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Is this the biggest "no-brainer" in US History?

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posted on May, 5 2010 @ 11:13 PM

Originally posted by Plan2exist18
my motto is "It is not profiling, unless you guess wrong!"

...well, theres proof that nazis havent gone extinct...

Originally posted by Plan2exist18
She raised them speaking English

...jeez, another one with their panties in a wad because they were raised to honor the language of england over the language of spain...

Originally posted by Plan2exist18
If you are asked to see your papers, and you cannot do so, this is NOT racial profiling. I am white, (1/4th Brazilian as stated before), and if I was asked to prove my legal status, and i could not do so, it is my countries damn right to hold me until I can, and i would not object. this is your idea of a joke?... if so, its a stupid one...

posted on May, 5 2010 @ 11:17 PM

My first Wife was Black and my Daughter is the same Race as Obama.

What race is Obama? Has he told us yet?

posted on May, 5 2010 @ 11:23 PM
reply to post by Wyn Hawks

Such a weak argument. It's like going to pick strawberries and picking mushrooms instead. If a Latino is seen committing a crime do you round up the Asians? It is not profiling if they are breaking the law. Ask a legal immigrant and they tend to be more than happy to prove they are. The biggest complaining seems to from the illegals, they should have been arrested then since the freedom of speech is given to US citizens.

posted on May, 5 2010 @ 11:24 PM

...jeez, another one with their panties in a wad because they were raised to honor the language of england over the language of spain...

Im going to ignore the Nazi comment, and if you think that the Spanish thats here in the US is Spain and not Mexican (yes theres a BIG difference) then you need damn help. And its not the language of English my uneducated friend, it is the language of England and THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, and its an national language! this is your idea of a joke?... if so, its a stupid one...

and no sir, my idea of a joke is people like you. Go to a Middle East country and try to stay a while and see what happens when you cant show papers, remember the American hikers they captured in Iran? STILL THERE

posted on May, 5 2010 @ 11:36 PM
The head of the Mecklenburg Sheriff's Dept (which is the county in which Charlotte, NC is located) has publicly stated that 6 out of 10 criminals busted daily in Charlotte/Mecklenburg are Mexican illegal aliens who are committing crimes ranging from identity theft to robbery to DUI to homicide — yes, they are killing American citizens — and yet these criminals go through a revolving-door system that deports them and sees them right back on the same streets within a matter of weeks.

Unlicensed Mexican illegal aliens are driving cars, drinking while driving, and killing whole families on our nation's highways, and not only in Charlotte, NC.

This has happened many times in Charlotte over the past few years, and it's happening all over the country. It's indefensible.

— Doc Velocity

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 01:56 PM
I am in no way defending the actions of this drunk driver. That said, the reason I oppose profiling is not because I support illegal immigration. (I don't support anything illegal. There are things I wish weren't illegal in the first place, and I often express opinions to that effect, but I don't "support" illegal activities, including illegal immigration.)

The reason I oppose profiling is because it can be equally applied to citizens and non-citizens alike, and according to the Fourth Amendment:

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

(Emphasis mine.)

In my opinion, asking people to prove their citizenship by producing documentation based solely upon their ethnic appearance (i.e. before knowing whether they are citizens or not) constitutes illegal search and seizure, as it does not rise to the level of probable cause, and is a search violating the right to remain secure in their papers.

Yes, I know that under the law non-citizens do not enjoy those legal rights. However it is a slippery slope in my opinion to justify the potential search of citizens without probable cause just because they may or may not be citizens.

[edit on 5/6/2010 by AceWombat04]

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 02:04 PM
while I am not a supporter of this AZ bill, I will say this:

the immigrants who come here who act like douches, break laws, and generally have tax payer money spent on them in some way don't deserve to be here. It's a slap in the face to anyone who has jumped through the hoops to become a citizen.

[edit on 6-5-2010 by piddles]

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 02:05 PM
The real Illegals are white people.
White people stole The Natives and Hispanics lands, enslaved them, killed them and wiped out their culture and history.

I say round up all the Illegals (white people) send them back where they came from (Caucasus Mountains) so the Legals can rule and have their land without Illegal white invaders screwing up the place.

[edit on 6-5-2010 by End Of Babylon]

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 02:12 PM
reply to post by End Of Babylon

The same could be said for any country around the world. How do we know exacly who was where, first?

That is why laws were enacted, to keep things running, in a way which is a foundation. You have a people paying taxes for that reason, to maintain a structure.

You might as well say this about every nation in the world.

Have you ever seen a movie called, "Lord of the Flies?"

It shows how stucture and rules must be applied, or, else!

edit to add:

Actually, read the book. It was required reading for me, in elementary school!

[edit on 6-5-2010 by Blanca Rose]

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 02:16 PM
Even though children born in the USA become citizens by law, they should make exceptions to children of illegal immigrants.

