posted on May, 5 2010 @ 07:11 AM
For some time now and quite frequently I must add, I have been seeing what I call UFO's. I call them UFO's because I cannot identify them. I know
what our known aircraft looks like in the night sky. These are not them.
I know that there are many who are seeing such things and sorry for being redundant in reporting this again here on ATS but there is one thing that I
find peculiar that I have not found that others are reporting.
It is the time in which I am seeing these. It seems that the majority of the sitings are occuring at twilight too an hour or so past or
an hour or so too sunrise. I have not seen any UFO's during the daylight hours and maybe 2 or 3 during the night. However, it is during the times
I mentioned above that I see these UFO's every day!!!!!!
It seems to me there is a higher chance of seeing these UFO's just before sunrise or just after sunset. Maybe these aliens are thinking that us
stupid humans are just too busy in the morning or in the evening to be looking up in the sky. We do tend to be looking down at the ground alot when
we walk!
Anyone else notice this?