posted on May, 5 2010 @ 03:00 PM
National Security Archives letter, part of a girft from Boris Yeltsin to Bill
A letter from Lee Harvey Oswald, who assassinated U.S. President John F. Kennedy on Nov. 22, 1963, asking for citizenship from the Soviet
I Lee Harvey Oswald, request that I be granted citizenship in the Soviet Union, my visa began on Oct. 15, and will expire on Oct. 21, I must be
granted asylum before this date. [Unreadable] I wait for the citizenship decision. At present I am a citizen of the United States of America. I want
citizenship because; I am a communist and a worker, I have lived in a decadent capitalist society where the workers are slaves. I am twenty years
old, I have completed three years in the United States Marine Corps, I served with the occupation forces in Japan, I have seen American military
imperialism in all its forms, I do not want to return to any country outside of the Soviet Union. I am writing to give up my American citizenship and
assume the responsibilities of a Soviet citizen. I had saved my money which I earned as a private in the American military for two years, in order to
come to Russia for the express purpose of seeking citizenship here. I do not have enough money left to live indefintly [sic] here, or to return to any
other country. I have no desire to return to any other country. I ask that my request be given quick consideration. Sincerly[sic], Lee H. Oswald
pdf file of original letter:
Lee Harvey Oswald in his backyard, holding a rifle and a copy of The
Militant in 1963.
This story just gave me the willies. This puts the whole story in more reality for me. This guy was a nutbag for sure. What suckers all those
people who thought they would have a better life in the USSR-after leaving/defecting from the West.
The photo of Oswald is from the same year as this letter. errieee for me. So, was it a one guy invovled assination or a full-blown Russian/KGB
operation? Mafia? We may never know. If they did recruit Oswald for whatever part he played, they did what they were assigned/paid to do, well.
Seems like they picked the perfect rube to use.
[edit on 5/5/2010 by anon72]