That way, their children would be born stateless (wouldn't be granted US citizen status and wouldn't qualify for citizen status from their "home" country as they weren't born there), and hopefully there could be changes made that the state won't help with expenses such as child tax credits, education, and health care.

If their children become stateless, hopefully this would discourage illegals from coming here to have kids.

The Arizona bill has my full support. I'd also like to nominate Sherrif Joe Arpaio for Federal Secretary of Homeland Security!

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 02:20 PM

Originally posted by Plan2exist18
oh wow you are seriously kidding me right?
< < content deleted for space > >
READ ANY STORY ABOUT ARMIES THAT ARE FOUGHT BY PEOPLE NOT LOYAL TO THEIR COUNTRY THEY ARE FIGHTING FOR!! THEY LOSE!! Drafting illegal immigrants into the army, (which would be hard because they never pay a damn thing so their name isnt in our records) is putting them into a fight that they dont want to fight for. And if that war turns against their benefits and home country, what do you think they will do.


You need to get get a dictionary and look up the word "sarcasm" or even "satire". And then if you still don't see it, then ... well the mind boggles.

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 02:21 PM
reply to post by End Of Babylon

Yes, because as we all know, what is now Central and South America were founded and developed by peace-loving Spanish conquistadors who had nothing but the best interests of the existing natives at heart

This argument is tired. Every civilized nation on Earth owes its existence in part to conquest and opression...

Regardless, that doesn't change the fact that this thread was started because an illegal immigrant with no sense of respect for this country or its laws, who is a habitual offender and has been deported numerous times, got tanked behind the wheel yet again and killed someone. Try at the very least to keep it on topic.

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 02:24 PM

Originally posted by antonia

Originally posted by Plan2exist18

Nay Sayers to SB1070? Explain to me ONE way that ILLEGAL immigration (not legal) benefits our country,

You are showing an example of one illegal killing someone while driving under the influence. You do realize hundreds of legal citizens are killed by other legal citizens in DUI's every year?

It's a little messed up to sit there and tie being against Arizona's bill as somehow being dismissive of crimes committed by illegals. I don't really care about the bill in all honesty, but I don't feel these people who are against it should have to explain one whit of their feelings to you no matter how many drunk driving stories you post.

I would disagree completely. I do feel that people who are against the bill should have to explain their feelings as to why they are against it. That is what we call debate and discussion on a topic and thats how you get things done.

Let me pose a question...

If I come to your home and ask to use your restroom, you show me where it is at and I use your facilities. One week later you come to my home and ask to use my restroom, but I tell you "no, you can not use my restroom because you do not live here" would you consider that fair?

Once you answer the above question, take a look at Mexico's immigration policy and compare that to America's and again I ask... do you consider that fair?

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you

Some of us call that the "Golden Rule" and I think it is a very true statement. If you treat others like crap, you should expect to be treated like crap. If you treat others with respect, you should receive that same respect in return.

Now let's apply that "Golden Rule" to both countries. I can not illegally enter Mexico and be permitted to protest, wave an American flag, receive any kind of government assistance. So why can people from Mexico come into the US illegally and protest, wave a Mexican flag, and receive government assistance? Do you really think that is fair?

My solution to immigration is pretty simple... the US should match Mexico's policy word for word. When Mexico changes their policy, then the US can change it's policy to match.

Do unto others....

[edit on 6-5-2010 by MrWendal]

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 02:31 PM
reply to post by antonia

There are plenty of more cases where American citizens have been killed due to an illegal immigrant. Whether it be murder, drunk driving, what ever. The truth is, our federal government does not care about illegal immigration. They do not care about us. All they care about is rubbing the back of other politicians and leaders in other countries and likewise for them.

Students were suspended from a California high school on May 5th for wearing a shirt with the American flag and wearing an American flag bandanna after the Vice Principal told them to remove the bandanna and turn the shirt inside out. We have the news blaming the economy for what this recent potential terrorist did in NYC.

We are at war with ideologies, with people that have evil plans while thinking they are doing good for mankind. William Cooper was right and now it's too late.

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 02:32 PM

Originally posted by Wyn Hawks

Originally posted by Plan2exist18
She raised them speaking English

...jeez, another one with their panties in a wad because they were raised to honor the language of england over the language of spain...

I am the son of an Immigrant as well. I was raised in the US and I was taught to speak English. It has nothing to do with "honoring a language", I was taught this way because I live in a country that speaks freakin English!!!

If I go to France, and I do not speak French, should I get upset if I can not order a Cheeseburger? Of course not!! You can not expect a whole country to conform to your needs. If I had even half a brain, common sense would have told me that if I want to order a cheeseburger while in France, it would be a pretty good idea to be able to speak French.

