posted on May, 6 2010 @ 05:17 PM
Thank you you so so much for solving this for me. I was about to do a thread on this but thought I'd better check first. Me and my other half were
scratching our heads as to what it was. We figured it was a satellite of some sort, it just seemed too bright (as bright as Venus) from the normal
satellite's we'd observed. He initially thought it was a plane but I pointed out there was no usual blinky lights.
Spotted it yesterday and today (5/5/2010 and 6/5/2010) at 22.40ish and 21.25ish respectively heading across Canterbury, Kent.
Nice one on getting a video of it, my phone's camera is too poo to take anything decent
- Phoenix
Edit: Just checked heavens-above for Canterbury and it pretty much matches with the times we saw. Another yummy website to add to faves
Thank you
[edit on 6-5-2010 by phoenix_zephyr]