- Part 2 of 6 -
But what advantage could there be to an ether based model. The main reason is that the F-M vortex electron model can account for nearly all of the
observed phenomenon in physics. This is do mostly to the fact that it reduces down the known fundamental forces to just one - Electro-magnetism. Time
and time again we have found that Occam's razor applies when two theories try to explain the same thing. The simpler model usually turns out to have
the most solid evidence to support it as being more plausible.
It is more than just a contradiction to say that the aether does not exist then show that empty space has measurable properties. Some might say that
these properties might be due to the presence of all the non-matter that is not detectable any other way. New exotic particles that have replaced the
ether in order to make the most popular model work. Why then does empty space have measurable properties? Few would dispute its dielectric constant,
permeability, and impedance.
Instead of an Aether we now have the following to replace it:
- Dark Energy
- Dark Matter
- Gauge Bosons
- Super Strings
- And conveniently enough virtual photons & other virtual particles that come into existence when needed.
But No aether! As that would just be crazy talk, because that would just make the universe too complicated. Not!
The F-M Vortex-Electron model, along with Plasma Physics based models like those from Eric J Lerner's group (4), show that these other hypothetical
phenomenon are not needed. Only the aether and electro-magnetism are needed.
In summary:
- Black Holes: observed electromagnetic filaments and gravitational activity at galactic cores are better explained via plasma physics
- Dark Energy: there are alternate explanations for the observed Red-Shift
- Dark Matter: believed to account for Galactic clusters that should not be held together by gravity alone, but removing the galactic interlopers
[those actually behind and in front of the clusters] shows that gravity alone can account for these systems
- Gauge Bosons: believed to be the fundamental particles of force exchange between bodies. Note that the force is not actually explained as in
how-it-works, instead they just assign a new particle to pass it on
- Gluons: indirectly involved with the binding of protons and neutrons together in atomic nuclei. Not needed since high energy electrons can account
for the observed effects. EOC [electron orbital capture] shows that electrons can and do enter nuclei
- Gravitons: the vortex dynamics and its affects upon the aether around the standing waves we call protons generate a gradient of FOS that electrons
are attracted to and interact with
- Super Strings: no need to talk about the different harmonics of strings to determine the different fundamental forces of nature
- Virtual Particles: are viewed as the quanta that describe fields of the basic force interactions, which cannot be described in terms of real
particles. Like static force fields, such as electric and magnetic fields
- Virtual Photons: photons are believed not to exist until needed or drawn out of the dark energy of space. The FM vortex electron models shows that
electrons carry, or push, ether and dump, or displace it, as photons