If I go to Mexico and need to fill out some forms... guess what? By law they do not have to provide English written documents for me. So please tell me again why in the US we not only supply forms written in Spanish, but are required to have them available by law?

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 02:32 PM

Originally posted by Blanca Rose
reply to post by End Of Babylon

The same could be said for any country around the world. How do we know exacly who was where, first?

That is why laws were enacted, to keep things running, in a way which is a foundation. You have a people paying taxes for that reason, to maintain a structure.

You might as well say this about every nation in the world.

Have you ever seen a movie called, "Lord of the Flies?"

It shows how stucture and rules must be applied, or, else!

edit to add:

Actually, read the book. It was required reading for me, in elementary school!

Yeah I read that kid's book in grade school and I saw the movie.
It sucks.

Talking about Laws?

What about the 300+ laws the Natives agreed upon with the Whites living in their land when whites went a head and broke every single one of them and then stole the whole continent and tossed them in ghettos?

But no, sorry if you think stealing an entire continent, enslaving and killing over 400 million Natives, Hispanics and Negros and wiping out their history and culture "can be said for any country around the world" your wrong.

I was being generous by not including over production of the Earth resources and polluting the planet and making the world a living hell for just about everyone else.

Instead of telling Mexicans to go home(this is their home), white people should look at themselves first and tell themselves to "Go Home".

Since white people don't like Hispanics using their own land and not paying taxes to the rich white leaders(paying taxes in their own land? white people should be paying taxes to the people they enslaved and took land from)
then whites are free to go back to where they came from.

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 02:35 PM
reply to post by MrWendal

Any other countries you would like to try this method with? Maybe we could start using techniques like terrorism, torture, assassination, chemical warfare and genocide more openly and aggressively.

I'm all for it, as long as you're prepared to take on the whole world.

All in all, I'd rather live in a country that so awesome that people risk their lives trying to get in instead of one so oppressive where people risk their lives trying to get out.

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 02:42 PM

Originally posted by Legion2112
reply to post by End Of Babylon

Yes, because as we all know, what is now Central and South America were founded and developed by peace-loving Spanish conquistadors who had nothing but the best interests of the existing natives at heart

This argument is tired. Every civilized nation on Earth owes its existence in part to conquest and opression...

Regardless, that doesn't change the fact that this thread was started because an illegal immigrant with no sense of respect for this country or its laws, who is a habitual offender and has been deported numerous times, got tanked behind the wheel yet again and killed someone. Try at the very least to keep it on topic.

Wait a sec? You think the Spanish conquers are Hispanics?
The Spaniards were white people. Hispanics are Natives that were already living in the land before white people came to slaughter.

Hispanics / Natives are the same people, they came to the Western Hemisphere at the same time. Calling them Natives and Hispanics was just another label attempt to split them apart during slavery and standard when culture wiping.
The whole continent was stolen, the people conquered and oppressed.

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 02:43 PM

Originally posted by End Of Babylon

Talking about Laws?

What about the 300+ laws the Natives agreed upon with the Whites living in their land when whites went a head and broke every single one of them and then stole the whole continent and tossed them in ghettos?

But no, sorry if you think stealing an entire continent, enslaving and killing over 400 million Natives, Hispanics and Negros and wiping out their history and culture "can be said for any country around the world" your wrong.

You speak as if native south and north Americans didn't fight with each other, but they did. It was the Spaniards that came to South America and the Mexicans are a mix of Spanish blood. They are not full blooded native American. This is not 'their land'. There is even evidence that there were white people in southern America before the natives.

Originally posted by End Of BabylonI was being generous by not including over production of the Earth resources and polluting the planet and making the world a living hell for just about everyone else.

Yeah, it's not like China is one of the world's biggest polluters. It's all the 'white people's ' fault. We're also responsible for Africa. We're responsible for all the drugs and whores in South America. We're responsible for the corruption in Mexico. We're responsible for it all.

Originally posted by End Of Babylon]Since white people don't like Hispanics using their own land and not paying taxes to the rich white leaders(paying taxes in their own land? white people should be paying taxes to the people they enslaved and took land from)
then whites are free to go back to where they came from.

None of the white people alive today owned slaves you idiot. You want to talk about murder and enslavement? There is murder and enslavement of some form going on day after day in South America. Human trafficking, the drug cartels and on and on. You've done nothing but show your great ignorance.

posted on May, 6 2010 @ 03:01 PM
reply to post by End Of Babylon

I'm not getting drawn into your attempt to derail this thread. If you want to think that modern day Latin Americans and native South Americans from 500+ years ago were/ are the same people go right ahead. In any case it's irrelevant and has nothing to do with the thread.

If you want to address the here and now, where an illegal immigrant, convicted and deported multiple times, can get tanked behind the wheel with seeming impunity and kill someone I'm all ears. If not, go troll somewhere else.

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