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Universal Pedophile Symbols & other info: Learn these to protect your children!

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posted on May, 7 2010 @ 03:40 AM

Originally posted by andy1033
The only way to protect children is never bring a child into this world of scum.

The world is what we make it.

If we don't take out the trash, the place is gonna stink.

We have been lax in letting freaks of nature prey on society
in many ways and many forms, from stealing the country
blind to molesting our kids.

These ppl are mentally ill in my books, and need to be treated,
and then tested with truth serum and under hypnosis before release.

Of course I say the same thing for the sociopaths, psychpaths,
and kleptocrats running out governments and corporations.

There are a LOT of ppl that are not right in the head.

A good example of a functionally insane person is Ted Turner.

He can never own enough and always needs more.

I think the pedos are attracted to the innocence of children,
and also they may have been victims of child abuse themselves.

All that evil needs to win is for good men to do nothing.

Evil has been winning for many years now.

Good Luck to you all !

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 03:47 AM
reply to post by anon72

I only got halfway through your OP as this Topic makes me sick!!

All Peodo's should be hung IMO.

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 03:49 AM
i have a basic , and simple question :

what do they [ these alleged symbols ] acheive in public ?

example - if you were a peadophile - would you talk to / discuss child porn with a total stranger you met in a bar - just because they had ` the secret symbol ` ??????????????

thats the thing - the ` social dynamic ` of peadophiles / peadiophilia is totally underground , illegal and universally despised

its not like allegance to a sports team , your accademic alma mata , or the military unit you once served in

where - by wearing an overt symbol of your allegence - you can expect strangers to react favourabily to you

peadophiles do not have that ` luxury ` - as if identified - they stand every chance of being lynched on the spot

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 03:49 AM

Originally posted by muzzleflash
I am not a pedo, and thus I would never make a pedophile joke.

The only way a person can make a pedophile joke, is if they are messed up in the head to begin with.

Call it a joke all you want, but I know what is really going on in their sick twisted minds.

I don't take these jokes as funny. I take them as evidence you are a pedophile as well.

Don't like it? Stop making these SICK DISGUSTING JOKES. It's juvenile and disgusting.

Yeah I am 100% fine with calling them pedophiles just because they joke about it. It shows they have pedophilia on their brains too often.

Knock knock...who's there?

I touched your daughter.

There, I made a joke about it.

Now, that kind of anger can only be sparked by a subjective experience regarding the aforementioned condition of pedophilia.

I am sorry.

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 03:50 AM
reply to post by Res Ipsa

You have posted some of the most sensible material on this thread and I totally agree. A friend of mine is a social worker, working with troubled kids up to the age of 18, some of whome were/are victims of pedos and some who are pedos themselves.

We do sometimes have lengthy conversations about the issue and we have both come to the same conclusion as you, paedophilia is a sexual orientation, whereby a person is sexually attracted to (but not limited to) prepubescent children. They cannot help what they are.

Unfortunately, society will never allow them to act upon their desires and rightly so, but at the same time, there is currently nowhere a pedo can go to get help. As soon as they admit to their orientation, they are automatically stigmatized and villified, whether they have ever acted upon their impulses or not. This just forces them underground, which increases the chances of them offending.

It's a vicious circle I'm afraid. :shk:

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 03:53 AM

Originally posted by brilab45
reply to post by anon72

I'm sorry Anon, but I could not read your post, but I'm sure it is quite valid. Having been a victim of such horrendous crimes, I can say that I am damaged for life.

You have know idea how many times a day I think about revenge. But time is passed and my perpetrator is hopefully dead.

Scarred for life. These people should be put away forever on an isolated island for the rest of their lives. Unfortunately, I don't agree with the death penalty, but I would like to steal a pound of flesch. Just enough to hurt; as I had been.

Star and flag, even though I could not stomach the thread. My problem, not yours.

I am so sorry to hear about your rape. If you have found professional help, then I know, that you know, that your rape was not your fault.
It sickens me to hear the perps say that their ends justify their means, that it's society's or G_D's fault. They never take responsibility for their perverted behavior. If it is possible, tell our fellow ATS's the horror that you went through. It will probably not effect the members that condone the rape of children, but perhaps give you a chance to strike back at them, and heighten the awareness of the good.
May G_D Lord Jesus Christ comfort you, and you will be in my prayers.

