reply to post by imans
the point is what ones cannot see themselves wholly, but they are always the maximum positive free there while they cannot admit it really, since
logically they are of objective void source life, which before being else reason is void which mean nothing positive realisitically
so that is why what you see being positive more then you is more you then you can see yourself, what you perceive becomes your mirror way
but mirror as image meaning from truth not a pretense or invention of positive objective self, that is how it leads to objective truth that you as
subject is totally out free from, and this objective truth is the objective one life same all
but it is not individuals lives, individuals lives are the superficial moves result out of all reality result life and substancial move as the living
source of that objective self free reality
when objective truth is the free sense of being more source
then each one is that move for being more relative truth
like for some being more is the rerproduction opportunity and eternities
for others being more is realizing what they consider objectively as more
in the true sense of being more not being you, but else that is more and you a reality move with that mean an evolution to more sense objectively
but meaning the more more not you the being will
so even there you see how truth is and why it is the source of so much confusions and evil wrong translations reality and so much difference
perspective that are not wrong too but in levels and dimensions of same truth
so being more source, are the livings from realizing subjective perspective of their reality being better, to livings from realizing objective source
of what would be always better
all those are livings right in a certain perspective of truth life but individually they are them unik, so necessarly in levels but noone would say
it, because truth set reality truth not their sources, that what hurt everyone by that sense of being alone at a certain point of being true living
but it would be less painful when people reach in truth to realize themselves life then as i said in the previous post they could mean others
subjective means from their objective realisations in objective way that would support their pains positively by meaning its existence so it can be
free in positive truth too that is always of free life dimension
so this is the point sorry regent leo, i cannot stop lols, just the last point it is very fundamental one
you need to see similarity to move positively in freedom out, the sense of freedom is all what is but it is from reminding you how you are objectively
too, so you move in saying o yea i am also that free
and that is why it becomes so positive always from of course that perspective of truth, because what is objective is also you and your free sense
living is you more but then you cannot hurt anything or be negative to it is always related directly to what is similar to you in depth of being u
but that objective truth is not anyone, it is simply objective truth of moves positive drives absolute life that cannot then suffer of any dust
while everyone as anyone is the living out of truth confirming it relatively and having a perspective on or about themselves subjectively free
that is why truth set that it is free, and all awareness there of that realisation should find their freedom sense in objective truth reality
and the fact that gods loved the opportunity of truth made the fact that who meant truth too is simply that one and nothing else while meaning more
himself out of it as free nothing meaning understanding truth mean