit on 6-6-2004 by Hoppinmad1]

[edit on 6-6-2004 by Hoppinmad1]

posted on Jun, 6 2004 @ 10:37 PM
bin Laden family is also invested in and associated with the Bush family thru daddy's investments and involvement with the Carlyle Group.......also populated with other Republicans of note and particpation in several recent Administrations..........

Odd ! Just a coincidence, I�m sure�A happenstance��fersure�.

posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 01:12 AM
So what? All those post show is that rich and powerful families that were involved in business dealings interacted over time on projects together.

The circle of those people/families that have enough wealth to be involved in business of such a high dollar value is likley very not suprised the same names come up in dealings of this magnitude. Did you think you'd see your name being kicked around in the power players circle?

So far i have seen examples of business dealings both failed and successful...but i havnt seen any criminal activities on either side to make me draw the conclusion that this is anything more than "the good ole boys network" in motion.

Its not what you know, its Who you long has this phrase been around? Longer than Bush i'll bet.

posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 01:28 AM
The "imaginary" link between Bush and Osama again? *shakes head* The Bin Laden family has around 200 relatives, about 50+ are siblings of Osama. The only link Osama and most of the rest of his family have is the last name. Osama would pretty much allow the death of members of his family because they have embraced the west and live as westerners.

posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 01:34 PM

That is true, while they do share the same name, Osama bin Ladin is a castaway from his family. He took whatever fortune they gave him and they have not talked since.

This makes the Bush bin Ladin ties irrelevant.

posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 02:58 PM

Originally posted by gmcnulty

No not imaginary������..for real connections�and for many years��

Yes, that would be Bush and the Bin Ladens, not Bush and Osama. I read most of the articles and thank you for putting up the links, but I fail to see, outside of some speculation presented there, what is the direct connection between The Bush family and Osama? The Bush family deal with the BinLadenGroup, not Osama, the family wacko.

posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 03:23 PM
Substitute the name CLINTON for the name Bush and get back to me........

Is there "something" there? Who the Hell really knows? Or for that matter, will anyone EVER find out?

It's just one of those nagging "coincidences"���the million to one shots���.that just make this mess a whole lot more messy����..

The only �REAL� thing in this is that when asked, the Bush's have denied( LIED ) thru spokespersons ever knowing a bin Laden and/ or having financial dealings���They called Clinton a �scumbag� in public and openly, in the halls of congress���..You must credit the Democrats for their restraint and respect for the Office of the Presidency.

To have a spirited debate to make ones point is one thing; but when it becomes a no-hold barred meanspirited contest............where only winning counts.......... it become an abomination.

[edit on 7-6-2004 by gmcnulty]

[edit on 7-6-2004 by gmcnulty]

posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 04:02 PM

Originally posted by Muaddib
The "imaginary" link between Bush and Osama again? *shakes head* The Bin Laden family has around 200 relatives, about 50+ are siblings of Osama. The only link Osama and most of the rest of his family have is the last name. Osama would pretty much allow the death of members of his family because they have embraced the west and live as westerners.

We can also say the same thing about Saddam and the Bin Laden family (Osama) can't we? So where is your point? If we can connect Osama with Saddam just because someone's name appears on a few documents...then why can't we surmise the same things about the Bush family?

All you Bush lovers are the first to say that this proves the ties of Saddam and Osama, but when it comes to King, no, no. Give me a break.

[Edited on 7-6-2004 by MacMerdin]

posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 04:12 PM

Originally posted by gmcnulty

It's just one of those nagging "coincidences"���the million to one shots���.that just make this mess a whole lot more messy����..

The only �REAL� thing in this is that when asked, Bush LIED ever knowing a bin Laden���They called Clinton a �scumbag� in public and openly, in the halls of congress���.
[edit on 7-6-2004 by gmcnulty]

It is not a long shot. It is quite common for large corporations to do business together. Especially when both are family businesses that run in the same circles of aspects of their businesses.
As I said earlier, the Bush family deals witht the BinLadenGroup, not Osama. MANY other US businesses work with or have contracts with the BinLadenGroup. The BinLadenGroup is so large in the Middle East that it could be compared to being in the Computer industry and saying you never had to ever work with Microsoft at some point.

Could you clarify who "They"are and could you provide a source for the "Scumbag" quote. I am not a Bush fan and would have certainly remembered Bush saying something like that. And when did Bush ever lie about ever knowing a BinLaden? (I just want to see the actual quote)

posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 04:13 PM
...........SAY THE SAME AS BETWEEN SADDAM AND BIN LADEN??????????? you say

Well I guess anyone can say any damned fool thing they want but that one , unlike the Bush-bin Laden connection, are but mutterings of someone with an "empty gun"................You be shootin' blanks, partner.

posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 04:22 PM

Originally posted by gmcnulty
...........SAY THE SAME AS BETWEEN SADDAM AND BIN LADEN??????????? you say

Well I guess anyone can say any damned fool thing they want but that one , unlike the Bush-bin Laden connection, are but mutterings of someone with an "empty gun"................You be shootin' blanks, partner.

