reply to post by CX
Very clever visual analogy.... ( burns my eyes!!!
But, as GEL, up above, pointed IS the "Red Eye" show, so not so much even attempting to even be 'fake' news, just blah-blah-blah-talk
(Oh, but that is the very definition of Fox "news", usually, even when they ARE trying to be 'serious'....)
Has been repeatedly shown that the Fox "news" programs are nothing other than mouthpieces of propaganda, mostly for the "right" side of a certain
political party in the USA. (That would be the 'GOP')....
Even Roger Ailes (grand Pooh-Bah and founder) has admitted it.
I was particularly amused, last week, by a full-page newspaper advert spread by Fox, touting their "news" team..... with photos of the 'team', to
include, of all people Bill O'Reilly...along with Sean Hannity....BOTH (just two, for example) who will flip/flop back and forth, as to whether they
are "newsmen", or "commentators"...
Really, funny, if it wasn't so tragic.....
BUT...sinking to a new low (as if that's even
possible, at this point, by 'dissing' Dan Akroyd?
(Guessing it follows from their already written "playbook" that labels ANYONE from Hollywood as some sort of --- in their 'view' --- nutjob to
start with, regardless of the topic. Oh, 'Moses" himself, NRA chief Charlton Heston, and his Angelina Jolie's father, excepted of
[edit on 5 May 2010 by weedwhacker]