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 03:59 AM

Originally posted by Deezey
reply to post by badw0lf

I kinda got that impression myself, but wow there is a lot of "ZOMG, I NEVER NOO!" going on here, makes this w0lf sad

Yea I know , kinda makes me giggle and sad 2...I like ATS alot, but this shows how much people on here really know whats going on the interwebz.

Did any1 of you on this thread saw that youtube vid where 4chan raided the OPRAH WINFREY show? It's what they do....pose as pedos for shockvalue and piss people off, and then make another meme about it on their boards.

Edit: On second thought, Anon72 has been on here for some time.., either his nick and information are coincidental, then he's just misinformed, or this is a well planned raid.

[edit on 7-5-2010 by Deezey]

I hinted at the possibility of him being after giggles earlier, but he does seem sincere - ha, never let that fool ya tho

Lmao, Oprah's reply was just pure gold tho, she made the entire thing hilarious for everyone, imo.

Ahh at least there are a few people in this thread with enough nouse to know better than what the OP claims. It's just too easy for people to get caught up in stuff on ATS. I blame the X-Files "I Want to Believe!" is taken to literally.

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 04:01 AM

Originally posted by dalan.

Knock knock...who's there?

I touched your daughter.

There, I made a joke about it.

Now, that kind of anger can only be sparked by a subjective experience regarding the aforementioned condition of pedophilia.

I am sorry.

Dude you are sick as hell.

Pedobear avatar. And that joke you just made?

I am convinced you are what you "jokingly" pretend to be.

Its sick. And not funny at all. I do have a daughter.

This is just how they openly admit and spread this garbage. "Its a joke".

Desensitizing people to this much?

You would NEVER joke about that in RL....

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 04:08 AM
reply to post by brilab45

You, or for poeple such as yourself, is exactly why I put this on here. Most people understand that this issue is not an easy one to deal with-for the victims.

I am sure it is hard foryou to sit here and read some of the anti post but rest assured-somone cares.

All this talk about Ice Cream logos and others. They are missing the point, I believe, that friendly, common symbols is exactly what they would want to use, hopefully to make their targets more at ease.

I bet anyone of them see their little kid walking around with a new and odd pendant or coin, or other item-they would be in the news for an attack on the giver of such items.

I hope you have survived as well as can be expected. My heart goes out to you. God Bless.

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 04:17 AM
Now, is that -Phile, or -File. Because, there's a huge difference. As, I have learned from my experiences that some people pinch. Be it, Medically or Physicaly.

That's what needs to be answered with such openness at vulgarity. For all I know, some one got neutralized and pre-inclined de-inclination.

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 04:27 AM
We have these people suffering, and their lives are ruined forever because of rape etc.

And then, we have these rapists and pedophiles even here on ATS making jokes of it all.

"Haha child rape is funny lets joke about it."

WTH ????

It's only funny from the rapists perspective, obviously.

Non-rapists don't make jokes like that. Ever.

It's not trolling. It's open admission (through subtle means) that they are indeed rapists in reality.

[edit on 7-5-2010 by muzzleflash]

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 04:36 AM

It's what they do....pose as pedos for shockvalue and piss people off, and then make another meme about it on their boards.

Nope wrong.

They actually are pedophiles and this is their only way of admitting it.

Non-pedophiles would never joke about such a serious and painful subject.

It's not for shock value, it's for personal vindication.

It's their true inner desires. They just dress it up as a joke to have a "get out of jail free card".

Approximately 15% to 25% of women and 5% to 15% of men were sexually abused when they were children.

You expect me to believe NONE of the millions of rapists/pedophiles post on the 'interwebz'?

What a freaking joke. You guys are posting your garbage right here in the open. Right in the open...

The statistics aren't lying. We know you are really what you are joking about. It's all too obvious.

[edit on 7-5-2010 by muzzleflash]

[edit on 7-5-2010 by muzzleflash]

[edit on 7-5-2010 by muzzleflash]

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 04:38 AM

Originally posted by Anthony1138

i dont wanna sound like hitler but we should just around up pedofiles in camps and just kill them (murders too) save ALOT of taxpayers money putting them through court then housing them in jail.

Oh yeah, cause God forbid they should get a fair trial. Afterall, they're all guilty from the second they're accused right? Hell, lets save even more money. I bet a length of rope and a tree would be about the most cost effective.

