posted on May, 18 2010 @ 03:34 AM
Take it from an aviation guy, there is no such thing as chemtrails. There are a ton of both aviation people, and meteorologists on ATS who all state
the same thing, they are persistent contrails. When you start to do some REAL research you will find that the whole chemtrail hoax falls apart pretty
Restricted Airspace,
TFR’s, and you will quickly see that they would have to submit a
public Notice to Airman that they are doing spraying since it would create a visual and traffic hazard to other aircraft, requiring that they close
the airspace with a TFR…. This is Federal Law and applies to all aircraft including military ones.
You want to learn about why they appear in grids, X’s, and other such formations; research:
VOR’s, and
Aircraft all get the same areas at the same times because they are scheduled in flight banks to accommodate passenger transfers.
You want proof that they have been around a long time but you don’t trust the old WWII footage, watch the movies Patton, and the Right Stuff. Look
through the old Archived photos from the first shuttle launches of the earth from orbit, etc…
They only reason that they are more prevalent today then in the past is because they newer engines are more prone to make them over a wider array of
atmospheric conditions… [atsimg][/atsimg]
…and because there is more air traffic then there was in the past.