posted on Feb, 19 2012 @ 12:07 AM
I was going to provide a more in depth update. However, due to a lack of desire and time that I'd like to spend on this at the moment, I thought that
I'd at least provide a brief update.
Sid Deutsch and Steven Rado have provided me with some great information and answers to some questions - some of which I had not even thought to ask.
Alas, both are now deceased. Steven Rado passed away in January. His family has indicated that I am more than welcome to quote some of his work. Sid
Deutsch's family have not exactly stated the same thing, but seem likely to also give me their permission.
I hope to include chapters of their work in a book of which I would produce. I would quote them since there is no point in re-inventing the wheel.
Also, there have been a few documentaries that have also provided some great leads and information. The Aether, aka FOS, seems ever more likely to be
accepted by everyone. Due in part to the rise of dark energy, and dark matter, taking on the characteristics of an aether in everyway except in name.
Its just a matter of time.
Currently I've been attempting to work on a mathematical model of the atom. I've acquired a mathematical program, and a 3D model of gravitational
orbits written for this program, that can easily be converted to an atomic model. I've just been struggling with the mathematics and made some
attempt to find a "cheap" mathematician for hire. Time and money is, as always, an issue. Even though I was an A student when it came to calculus
and mathematics, developing a mathematically precise model is somewhat challenging. A lack of some of the empirical data that would make this easier
is also not helping matters.
With some luck I will make contact with a mathematician who can help me with some of the mathematics. Or luck out and figure out what I need to on my
own. Although part of my challenge is sometimes just finding the time for all of this.
More importantly the atomic model I'm working on not only appears to be useful in nuclear fission and fusion models, likely giving rise to a useful
lead in fusion reactions, but it also Unifies and answers how and why there are differences between classical and quantum mechanics.
It may be months before I update this site again.