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 04:41 AM

Originally posted by nik1halo

Originally posted by Anthony1138

i dont wanna sound like hitler but we should just around up pedofiles in camps and just kill them (murders too) save ALOT of taxpayers money putting them through court then housing them in jail.

Oh yeah, cause God forbid they should get a fair trial. Afterall, they're all guilty from the second they're accused right? Hell, lets save even more money. I bet a length of rope and a tree would be about the most cost effective.

No it should be proven in a court of law. The right way.

Then lets execute them.

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 04:46 AM
Muzzleflash, as I'm reading your later responses, accusing everyone who sees the ridiculousness of the OP, of being pedophile rapists all I can think of is those anti-gay preachers and politicians who end up getting outed as gay themselves in the end. Relax buddy.
Also, falsely accusing people publicly of being pedophiles and rapists almost certainly opens you up to the possibility of being sued for libel and/or defamation.

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 04:46 AM
reply to post by muzzleflash

See you would think that. Unfortunately the world is changing. People who grew up on the internet do see this as a joke. They would look at your responses and say you've been successfully trolled. These are a group of people who take nothing at all seriously. They find great "lulz" in the fact that others do take things seriously. It is one of the largest message boards on the internet, so I would say it represents a decent portion of society as a whole. These are the people who make jokes at others expenses. I think we can both agree that legitimate pedophilia is wrong, I would imagine most members of 4chan who joke about such things would agree as well. However most would assume murder and racism etc. etc. are wrong, yet jokes are still made about these. Nothing is sacred, that's just the way they like it.

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 04:48 AM
While I doubt most pedophiles would use any sort of visual identifiers, I suppose in the internet age there may be a small 'community' of those who would. The thought of pedophiles actually openly communicating and supporting one another is incredibly frightening.

What I find equally frightening are some of the responses to this thread. For jokes about pedophilia to become mainstream or be a 'meme' is absolutely astonishing. I'm glad it only happens on the internet. If I were to hear someone make such remarks in real life, I would not hesitate to gouge their eyes out.

Before I was even a teenager, I had crossed paths with a handful of them myself. I managed to avoid any 'serious' physical violation, but I can say my experiences have left a lasting impression. I believe I am messed up in the head for life.

I have a daughter now and I am constantly suspicious of almost everyone. She's nearly 6 and I have not let anyone babysit her. I'm even reluctant to let my own mother babysit her, because... well, I was HER responsibility as a child and I was not adequately protected.

There are very sick people all over the place. I don't really need to know these signs personally, I trust almost no one as it is.

Originally posted by dalan.

Now, that kind of anger can only be sparked by a subjective experience regarding the aforementioned condition of pedophilia.

I am sorry.

That kind of anger could also be sparked by marrying a woman who has been mentally and emotionally damaged beyond repair by just such an experience.

If you, "dalan." are in fact not a pedophile, I can only hope you will someday have the pleasure of loving a woman whom others have [expletive]'d up. Then I will be sorry for you too, but I'm not right now.

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 04:49 AM
reply to post by muzzleflash

They actually are pedophiles and this is their only way of admitting it.

Im sorry, but have u ever been on 4chan or the /b board for that matter?
By your account this would mean: they are not only pedophiles, they are cannibals, rascist, nazis, infested with STD, gaybashers and what not.

Those boards are filled with the most disgusting topics posted as humorous, and you know what, most teens find this amusing.

Im not saying this is right, im just saying this is the way it is.

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 04:50 AM
Call it being trolled all you want.

1 out of 8 to 1 out of 4 women have been molested as a child.

Fact. Proven. Links are in post above.

That means that a massive amount of people are rapists. Probably over 10% of the male population.

To say I am being trolled, you WISH.

You WISH the facts did not state 15-25% of all women were raped as a child. You WISH!!!

To ignore the obvious and pretend it's a joke is well, ignorant.

posted on May, 7 2010 @ 04:51 AM

Originally posted by Deezey

Im sorry, but have u ever been on 4chan or the /b board for that matter?
By your account this would mean: they are not only pedophiles, they are cannibals, rascist, nazis, infested with STD, gaybashers and what not.

Those boards are filled with the most disgusting topics posted as humorous, and you know what, most teens find this amusing.

Im not saying this is right, im just saying this is the way it is.

Yep it's true.

And all those beecock photos are faked right?


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