Sorry it took so long for me to reply again, as I really am liking this thread so far.
I am kind of glad I took so long to get back, as there are some very very good posts in here as I have starred most of them.
I would like to throw in my piece, if you don't mind.
The United States Inc., to me is an abomination and a usurpation of our rights as individuals and as a nation of peoples.
I would love for nothing more than to see the Corporation dissolved and all of it's employees laid off. They are mostly bums anyways, I mean how long
do things take when you are waiting in line at government offices?? Forever, they just sit around and screw off usually... but I digress...
We need to fire them all, dissolve the Corporation in itself, and repeal absurd legal monstrosities like the U.S. Code. My political view there.
Once that is done, I think that the umbrella of corruption will be lifted, at least a little bit, off our heads and we can begin to say "the stormy
weather is passing."
About the United States of America as an Idea? This is what I am 100% behind. I love the ideals that this nation of peoples has stood for, freedom and
liberty and protecting everyone's liberties. These are ideals I would fight and struggle for, as my forefathers have fought and struggled for
I am a mix of Native American and some European blood, and this gives me 2 separate claims. 1) My forefathers were here for centuries. 2) My other
forefathers fought in the Revolutionary War against the King. (Sons of Liberty)
I know I can never fill the shoes of my ancestors, But I try. I try to stand up for their ideals of freedom and liberty, although some times it may
appear counter-intuitive.
I know that I fall short of their glory; but their spirits tell me, in my heart, that I must fight like they fought. This time my weapons are words
and ideas, rather than arrows or bullets.
I want nothing more than what you want OP; to reclaim our lost glory and re-establish the
Constitution and Bill of Rights as the ultimate and final
law of this land. To control our government and protect citizens from abuses by that government. This is what the entire Constitution is REALLY
about; as I know You Posters here are all too aware.
I believe that anyone willing to learn our customs and ways, and enter our nation Legally, is what we Americans seek for our newfound brethren. I like
you OP, and annoyed by the ILLEGAL issue, as it is very rude of them to spit on our customs and ways of life, and then turn around and condemn them.
They are hypocrites and many of us share disdain for their disregard for our history and values.
Legal Immigration makes this land a better place. But Illegal invasion saps us and harms our well being.
As a compromise, I have always thought we should increase our limits of Legal Immigration by about double; as to stave off some of the problems coming
from the Illegal invasion.
But as I said, I expect all Americans to know the Constitution and the Bill of Rights; I expect them to stand up for them and defend them; as these
documents DEFEND US the PEOPLE! It is an imperative and a necessity.
I apologize that my comments do not reach the standard of quality shown by other members in this thread, as there are some extremely good posts here
and mine certainly fail in comparison to their high grade of quality.
I simply am too flawed an individual to even compare to some of you guys/gals; but I accept that and I learn so much from many of you. I am a student
here, for all intents and purposes.
At the very least, consider my rambling diatribe as merely a subtle bump to this thread, in hopes it does not die off so early.
I would be very happy to see 10 pages form here, with the same quality the first 2 pages exhibit. There are some very intelligent people here and I
must say, I am standing on the shoulders of Giants.
I am humbled in the presence of such Giants.
-Dissolve US Inc.
-Repeal U.S.Code
-Constitution and Bill of Rights are paramount to our progress as a peoples and a society.
-I am willing to stand up, speak out, and fight for these ideals.
I personally do not believe in Corporations anyways.
But I believe in Life, Liberty, and Justice for All. And that Is what America is really about.
Let's reclaim our lost Nation. One mind at a time!