posted on May, 5 2010 @ 09:06 PM
What is weird to me is that my Grandfather liveed to to like a ripe old age while my dad and Uncle passed in the earlier years then my grandpa. Why
does this happen when I see on the T.V. that people are liveing to older and older ages when the oppisite seems to be true, atleast from my point of
I mean shouldn't things get better seeing how we are further in the evoulutionary devolopement of humanity? From my point of view it is the oppisit
and I, forget myself what does I mean to a place that is above human well being. Even if I do somehow keep myself well by eating right things seem to
be for just the ones that have insurance or have cash staked away for that one time, cause the second you would go bankrupt.
All I see is the image of the guy kissing the girl at the end of WWII... Compared to them in the mainstream of life prolonging it seem like we as a
Nation have not progressed as much as it seems...