Is that directed at me? For someone to blast someone else that is trying to agree with you is shootin blanks my friend. My point was that the Bush lovers are saying it's just a coincidence that Bush has had dealings with these people. But, when it comes to Saddam, they only need one name on a piece of paper and all yell "see, we told you Saddam and Osama were sleeping together". I think you should read what is posted gmcnulty before the blasting starts.

posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 04:31 PM
I do not recall seeing the final statement you made..................which, for me, really clarified the meaning you intended.............If I have offended you, Please forgive me.

It was my error and I apologize.

posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 04:35 PM
No ruffled feathers here. Just was wondering what was going on. Keep up the good work gmcnulty.

posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 04:41 PM
Some times I much to do so little time........

Thanks for the pat on the back

posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 06:37 PM
[edit on 7-6-2004 by Facefirst]

posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 06:38 PM

Originally posted by gmcnulty
Substitute the name CLINTON for the name Bush and get back to me........

To have a spirited debate to make ones point is one thing; but when it becomes a no-hold barred meanspirited contest............where only winning counts.......... it become an abomination.

[edit on 7-6-2004 by gmcnulty]

Could you please respond to my previous post and put up your quote sources for everyone to see?

Thank you

posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 06:50 PM
I too am interested in the source of this statement, gmcnulty:
" The only �REAL� thing in this is that when asked, Bush LIED ever knowing a bin Laden���"

posted on Jun, 7 2004 @ 08:08 PM
The links you asked for are below. In reviewing my post I realized I made an error and was unclear in just who was guilty of a �less then honest� statement. I have made the correction and wish to thank you for your challenge; and for the opportunity to be able to correct it so the statement more accuracy reflects the facts as known.

Also, I have included the �scumbag� references����

Thank again for your keen eye and attention to detail���..

"When President Bush announced he is hot on the trail of the money used over the years to finance terrorism, he must realize that trail ultimately leads not only to Saudi Arabia, but to some of the same financiers who originally helped propel him into the oil business and later the White House. The ties between bin Laden and the White House may be much closer than he is willing to acknowledge." --Wayne Madsen, 10/22/01

"In conflicting statements, Bush at first denied ever knowing Bath, then acknowledged his stake in Arbusto and that he was aware Bath represented Saudi interests. In fact, Bath has extensive ties, both to the bin Laden family and major players in the scandal-ridden Bank of Commerce and Credit International (BCCI) who have gone on to fund Osama bin Laden. BCCI defrauded depositors of $10 billion in the �80s in what has been called the �largest bank fraud in world financial history� by former Manhattan District Attorney Robert Morgenthau. During the �80s, BCCI also acted as a main conduit for laundering money intended for clandestine CIA activities, ranging from financial support to the Afghan mujahedin to paying intermediaries in the Iran-Contra affair.
Wayne Madsen, an investigative journalist based in Washington, is the author of Genocide and Covert Operations in Africa 1993-1999.Through his lofty position at Carlyle and as a consultant, George Bush Sr. is closely linked to the bin Ladens. As are other powerhouse U.S. politicians.
Given that Carlyle's business is "defense," the Bushes and bin Ladens may well profit handsomely from the current war. There has been no outcry in the mass media about this. No U.S. newspaper has picked up the WSJ story. Nor has CNN or Fox.
As for politicians, only those involved have commented, and they dismissed the bin Laden link without a blush. For instance, Caspar Weinberger, Reagan's Secretary of Defense and part of the Saudi Binladin connection says: "I don't think the sins of the son should be visited on the father or the brother and the cousins and the aunts." ('WSJ,' 27 September 2001)
How stern Weinberger was when it came to invading little Grenada; how non-judgmental when his own interests are at stake. At first, Bush spokeswoman Jean Becker told the 'Wall Street Journal' that her boss had met with the bin Laden�s only once. But "after being read the ex-president's subsequent thank-you note" the original "only once" claim was revised. In other words, she got caught in a lie and switched to a new story:
"President Bush does not have a relationship with the bin Laden family," says Ms. Becker. "He's met them twice." ('WSJ,' 27 September 2001)
Once, twice, who's counting?

The �He�s a scumbag.� Comment was first made by House of Representatives member Dan Burton (R) Ill.����..I believe the full comment when like this,� The lying white trash rapist Clinton still can't take responsibility for his crimes. He still blames others and considers himself the "victim" for his own perjury and suborning of perjury and obstruction of justice problems. He's a scumbag.�

And then picked and used by almost every one of his ilk. Wade thru this Google search:

[edit on 7-6-2004 by gmcnulty]

posted on Jun, 8 2004 @ 03:52 AM
Ok so what....SO WHAT!!!!!

This was all known info during the election 2000....why wasnt this enough damming info to tilt the election?

Where is the illegal activity?

Where is enough solid actionable evidence of SOMETHING more than, "the Bush clan and the bin laden clan have had business relations"?

i soo tire of trying to extrapolate more into something, in order to "get our target person"

Either youve got solid proof of wrong doing, something that is actionable,
or you got a bag full of of whine, bitch, moan....
either pull the trigger with your supposedly earth shaking info...
or shut up about the nothing your really holding.

Your meaningless drivel proves what...exactly?

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